HyperLobby Online System

New version 3.6.68
Date: Thursday, July 01, 2004 @ 21:16:46 CEST
Topic: HyperLobby

New Features:
- Static ignore list. List of ignored users is saved to the file, so when i got a report for banning i will ban both sides ;)
- Autoreconnect for game sessions in progress, so no more manual reconnect for dedicated machines when is the main HL server restarted, or when connection to the server fail.
- Server list scrollbar.
- Removed Jane's WW2 Fighters antichet tester
- Added dynamic competition rooms configuration.

- Fixed runtime 340 error.
- some other ...

- Because the competition rooms was chaotic i have removed all the extra rooms. But dont worry. This new version featuring dynamic room configuration, so all the rooms come back in short time, without new HL version requirements !

To add a competition room in to HL i need an application from the competition mantainer, that must be posted in to the "Online competitons" forum ...

Direct forum link is here:


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