Hello All !
I have some great news for everyone using the HyperLobby online system and its website. First of all i finnally upgraded the php-nuke to the latest available version. Now i using another hosting system ( http://hyperfighter.sk ) givig for me more phantasy as before, and especially i have done great contract with a company than making products needed especially for all us flightsim enthusiasts ! What a product ? stay tuned ! :)
I have made big amnesty for all banned users. I hope that all from they will not finish they online career back in the jail .... :(
Regarding the website, new version of my favorite CMS allowed me to use more website themes as before. I have choiced new default theme, but when you are registered user you can choice your own favorite, include the old one:

If you not like any from that list, lets contact me with your customized themes :)
I have changet my identity at HL website (not the lobby) from JG27*Hyper to Jiri-Fojtasek. My email remain hidden, but i want change it soon as posible (the antispam solutions are now 110% effective)...
Iam happy with all that changes, and its my general reason why i doing what i doing for this, just little project :)