New 2.1.56 version and more
HyperLobbyHello all;
As i see no more bugs from previous version are reported (sorry for users that dont know use e-mail and not reading the HL FAQ section how can send bugreport).
For this i publishing new improved version of the HL...
New features:
-Native support for the Roger Wilco (RW) voice communication program. You can send invitation to RW voice session by popup menu over user name from pilot list. User that is invited receive special formated pager message with join button. This style avoiding not wanted ip address expose ...
-Chat messages for game host is displayed in JCN style (User [Host - MISSION 1] > xxxx ).
-Pager ignore feature (common with chat).
-Then game launch, HL window is minimized and some graphics component of the UI is unallocated. This can save 4% of system resources. HL typicaly use over 10% of system resources (only GDI).
-New pager messages is indicated in traybar with HL icon.

-Fixed file swap WWII Fighters anticheater bug.
-Fixed over ten pager bugs (include runtime error 13).
-Fixed few minor bugs.

-Lags. Some peoples thinking about lags in HL. HL only synchronise game launch and not affecting performance betwen joined players. After game launch HL not create any more communication betwen HL host. Only 3 bytes heartbeat is received from the server every 5 minutes.
-How you can avoid lags.
1./ Fly with users that not have latency under 2 green
2./ Do not use PCI based analog modems and do not fly with users that have it. PCI based modems are software modems, uses computer CPU for work. Games are intensive CPU application and pci based modems require fine timing for correct work. This is done if you browsing the internet and loading emails but no if you play the game. Power of the CPU not affecting fine work of these modems ...
3./ Close all not required internet communication programs include web browser (some web sites automaticaly refreshing page contens and email programs automaticaly checking for new emails ...).
4./ At the internet exists some "optimalizations" guides and tweaking programs. Some from it not speeding up your computer (in some cases slowing). Be carefull with tweaking programs ...

Suggestions from users:
I was receive from Don Thursby (Niles/ACG) this great idea how we can overcome JCN closeout:

This game is old, and we seem to be at the twilight of this war in the Ardennes. I fear that the rumble we hear in the distance is not artillery or bombs, but a springtime thunderstorm. Soon there will be flowers blooming all over this war torn landscape. What can we do to prolong or bring new life to this game? It seems a squad war is out of the question, because the population flow is still out. We need new blood, newbies, to continue to come and play. I have come up with an idea that may help, but this plan will take an effort from everyone who plays here, not just a few. I have printed up some business cards, they read as follows:

Attention Jane's Combat Simulation Fans
All of Jane's simulations are still playable online
through HyperLobby. You have to download
the HyperLobby Client program at:
Where the battle still rages.

The plan is to distribute these cards at CompUSA, Babbages, Electronics Boutique, and anywhere else this game is sold. I will talk to the store manager and ask him to display this card next to the price tags of their games. A simple business card is short, sweet, to the point and unobtrusive. If we present the case that this will not only help us, but help these business owners sell their games, they should go along with it. And a nice thing about this is it's not going to cost us anything. Whenever anyone goes to the computer store, they just drop off a couple of cards to display. If most everyone in HyperLobby does this, we can have this country covered at the store fronts and check out stands, where it counts, in no time. Please consider this plan in your next transmission to the squad.

... great idea. Thanks Don.

Have fun all.

Jiri Fojtasek a.k.a JG27_Hyper
Posted on Sunday, June 03, 2001 @ 20:42:46 CEST by JG27*Hyper