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 New version 3.1.40, New website and New forum
HyperLobbyHello All

New third version of the HyperLobby series coming out. After months of hard work of my betatesters (and me), coming time to publish it. Change is also new website design using cool PHP Nuke publishing enviroment. But one strange rummor is here, its complette loss of the forum database. It was caused by a failure at the server, and my failure with not much offten backups :( ... Whats new ? Read more ...
Hello All

New third version of the HyperLobby series coming out. After months of hard work of my betatesters (and me), coming time to publish it. Change is also new website design using cool PHP Nuke publishing enviroment. But one strange rummor is here, its complette loss of the forum database. It was caused by a failure at the server, and my failure with not much offten backups :( ... Whats new ? Read more ...

HyperLobby get some general changes with the user interface and functionality. Also was fixed some bugs regarding the 2.x series. The general change is a simply friendlist and posting/retrieving informations of the host, before is the game started :). IL2 Sturmovik room get also feature setup/retrieve the Difficulty settings, whishs is synchronized with IL2 game ... Here is short list of new features and bugfixes:

New Features:
-Changet user interface layout and functionality
-Game launch slots up to 32 players
-Simply Friend list:
show friend status (in game, in room, hosting game, use a game launch slot)
show friend change status events in to chat
chat, pagers and game slots from friend with diferent color
-New layout of the Games In Progress (friends at top, passwordet servers at bottom,removed direct launch buttons)
-Half dividet game slots background color
-Send and Retrieve informations about the game before its started
-Game description up to 64 characters (before was 28)
-Addet some chat commands than replaces the Ping, Stop and Clear buttons, and some keyboard shortcuts (type /h in to chat to show it, /b to maximize the chat window)
-Instant switching betwen games without reconnecting
-Player counters in game selector
-Detailed Diffyculty settings for IL2 game
-Autoconnect when HL start
-Game slots is showed for all games, but game must be instaled when you want use a game slot.

General bugfixes:
-Improved searching in the game location dialog
-Fixed some major Pager bugs regarding performance and missed messages
-Fixed few server bugs
-Some other minor bugfixes ...

When you want install HyperLobby 3.1.40 i highly recomendet to uninstal your current 2.x version. 3.x alpha version get upgradet. HyperLobby getting also new manual, whish will get improved. The rummor is that i have lost the whole forum database with all users registrations. You can feel free to register to the forums. The backup system is completly reworked, it mean any more general failures :). Improved is the links section where you can posts link in to virtual squadrons websites, fansites, and some other related categories :) The link posts are queued and confirmed by me to show in the sections. I have started also an affileate program for exchange a link buttons. When you are interested contact me by PM (private message) ...

Have you a comments ? Post it here :)

Jiri Fojtasek a.k.a JG27*Hyper
Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 @ 22:02:03 CET by JG27*Hyper

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IL-2 Cliffs of Dover0
Dangerous Waters0
Pacific Fighters0
Wings Over Vietnam0
Lock On0
IL-2 Sturmovik 194614
Strike Fighters: P10
Fighter Squadron0
Flanker 2.50
Falcon 4.0 A.F.0
Medal Of Honor...0
Operation Flashpoint0
IL-2 Sturmovik0
IL-2 Sturmovik DEMO0
European Air War0
CFS 20
Free Chat0
Fleet Comander0
Fighters Anthology0
WWII Fighters0

Total: 14 players