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Donate to support future development and hosting of the HyperLobby

Make donations with PayPal!

Due date: Mar 31
March goal: 150.00
Total receipts: 0.00
Transaction fees: 0.00
Net balance: 0.00
Bellow goal: 150.00
Site currency: USD

March donations:


Mission4Today is undergoing maintenance

Does Hyperlobby now require Steam?

Happy New Year !!!

SimHQ has moved

Fighters Anthology

Alternative HyperLobby

Happy Holidays

Dear HyperLobby Members

I appreciate your questions regarding, and interest in, donating money to HyperLobby online system. As you know, HyperLobby is a free online gaming system with a ten year history and a strong community backing. HyperLobby is primarily designed to support online flight simulation and some other online games.

It's becoming increasingly more costly keeping Hyperlobby running. The expenses with maintaining the website, development and hosting, and keeping current with the necessary hardware and software keep going up. This means that I must ask for your help with sharing these costs of HyperLobby. Any member wishing to contribute to HyperLobby will be greatly appreciated. The servers and bandwidth are not donated and I must pay those bills every month to keep things going. For those of you who can, I ask that you make a monetary contribution in whatever amount you'd like. Every little bit counts.

This money will be used to pay HyperLobby hosting and domain costs, and needed technology upgrades such as hardware and software. If you wish to support the HyperLobby online system, you can make a quick donation by choosing one of the default or custom donation options listed below.

Jiri Fojtasek,
HyperLobby author and maintainer

Make a Donation

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Thanking our generous donors
Name Amount     Date