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HyperLobby release notes

Author: Jiri Fojtasek. 60930 Reads
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Changes in 4.3.5 (release)
Whats new:

  • Added new difficulty settings for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 introduced in 4.13m patch.

Changes in 4.3.4 (release)
Whats new:

  • Adjusted difficulty settings for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 introduced in 4.12m patch.

Changes in 4.3.3 (release)
Whats new:

  • Added new difficulty settings for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 introduced in 4.12m patch.

 Changes in 4.3.2 (release)
Whats new:

  • Revision bumped for release.

Changes in 4.3.1 (closed beta)
Bug fixes:

  • Added missing difficulty settings for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.11m (No Carrier Views)
  • When changing difficulty settings "Maximum players" list was populated incorrectly

Changes in 4.3.0 (closed beta)
Whats new:

  • Added new difficulty settings for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 introduced in 4.11m patch

Changes in 4.2.16 (open beta)
Whats new:

  • (IL2CLOD) Dedicated server password settings

Bug fixes:

  • (IL2CLOD) Do not change mission name and description in hosting mode
  • (IL2CLOD) Autostart also steam in dedicated server autostart mode
  • (IL2CLOD) Issues with Games in progress sorting filter for password protected dedicated server 

Changes in 4.2.15 (open beta)
Whats new:

  • Initial support for game IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover.

Bug fixes:

  • Adjusted some needs and fixed lots of isues we have found during closed betatest.

Changes in 4.2.14 (closed beta)
Whats new:

  • Initial support for game IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover.

Changes in 4.2.13 (release)
Whats new:

  • Update difficulty and localPort settings for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 dedicated server.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed default difficulty settings constants (Easy, Normal, Realistic) for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946.

Changes in 4.2.12 (release)
Whats new:

  • Added six new difficulty settings for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 introduced in 4.10m patch:
    Real. Pilot Vulnerability
    No Player Icon
    G-force Limits
    Real. Navigation Instruments
    No Fog Of War Icons

Changes in 4.2.11 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Do not show gameinfo popup when a mouse button is down. This will fix unwanted gameinfo popup during scrolling player lists with scrollbar

Changes in 4.2.10 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Friend list has not been cleared after room change.
  • Slotkick has been issued when ignored user tried to use other game session. It was generated strange looking error messages from the server.
  • When user is unignored his name may begin with character ?
  • User from friendlist cannot be ignored anymore.
  • Ignored user cannot be added in to your friendlist anymore.
  • Save friendlist and ignorelist immediatly after its changed. It will prevent friendlist and ignorelist loss when HL or system crash.
  • Mouse icon missing over player name in chat.
  • Optimized network API.
  • Fixed startup and profile selection sequence.
  • Fixed several exploits.

Changes in 4.2.9 (release)
Whats new:

  • HL now can autostart game in to server mode via commandline option -a. First time you need setup game server options by classic way, then close HL and start it with -a parameter. HL connect to the HL server, register game session and autostart the game in to server mode. When the game exit , HL close itself. This feature is for example usefull to automatically run IL2 dedicated server within HL. This mode is compatible also with instancing.

Changes in 4.2.8 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • When DNS service fail HL will hung during reconnect session.
  • Under poor network connection condition or HL server outage HL can leak socket handles during reconnect session.
  • When user game end HL may fail reconnect back to HL server.

Changes in 4.2.7 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Pager messages do not accept newlines.

Changes in 4.2.6 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Input containing non ascii characters causes HL crash.

Changes in 4.2.5 (release)
Whats new:

  • Popup menu have new submenu Options. Via Options menu you can show offline friends, disable friends status messages or disable automatic gameinfo.
  • Added chat configuration interface. It allow configuration of any HL configuration values by a simple chat command. The commands are:

    /qc <item> - show value of <item> in [Configuration] section, example /qc scale will show actual scalling value
    /sc <item>=<value> - set <value> of <item> in [Configuration] section, example /sc scale=1.25 set scale value to 1.25
    /qg <item> - show value of <item> in curent game section, example /qc joinDelay will show time in seconds HL waiting before client session start
    /sg <item>=<value> - set <value> of <item> in curent game section, example /sg joinDelay=20 set wait time to 20 seconds

    This feature will help improve users support in future.

Bug fixes:

  • HL crash when running with East Asian (China, Japan) Windows regional settings.
  • Some internal performance improvements.

Changes in 4.2.4 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Better error messages when creating HyperLobby data folder fail.
  • Friendlist and ignorelist may be created in wrong location, whis can raise some runtime errors during startup.

Changes in 4.2.3 (release)
Whats new:

  • Added ability to change automatic gameinfo timing via settings editor, section [Configuration]:

    ;Gameinfo timing (in miliseconds)
    ;time to wait before gi show
    ;during this period gi ignore mouse move
    ;timeout after mouse move to hide gi

    To adjust those values copy them in to [Configuration] section manually or reset the configuration to default.

Bug fixes:

  • Installer will remember your last installed location and during autoupdate it will update previuos installation. If you had problem with this, skip autoupdate, download and install HL by standart way and select your destination folder. Next autoupdate will honor that destionation folder automatically.
  • The gameinfo sometimes stayed open longer than was supposed.
  • Fixes graphical glitches in gameinfo and the menu transitions.

Changes in 4.2.2 (release)
Whats new:

  • autogi=0 in [Configuration] section of the settings will disable automatic gameinfo popup and enable show it via popup menu. This is an unsupported hack and may be removed from future releases.

Changes in 4.2.1 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Optimized difficulty settings repaint in gameinfo.
  • Removed ignore/uningnore menu item from games in progress and friendlist popup menu.
  • Adjusted gameinfo timing to show the info later and hide sooner.
  • TOS has been updated to version 2.0, TOS window is now bigger and content is better to understand.

Changes in 4.2.0 (release)
Whats new:

  • New reworked gameinfo popup system.
  • IL2 Sturmovik (classic) game is back in the list due to requests of players.
  • Enabled ability to try join game in progress whish is not supposed to be joinable (for example coop). A warning  message will popup if player try join this  type of game because it might fail.
  • Added commandline parameter -i x where x is instance value. This si usefull if you host multiple servers on one computer. This feature support separate  login/settings profile per HL instance and is compatible with HL autoupdate system.

Bug fixes:

  • Provide detailed errors if a file operation fail.
  • In some cases game path detection code will raise Runtime error 52.
  • Cancel popup menu do not force lists refresh anymore.
  • Improved performance of the game search.
  • Replaced VB's msgbox by api equivalent. Default implementation causes HL server session corruption in some cases.
  • Implemented delayed player lists updates. It was allmost imposible to click selected user from those lists under busy times. Also continuous lists updates  causes HL to lag itself. The delay betwen updates is 5 seconds now.
  • Close window menu item from the windows taskbar now working as is supposed.
  • When you close HL when game is in progress, a warning dialog inform you than the game session will be closed too. Before this all was closed without  questions.

Changes in 4.1.12 (testing)
Bug fixes:

  • Fixed invalid difficulty settings in IL2 Sturmovik (classic)

Changes in 4.1.11 (testing)
Bug fixes:

  • Increased delay before the gameinfo popup.

Changes in 4.1.10 (testing)
Bug fixes:

  • Added back IL2 Sturmovik (classic) game room
  • Close window menu item from the windows taskbar now working as is supposed.
  • When you close HL when game is in progress, a warning dialog inform you than the game session will be closed too. Before all was closed without questions.

Changes in 4.1.9 (testing)
Bug fixes:

  • Reworked and adjusted delay values for gameinfo popup. Gameinfo will poof only when you move over or stop the mouse over. This allow safely enter player list area.
  • Changed gameinfo layout and adjusted colors for dark skin.

Changes in 4.1.8 (testing)
Whats new:

  • Added commandline parameter -i x where x is instance value. This si usefull if you host multiple servers on one computer. This feature support separate login/settings profile per HL instance and is compatible with HL autoupdate system.
  • Improved TOS dialog
  • Adjusted Gameinfo colors for default skin to meet dark color thenme.

Bug fixes:

  • Implemented delayed player lists updates. It was allmost imposible to click selected user from those lists under busy times. Also continuous lists updates causes HL to lag itself. The delay betwen updates is 5 seconds now.

Changes in 4.1.7 (testing)
Whats new:

  • Enabled ability to try join game in progress whish is not supposed to be joinable (for example coop). A warning  message will popup if player try join this type of game because it might fail. This was added because of new  gameinfo system has disabled easter egg enabling join this type of game by speciall keyboard shortcut. This will  enable you to try to join great coop missions hosted by Aviar or AcesHigh when you miss the meeting point :)

Bug fixes:

  • Improved performance of the game search.
  • Fixed invalid scalling in game server settings preferences.
  • Replaced VB's msgbox by api equivalent. Default implementation causes HL server session corruption in some cases.

Changes in 4.1.6 (testing)
Whats new:

  • Removed "Get player game informations" popup menu item.
  • Mouse over the IN GAME and friends lists will show Gameinfo tooltip.
  • Gameinfo tooltip layout has been reworked.
  • Click "GAMES IN PROGRESS" item will show popup menu, doubleclick will join selected server.

Bug fixes:

  • In some cases game path detection code will raise Runtime error 52.
  • Fixed color bug in the Game server settings dialog.
  • Cancel popup menu do not force lists refresh anymore.

Changes in 4.1.5 (testing)
Bug fixes:

  • Provide detailed errors if a file operation fail

Changes in 4.1.4 (testing)
Bug fixes:

  • Gameinfo will popup after short delay (200ms).
  • When mouse move out of area of interest during this delay gameinfo will not popup.
  • When mouse move out of area of interest gameinfo will automatically hide (after 400 ms)
  • Move over gameinfo is ignored first 200ms.
  • Leaving mouse over in games in progress will now adapt changes under the mouse.
  • Player list in gameinfo now show correct mouse icon.

Changes in 4.1.3 (testing)
Whats new:

  • Join player game popup menu item is now enabled also over players than are in games that can be joined.
  • Gameinfo system was completly rewrited and is more user friendly. The window is show as a huge tooltip automatically when its need.
  • Gameinfo window is show automatically when you mouse over the "Games In Progress" slots or the "info" button of player preparing server session.
  • Gameinfo will hide automatically when you move mouse over or click it.
  • Player list in Gameinfo is "clickable", "scrollable" and will show standart popup menu.
  • Gameinfo window is skinnable and accept scale ratio.
  • Clicking "Games In Progress" slot item will automatically join clicked server (Before it was show gameinfo with join button).

Bug fixes:

  • Do not show grayed popup menu items

Changes in 4.1.2 (release)
Whats new:

  • New autoupdate modes: important, fully automatic. Mode is selected by the HL server.

Bug fixes:

  • Strongest pager message checking.
  • Postponed autoupdate nottification will not popup during game session.

Changes in 4.1.1 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Unable to host game

Changes in 4.1.0 (release)
Whats new:

  • Code optimization and performance improvements

Fetaures highlight since last public release 4.0.10:

  • HLGEXA 1.0 ( http://hyperfighter.sk/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=7655 )
  • Autoupdate
  • Clicking username from the chat will show popup menu
  • Removed useless ip address send
  • Send pager message menu item moved on the top of the popup menu

Changes in 4.0.17 (release)
Whats new:

  • Added selectable postpone timeout for autoupdate
  • Improved autoupdate version checking
  • Autoupdate in progress cannot be canceled
  • Clicking username from the chat will show popup menu
  • Removed useless ip address send
  • Send pager message menu item moved on the top of the popup menu

Changes in 4.0.16 (release)
Whats new:

  • Nothing, revision bumped to test new autoupdate feature

Changes in 4.0.15 (release)
Whats new:

  • Autoupdate will restart HL after update finish

Bug fixes:

  • Autoupdate will not run update when path to update image contains spaces (Windows XP and Windows 2000)

Changes in 4.0.14 (release)
Whats new:

  • Nothing, revision bumped to test new autoupdate feature

Changes in 4.0.13 (release)
Whats new:

  • HLGEXA 1.0 added <serverport> option
  • Added HyperLobby autoupdate feature

Changes in 4.0.12 (release)
Whats new:

  • HLGEXA 1.0 added feature allowing redirect output from console application on to the HL chat, added posiblity to maximize chat.

Changes in 4.0.11 (release)
Whats new:

  • HLGEXA 1.0 more details in http://hyperfighter.sk/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=7655

Changes in 4.0.10 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Fixed race condition in network code causing client cannot connect busy rooms.

Changes in 4.0.9 (release)
Bug fixes:

  • Clicking game room menu slow down HL and may cause application lockup.

Changes in 4.0.8 (release)
Upgrade note:

  • Datafiles will be automatically imported from 3.9.111 version (friends, ignores, pager messages) if you use this upgrade order:
    1. Install new version 4.x (do not change default installation path !)
    2. Uninstall old version 3.x
  • If you uninstall old 3.9.111 before before new 4.x installation you will lose your datafiles !
  • Vista/W7 setup will not run 3.9.111 uninstaller automatically. It is not posible when UAC is enabled. With those operating systems uninstall of old 3.9.111 version must be done manually from "Programs and features" controll panel item.

Whats new:

  • New major version 4 because of some major changes over previous version.
  • Reworked Terms of Service Agreement.
  • Reworked License Agreement.
  • Hyperlobby is now fully compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7, both 32 and 64bit with UAC enabled. But some games itself may not work correctly with UAC enabled.
  • Dropped support for Windows 98/ME.
  • Any reference to "hyperlobby pro", "hlpro" renamed to "hyperlobby". Pro surfix was used years ago to divide separate products.
  • Datafiles (friends, ignores, pager messages,ini files) has been moved to local user profile folder.
  • Added /e chat commands to edit hyperlobby.ini, /f command to open hyperlobby datafiles folder.
  • Added simple settings editor. It can edit,save,reset to default hyperlobby.ini configuration file.
  • /std and /max chat commands will automatically restart HyperLobby.
  • Maximize/Minimize size of the HL window after doubleclick the titlebar.
  • Added soundmod by Don "Doghouse" Thursby.
  • Added new skin Chrome 1.0 made by Forrest "Thera" Hoffnar.
  • Added new skin Silver 3.0 made by Lucas 'SHARK' Lacher.
  • Added new skin Silver 2.0 made by Lucas 'SHARK' Lacher.
  • Rename forgoten battles room to IL2-Sturmovik 1946.
  • New configurable pagersend sound event

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed several runtime/installation issues with Vista/Windows 7 operating systems.
  • Skin images are not show (Vista/Windows 7).
  • Application crash after exit (Vista/Windows 7).
  • Unable to close applicatin (Vista/Windows 7).
  • Fixed several issues with games in progress sorting when using "Friends on top" option. Now the games in progress  act like two sorting lists when "Friends on top" option is checked and all the sorting rules applied to both parts,  friends and others.
  • When is the window scale set to incorrect value will be reset to default.Before it causes client failed to start.
  • Fixed widescreen issues when HL is maximized (/max command).
  • Game search dialog now accept path with quotes.
  • Game path locations moved from legacy registry keys to hyperlobby.ini
  • Corrected (hopefully) some language glitches from game search dialog.
  • Removed legacy rogerwilco and battlecom support.
  • Game info settings dialog sometime causes application stop reponding.
  • Removed dexec.exe component (not working in Vista/W7 without extra development effort). For dependency disabled CS1,CFS2,EAW games.
  • Rewrited latency calculation code (ping). External component aping.exe is not needed anymore.
  • Scrolling "games in progress" forgot bump latency calculation timer.
  • New, more accurate ping/picture table:
  • <=25 ms  5 green
  • <=50 ms  4 green
  • <=75 ms  3 green
  • <=100ms 2 green
  • >=100ms 1 green
  • >300ms or timeout  5 red
  • Those values can be adjusted via settings editor.
  • Rewrited network api and removed dependency to mswinsock.ocx library.
  • Mouse wheel scrolled only one line, changed default to 3 (can be configured in hyperlobby.ini).
  • Doubleclick at url in chat or pager containing special characters causes browser open invalid location.
  • URL send by the pager delimited by cr/lf was not openned correctly.
  • Removed anticheat menu. It was not used for years and any current games do not use it.
  • Fixed allmost all user interface handling inconsistences regarding stealing or losting focus to controls (chat,  pager,etc).
  • Iproved performance of "games in progress" scrolling
  • Reduced user interface lags caused by slow sorting and filtering algorithm 


Release notes for older versions you can found here

Copyright © by HyperLobby Online System
All rights reserved.

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IL-2 Cliffs of Dover0
Dangerous Waters0
Pacific Fighters0
Wings Over Vietnam0
Lock On0
IL-2 Sturmovik 19469
Strike Fighters: P10
Fighter Squadron0
Flanker 2.50
Falcon 4.0 A.F.0
Medal Of Honor...0
Operation Flashpoint0
IL-2 Sturmovik0
IL-2 Sturmovik DEMO0
European Air War0
CFS 20
Free Chat0
Fleet Comander0
Fighters Anthology0
WWII Fighters0

Total: 9 players