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HyperLobby Online System: Forums
HyperLobby Online System :: Search
HL has nothing to do with the conduct of users in public or private games
if they act contrary to the HL user agreement, report them, otherwise, unfortunately, nothing can be done about a cheating ...
Hungarian Goulash Recipe
This is an authentic Hungarian goulash recipe.
It is really just a variation of beef stew with a bit of a twist.
The ingredient that makes it a truly authentic dish i ...
nobody cares what you say
how cute
it thinks it's people!
what a surprise that a troll like you should be born in a mine
always knew you musta came out from under a rock
nobody cares about you or anything you say, loser
too bad you dont know it, or pretend not to; makes you all the more of a non-factor
im sure
got any fake pics you ripped off from another site to show us your 51 flight, just like you ripped photos for your b17 ride?
self-pwnage extrardinaire, sgt slaughter ...
RS_Blooddrive sent this one 304 times!
Got that, 304 times!
yes, we ALL got it
did YOU get it? if you do not send pages to him, you will not recieve 5 million pages in return; stop paging h ...
Consumed by hate and mentally ill. DB/Sgt.Slaughter
a "no, you are", but shifted to a third person
what an innovator
clearly sgt slaughter has unresolved homosexual issues, and seems fixated on paying certain people attention, just as a schoolboy teases the girl he has a crush on
The punk is
you guys need to get in touch with Jiri about having HL support CFS3, so you can run servers from it
it has come to my attention that some squads like =JFC= are encouraging the use of Illegal mods on Hyperlobbly,in fact they even have a server listed on it
why is this allowed ?
Ic or ...
4thFG Freebird has asked me to post this query here, as his comp is fried atm
ty for the help
4thFG Freebird~
"ok guys i am renting a server with 10 ips and i need to make hl and fbd to work ...
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