Even with my computer it took time to work out the problem, even if I suspected it was my Japanese coding .
If you are using windows XP there are alot of strange things set up by defa ...
I also could not find a way to delete my password. Actualy I do not think it is saved by Hyperlobby, but by your system. There are also your recently opend files in for excample, "Windows media play ...
I learned a really small! amount about programing at college so I do not know too much about programing .
Maybe some one else here could help.
I don't think there needs to be Japanese or any oth ...
Last night I switched my computer program settings from Japanese to English. Hyper-lobby never timed out .
If I have no problems from now I think that was my problem.
Not that but I get "Runtime error 0" or "Runtime error 6" every time I use hyperlobby IL2FB .
I think it must be the number of people in that game, works for a time but then does not l ...