Win Vista Home Edition Sp1 updated to Sp2.
UAC turned off.
No Install error.
Starts the HL client fine (as admin)
Get Connected ! (i have player list th ...
Is the new Beta going to have a fix for the problem regarding the skin not showing up once you've update to SP1 in Windows Vista as well as in Windows 7? I will give it a show but just putting that ou ...
I'm not sure how to sovle this but my HL skin is corrupt it doesn't load the X buttons or nothing I wish I could show A print screen. Does anyone know what Im talking about?
Calling all Razgriz users on hyperlobby, just wondering i am im the only one, no, i seen a few other Razgriz on just giving a shout out guys, i wonder how many of us are there, and may i ask, where yo ...
Yes i would like to recomend extending the character space for a user name load out to people that are apart of a squadron and would like their name notice apart of their squadron tag. I'm sure there ...
Is there a Hyperlobby version where you could have more characters in your username, because kinda like your problem i have a squadron it required a tagged to represent me on the squadron and not enou ...