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HyperLobby Online System: Forums
HyperLobby Online System :: Search
Still no good
I changed the old IL2 to IL2FB in the services section and the ports are 21000 to 21005
It still times out.
I am at a lost as to what is wrong.
I will try this
I have the same router for 7 years and have no trouble joining servers for IL2 1946 games hosted by others.
I use to have Hyperlobby running 3 years ago with no issuses.
I w ...
I have the same problem, Timeout0, on a mods server, 4.01.1 UP3 RC4 game
Did you find anything?
I finally got it to work.
I really don't know what I did, I done so many things. Run time VB, copy and paste.
I think what did it was I did a compatibility mode on both HL and IL2. Did a search ...
Is anyone running XP64 and Hyper Lobby running under this OS?
I am using XP64 and have most programs running under it. The only issues I have is with hardware, Track IR and Key Pad, and one pr ...
AHH said the blind man.
OS XP Prof. 64
A8N-SLI mobo
2 gig CMD4000
2-200 gig Maxtor HDD on Silicon RAID1
6800 Ultra PCI-E
No overclocking
Audigy2 ZS sound card
Win NT: 5.1.A28 ...
Were is the verinfo.txt?
The error message I get after putting in the path is
Run-Time error "52"
Bad file name or number
I have tried the computability for IL2 but not Hyper Lobby, wil ...
Thanks for the reply
I have been through this and it does not work.
Hyper Lobby does not see any of the .exe in any game. It did before under XP Home, but not under XP 64. It is formate ...
Thanks I have tried that too.
I have changed the msvbvm50.dll from what is posted in the download section with the one from the XP home. I put it in three files in the window folder, system, system ...
I changed the valve to 0,
The search still just goes by the il2fb.exe and all the other FS games.exe's.
Putting the path in manually, Hyper Lobby says it can find that path I just ty ...
Thanks for he reply
This is going to drive me nuts.
I can not find out why it is acting this way.
Will not find and save the path to the exe.
I am getting the Error 52 message.
I am running Windows 64.
HyperLobby menu comes up and it recognize my call sign. Then the path screen comes up. Hit search and it does not find the path to IL2 ...
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