Salute BalDaddy!
Thanks! Now we will beable to play online.
Can`t wait to try it out!
I was having hard time finding or getting Jiri mailing address.
Still new here at his forums.
Great Ne ...
Salute jiri!
Thanks for replying to my post on Wings of War new WW1 Flight sim. I`an trying to get the guys over at SimHQ to come over here and show more support for this new sim. And leave some ...
US95 Kicking Mules Need You Salute Everyone!
US95th has created a new IL2 Bomber Squad and looking forward to Pacific Fighters when its finished.
We also have another website and a ...
Salute From America!
I have to agree with Smeg, it would be great that all people from around the world could come here and play without stuff like that. This should be a place everyone can go ...
Salute Hyperfighter!
I was wondering how we can get you a copy of Wings Of War, so you might try it out and see if you would want to add it to your game list. Is there some where you have your m ...
Salute Everyone!
There is a new flight sim coming out, Its already out in Europe and just now arriving here in USA. Its called Wings of War, a brand new WW1 flight sim out of Czech. I was wonder ...
Salute Jiri!
Could you look into Wings Of War, New WW1 Flight Sim.
And see if you might beable to add it to your game list. This new sim will need your help to get it off to a great start. It ...