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Hello everyone! I'm new here!
PostForum: Online competitions   Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:37 am   Subject: to the winner ;)
Replies: 1
Views: 14958

hello and welcome to to il2 ...you asked for tips on flying...well for the first 3 months be prepared to be flying cannon fodder as there are class virtual pilots out there who you wont even know are ...
RS_Bloodshots has gone insane!
PostForum: Off topic   Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 4:53 pm   Subject: RS_Bloodshots has gone insane!
Replies: 46
Views: 81626

This has too be the most pathetic ongoing online argument ive ever fucking seen ,he sends he pages ahhh boo fucking hoo m8 why the fuck dont you just both of you meet up and batter each other to a pu ...
dll error message
PostForum: Off topic   Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:35 am   Subject: elitist attitude
Replies: 6
Views: 13938

How about actually showing a bit of respect for the people who use this site and your hyperlobby...all i ever see is your blunt sarcastic attitudes back to peoples replys for help.you know some people ...
Saitek X45 or X52 ?
PostForum: General   Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:42 pm   Subject: Saitek X45 or X52 ?
Replies: 5
Views: 14889

the x52 is definatley the better stick...a bit difficult to get used to but worth the cash....as for ending up in the alton town dump,well i thought alton was a dump but as i came from basingstoke i c ...
new bee
PostForum: General   Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:06 pm   Subject: new bee
Replies: 2
Views: 9185

hi guys.well sometimes its a bit quiet round here for replys ,however all you gotta remember is just to keep practicing all the time it soon gets easier to get that kill,all new players are cannon fod ...
More flyers wanted
PostForum: IL-2 Sturmovik 1946   Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:25 pm   Subject: new uk flyers
Replies: 14
Views: 26133

hi there me and my mate darkman are new as well,if your interested in flying co-op let me know fruity@clanvod.co.uk.
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