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Its suprising how many distros get the hosts file wrong.
The following is correct if you have no network card installed. localhost mymachine
But, if you have a network card it shoul ...
You could try the following, run IL2 and start a multiplayer dogfight game, pick a base, and start the game, once you're in the planes cockpit, switch to the text console (usually CTRL ALT F1) and run ...
Those registry entries aren't required to play on HL, they only add a ubi soft button to the multiplay menu.
Those dlls come from the installation of DCOM98.exe, if you installed dcom98 correctly then you have the required dlls.
You have ole32.dll overridden but you need to include dll overrides for rpcrt4 and oleaut32 for all the executables in the HL folder, i.e. 9 overrides in total.
for hlpro.exe override ole32.dll and ...
Those RPC messages..
fixme:ntdll:NtConnectPort (0x173910,L"\\RPC
...look like a DCOM problem to me. Also ....
trace:loaddll:load_native_dll Loaded module L&qu ...
I've had some success with wine, HL and Il2fb
I'm assuming you have IL2 running under wine. has more info.
I'm using wine-0.9.26
First step, run winecfg and set default windows ver ...
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