I have been having the exact same problem as well. I am also on Verizon. I cannot use HyperLobby nor can I log onto this site unless using proxi. My IP address is currently in the 96.232 range but ...
I am still not able to solve the problem with HyperLobby or access to hyperfighter website. It has been 2 months since I lost my ability to connect to HyperLobby. I was on the telephone with ...
Just Google Public Proxi Server and you will get many sites where you can go. Chances are that all your neighbors are on the same ISP. Each ISP uses a range of IP addresses for a particular region. ...
I believe this sight and hyperlobby may be on a blocked list depending on your ISP, does any one know the sight address of hyperlobby? If I can get both I will call my ISP and tell them what I have.
I have two computers behind a Linksys router. My Hyperlobby has worked for about 7 years now, but about a month ago it stopped. Instead, I started receiving the following error message:
I also have two computers behind a router. Mine is Linksys. My Hyperlobby has worked for about 7 years now, but about a month ago it stopped. Instead, I started receiving the following error messag ...
No, I have been trying to get in touch with him too via email and PM but have not been able to get a response. Also, my PM's are still in the Outbox which means that he hasn't opened them yet.
I cannot connect to HL either. Up until a couple of weeks ago I kept receiving error message Error Socket: 10060 you must set up firewall to allow HL to connect to internet. Now I receive error mess ...
then you have a firewall blocking access
symantec Internet Security 2005 firewall when it shows turned off is usually still active so you need to make sure that it is giving access to HL