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Joined: Nov 26, 2004
Posts: 17
Location: UK
Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:31 pm |
i have recently been looking at the chatlog and saw some quite disappointing things said by this person.
"25/09/2004 12:34:06 Sgt.Slaughter > Greetings to all you subjects of the US world
what is he trying to say here?
"26/11/2004 22:31:57 SGT.Slaughter > If Kerry were elected you would be bowing to Mecca, count your blessings"
forgive my ignorance here, but is HL a political forum?
"27/11/2004 18:57:49 SGT.Slaughter > There is no God, God is meerly SantaClause for adults"
now hes belittling peoples beliefs.
"12/12/2004 19:04:16 Sgt.Slaughter > Serbia tried to give us WWIII, but they got squashed like a bug by US power"
ohh, i really like this one because it shows him as the bigoted a$$hole he is.
"12/12/2004 19:04:39 Dim.cro > they werent squshed by US power"
"12/12/2004 19:04:45 CPS_Blackdog > hey without Serbia we wouldnt have this game"
"12/12/2004 19:04:46 =vnvvR=Vardar > Nato power..."
"12/12/2004 19:04:48 -Falcone- > kaiser Wilhelm made that choice for them Death Angel"
"12/12/2004 19:04:57 =vnvvR=Vardar > And Russian Weakness"
"12/12/2004 19:05:03 Sgt.Slaughter > No, ther were embarrased by US power, hardly a fight"
"12/12/2004 19:05:04 Dim.cro > im from croatia and i know what happened so plesae save ur US ""proud"" for someone else"
"12/12/2004 19:08:12 Sgt.Slaughter > That's good to see you understand that's it is not a big deal that Serbia is a weak insignificant country" |

Joined: Oct 10, 2004
Posts: 11
Location: Wastelands
Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:26 pm |
Oooops, if this is true... this guy should be banned, i really hate political stuff on HL. It always ruins my day  |

Joined: Mar 16, 2003
Posts: 73
Location: USA
Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:53 pm |
It seems to be in vouge to slam Americans right now.
That must be why you failed to post "vardar's" hour long
anti American diatribe.
But of course we can't be objective when it comes
to American bashing can we?
I will not post the dribble Vardar posted, it's nationalistic rubbish anyway.
Quite boring.
Amethyst. |

Joined: Nov 26, 2004
Posts: 17
Location: UK
Fri Dec 24, 2004 12:37 am |
I would prefer it if you would answer your critics slaughter, crimes against non Americans. I have friends in the USA and they are nothing like you, polite etc. |

Joined: Nov 28, 2004
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Location: USA
Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:53 am |
His latest trick is calling me a "nazi" due to my preference for the German planes from the second world war.
Slaughter needs a little help with his temper. |

Joined: Nov 26, 2004
Posts: 17
Location: UK
Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:44 am |
"25/12/2004 00:26:54 Sgt.Slaughter > Hire the handicapped, their fun to watch"
please Jiri, if you have any sense at least reprimand this guy, poking fun at the disabled is to say the least distasteful |

Joined: Mar 16, 2003
Posts: 73
Location: USA
Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:53 am |
"12/24/2004 7:37:56 PM NORAD_Zooly > i really want to actaully meet slaughter, then he'll know what slaughter actually means"
"12/24/2004 7:29:58 PM NORAD_woodstock > i wish i knew where he lived i would go kick his mamas ass"
Prowler is NORAD_Zooly.
I got numerous death threats from Zooly, Woodstock and
other harassments from 663rd_Asmody, RS_Bloodshot
TFS_Goodwood and others.
I keep em on ignore, but run another computer
to record the threats.
Also 663rd_Asmody runs the "CA_Empty_Server" when I am there
so as to harass me since I keep him on ignore.
My server is known as the CA_CABLE_SERVER.
Asmody's intent is obvious.
Amethyst |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
Posts: 4
Location: USA
Sat Dec 25, 2004 4:17 am |
As a proud veteran of the U.S. Armed forces, I am highly disappointed in the behavior of some of my fellow citizens. Although it is true that there is quite a bit of America bashing going on in the world today, people like this are largely responible for it. Americans, as well as others living in a free society, should be proud and honored of their circumstances.
Most of all, Im a littled embarrassed that a fellow "American" is using a GAME to spread his BS.

Joined: Nov 26, 2004
Posts: 17
Location: UK
Sat Dec 25, 2004 6:03 pm |
i would like to see the proof of these so called death threats, remember a$$hole you are anti everything, you have no honour to speak of and you are just a bigoted son of a bitch, remember when you poked fun at disabled people? is that acceptable behaviour?
I work with and have friends who are disabled, it takes a real big man to take the pi$$ out of the less fortunate doesnt it, you are now on permanent ignore because i dont want to see your tireless bull$hit on HL again. |

Joined: Jan 19, 2005
Posts: 1
Location: Perth Australia
Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:25 am |
I am appalled that this user Slaughter has not been erradicated from these forums.
Such territorial nonsense and racial hatred and villification belong in the dark ages of history and not in 21st Century forums such as this. |