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PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:27 am Reply with quote

Fellow IL-2 Squadrons/Players,

As many of you are aware, an ugly situation has grown beyond the point of ridiculous, with one person (under many names) constantly making accusations against the 663rd, other squadrons, and their respective members. With the exception of one case where I commented on some inappropriate name-calling, I myself have avoided getting involved with this individual and his disputes with other players in hyperlobby. No matter, as I tried to post recruiting messages for the 663rd, this individual posted bizarre and inaccurate comments about the 663rd as a whole.

I'm sorry that he has had a dispute with one 663rd member and various people in hyperlobby, but given the nature of this individual, it is clear that this dispute (in the current environment) can only be 'solved' by using Yiri's ignore feature, and that's exactly what the 663rd is doing.

While all of this has been going on, I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of support for the 663rd from other players and squadrons. For every negative comment I've seen from this one individual, I've seen at least two or three positive responses from different players supporting the 663rd. In fact I've been noticing that the more negative posts he makes, the more support I see from other squadrons and players. You have obviously flown with the 663rd and know where we stand regarding being polite as a squadron.

Your standing up for the 663rd has been noticed and is greatly appreciated.

Thanx much,

Carbheat, XO, RAF/VFS No. 663 Black Tigers
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:33 am Reply with quote

~S~ I to have tried to stay out of this with this individual .....
The RS also appreciates the support it has gotten from people that have known us through all the years.
663rd is a great squadron and we're very proud of the fact they are our friends.
I have not responded to any of the remarks this individual has said about the RS in the hyper lobby forum.
This individual comes in many names.. His role in the hyper lobby is to be a nuisance.
That is it plain and simple ...I do not flying in any rooms where this individual is participating.
If I had it was by mistake ((under new name again)) it seems he can not keep just one due to booting issues...
I was just reading some other forums today and noticed an individual by the name of melt_down.
This person had a lot of things to say about my squadron the RS and had something to say about 633rd
This person talks like they know us ....funny thing is that no one in my squadron knows him.
No one in the RS has had any words with an individual known as melt_down in any rooms.
This is not a statement it is a fact plain and simple...So I can only guess it is the same person ( The nuisance )
The RS have been together for 5 years going on 6 and we have met a lot of great people and different squadron through the years.
The day forgotten battles came out we found out about the hyper lobby a short time later ...
this is a flight simulators heaven it should not be abused by any individual .....
All though it seems like this individual comes to the hyper lobby for one purpose that is to be a nuisance to others.
And seeing as the RS and 633rd and believe me were not just the only people in the hyper lobby that the nuisance likes to bother.
But it seems that this person has really something to say about us in the hyper lobby forums.
What the 633rd has said in this forum has great merit to it .. You will not find one negative thing in this forum for another
individual or squadron about the RS or the 633rd .... You always find this same individual underneath different names.
The way he expresses himself in the forums is always the same.... It is his signature no matter what name he is using its the repitition of his statments....The RS has does not go around bullying anyone ....We do not take kids lunch money and we will not meet you out in the play ground waiting for you to cough up some change before your next whooping....we like all children to have their milk money and their food....We RS are firmly against bullying of any sorts ...we appriciate the publicity that this indivisual has given us ..but ..we really don't appriciate people point fingers at us wrongly ...and honestly melt_down ..this is old..whoever you will be tommorrow or the next day ..enough is enough ..get past this quarm that you have against our squadrons ...the 663rd is a great bunch of guys too...we know how this started ..and now its up to you to be man enough and to end it.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 11:44 pm Reply with quote

Hooah! to the 663rd, RS and all the others supporting them!

The situation has indeed gone beyond ridiculous. You can all be sure right now that the problems lie with our many named accuser. It has come to my attention that not only does the truth seem to upset him if it dosen't fit his own agenda, but he does seem to enjoy making personal attacks on players, and will do anything he can to try and discredit them.

Just know that I've got your back if anything happens.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:40 am Reply with quote

... the problem is than HL users registration is too easy and at this time obsolete (its 5 years old). After the server change i made month ago, is posible for me to create email account activation and callsign limits per users. It may be posible in the next version. Also i will disable account registration from freemail services like hotmail, msn etc, to disallow impostors show up Smile

What do you think about it ?

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 5:16 pm Reply with quote

E-Mail verification would perhaps be a good idea in the future to help discourage pilots from quickly registering a new name. But disabling the use of free E-Mail servers like Hotmail and MSN might not be so good of an idea...

After all, it seems that the majority of uses have accounts at places such as that, so it really might not be a good idea to prevent such a large portion of the net from registering simply because they use Hotmail.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:13 am Reply with quote

Hi Jiri,

I think the email activation is a good idea, along with the username limitations, but I'm concerned that you'd see a drop off in new, serious gamers if the MSN, Hotmail, etc. type of email addresses were no longer allowed. Thus I can't recommend banning those free email services.

Some people refuse to sign up for web pages using their home email, but rather use the free email services to keep spam down at their home email addr.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:40 am Reply with quote

Not sure how this would work. Maybe just put a limit on the number of names that can be applied to one HL account. Say maybe just a few names..any email address..but only a few names to one account. If someone needs to add more names they would have to send u (jiri) and written request. That way u can monitor all the names to one person. I know some new flyers may need to change names a few times or maybe jion a few squads before finding one they are confortable with.

But also maybe try this and see how it works

1. To be able to post in forum u must have a HL account and flying
2. Start the vote kick or vote ban as soon as possible
3. When on suspension Via vote ban or kick...person is also banned from posting in forum to cause problems.

Not sure if these will solve the problems or not. What also might help is maybe a panel of flyers that would hear out problems. Say one member from the top 12 squads that have been here along time to hear out problems. Or top 12 squads in GS or Bellum War. Then that panel of judges would send u (Jiri) a recommendation of what should happen. And jiri would have final say in the matter. That way it might take some of the stress off u (jiri) and let the flyers here police themselves.

Just some ideas...not sure if they will or not.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:34 pm Reply with quote


1./ HL and forum accounts will be the same
2./ One account will have only one callsign
3./ Users using freemails for registering will wait 48 hours for account activation Wink

Here is no danger do not use home emails for HL registration. Here was no one email leaked during 5 years Wink

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:28 am Reply with quote


I like the compromise in #3, but I can't really comment on it as that has no impact on me per se.

I do have one more concern with item #2 (One account will have only one callsign) - if somebody leaves a squadron to join another, how will that case be handled? For example, player "bob" from the 123rd squadron (login name '123rd_bob') wants to change squadrons to the 987th, how does he go about changing his login from 123rd_bob to 987th_bob?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:20 am Reply with quote

663rd_carbheat wrote:

I do have one more concern with item #2 (One account will have only one callsign) - if somebody leaves a squadron to join another, how will that case be handled? For example, player "bob" from the 123rd squadron (login name '123rd_bob') wants to change squadrons to the 987th, how does he go about changing his login from 123rd_bob to 987th_bob?

Allow one callsign change per month ?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:33 am Reply with quote

Maybe one callsign per e-mail account?
I dont know if is complicated (maybe yes Confused )

1.Login in to the website with a valid e-mail account
2.Create a HL callsign
3.Login to HL Client with this callsign
User will be able to change his callsign at will but one HL user for each e-mail.
If there is an option to wait 48 hours for account activation for free mail activation.
Also I want to mention here that you can but the most common e-mail providers but there many others in differenet countries.

335th Greek Squadron CO
virtual Hellenic Squadron 
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 12:39 pm Reply with quote

I think our real problems lie here. Someone being able to use the Forum under anyname he or she chooses so they can cuase problems there..when that person has been put on ignore in by people in the HL chat window. IF and when u get the vote kick going ... stopping someone from running to the forum to cause problems.

Hindsight >how will new flyers be able to contact Jiri when having problems connecting to HL for the first time or two? That meaning us have to have HL account to post in forum.

We may just have to deal with a few things for the time being. Next time You (jiri) rewrite the HL software. Make it harder for someone to get around being banned
Amethyst Wrote in Forum>
You are not banned by IP#, you are banned by the registry keys.
Try another computer with a different name and you will get in
on the same IP#.

I know how to change the registry, but I will never tell.
So alot of this is useless if someone has alittle computer knowledge.
The problem lies in the fact one person is using the forum for harrasment purposses and not what it was made for. We need to be able to stop this at the source. So not sure how to fix all this. When a New flyer logs into the forum to post ..they are not seen on the public forum ..but a page that only Jiri can see.

Maybe one call sign a month..but if name is not used to fly with in the Lobby...name become inactive after a period of time?
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:59 pm Reply with quote


OK so i will cerate a ticket system. Users will buy $20 ticket per HL callsign. When user got banned, i simply remove his ticket and he will must buy new one ... With this we will strip all idiots.

Users having the ticket will be promoted to kick off users without the ticket. User with two or more tickets will have rights to kick user with less tickets.

This will create self moderated comunity. When i detect that someone will use ticket rights to terorizing others i will remove all his tickets Laughing

Then i will be able to improve HL not fight with the idiots, and it will self donate server cost, my work, and i will be able to add other games without financial complications ...

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:20 am Reply with quote

Shocked Huh?

Embarassed Oh, Jiri must be joking

Laughing Good one Jiri!

(he .... is .... uhm .... joking, right?)
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:23 am Reply with quote

I not joking. It is ultimate solution. Iam tired hear crying and fight with idiots Twisted Evil

It should work this way:

HL will remain free as is. Users want support HL will buy a ticket for $X. Users have tickets will have some rights. I will combine with this feature voteban an votekick features. HL Accounts system remain as is.

One ticket, will have rights for one vote.

To kick one user for 2 hours will be required 10 votes. Any kicked user lost one ticket, and if he not have any tickets, after 10 kicking he will be reported to me an i wil consiter banning.

Users having account created less than 48 hours ago should be kicked by one vote imediatly.

User with 10 tickets(=10 votes) will have rights to kick imediatly.

For permanent ban, will be required 100 votes. Ban period will be one month. After two bans, user will get banned permanently.

One ticket user lost when:
- was kicked by 10 votes

All tickets user lost when:
- when got banned
- when i detect unfair kicking or banning

Not problematic users will be no affected by those rules, users want support HL will get chance for it, and we will strip idiots that ruin our games.

... etc, etc.

Now is here space for discusion Wink

squadrons like your should have 10 tickets with no problems and if you think someone making your reputations bad, you get chance correct it without needs of my help Wink


Last edited by Jiri-Fojtasek on Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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