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Joined: Aug 01, 2005
Posts: 1
Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:07 am |
I come from UBI were pilots are not as good as in HL. I don't get much chance to fly, but I'm getting tired of the behavior of many people. I get harassed since everyone thinks I'm a guy, or worse I have to put up with rude comments. Normally I ignore these posts, but tonight crossed the line for me. Here is a sample of tonites posts.
"08/01/2005 4:40:27 AM VFA-25_Wyo > my rudder pedals r ch pro pedals"
"08/01/2005 4:40:29 AM Fish6891 > I don't believe you Sarah, women dont own ANYTHING, men own everything including women"
"08/01/2005 4:40:31 AM CPS_Bat-man > amazing for a wear & tear toy"
"08/01/2005 4:45:26 AM CPS_Bat-man > lol"
"08/01/2005 4:45:29 AM Fish6891 > Billfish is female, unlike Sara-J and I"
"08/01/2005 4:45:30 AM CPS_Bat-man > /memake me"
You can guess who was being rude and disrespectful. I never ask for special treatment and I usually ignore these types of comments, but I would appreciate a little more mature behavior from some. Honestly UbI wasn't much different since most of us women don't fly sims. I hope more moderators can catch this type of behavior and put an end to in right then and there. I like HL, so I hope those behaving inappropriately are at least warned about their conduct. |

Joined: Jan 16, 2004
Posts: 2
Location: Scotland
Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:44 pm |
Sara-J Normally I don't 'intrude' in other peoples posts, but when I read yours I felt I had too. Some of the 'comments' you received were just outragous!! and what's wrong with Ladies flying anyway?? You must have been trashing them good You are welcome to join GRANGE_AIRWAR anytime it is is only for Fun! and I can assure you, you will be treated the same as everyone else...with NO sexist comments whatsoever!! or the perpretator WILL be can count on it  |
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Joined: Jun 10, 2004
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Location: Scotland
Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:15 am |
Couple of woman in the squad I am in and they are awesome pilots - I wouldn't dare say anything otherwise or they would just own me lol.
Hope the problem gets sorted out Sara-J
If not try out at - you wont be alone and there is safety in numbers. |
Post Newbie

Joined: May 13, 2005
Posts: 6
Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:20 pm |
On the subject of people acting up I got
this selection from the Saturday night chat.
Seems they were beating up on a guy nammed David.
I edited the normal chatter to expose the bullies.
I got one question, WHERE ARE THE MOD'S?
"9/10/2005 10:23:12 PM #RS_BloodShot is online ..."
"9/10/2005 10:24:22 PM 663rd_Asmody > hows work going bloodshot ?"
"9/10/2005 10:25:06 PM RS_BloodShot > going great...more work than me and my guys can keep up with...thinking of hiring a few more"
"9/10/2005 10:25:20 PM RS_BloodShot > Hi 2 computers going now?"
"9/10/2005 10:25:52 PM RS_BloodShot > doh...I said HI already"
"9/10/2005 10:26:45 PM RS_BloodShot > so david..u still sleeping on the couch ...of did the wife let u back in the bed room?"
"9/10/2005 10:27:50 PM RS_BloodShot > damn whats it been now...2 weeks on the couch..u keep that up and she wont give u any loving for a month or 2"
"9/10/2005 10:28:47 PM 663rd_Asmody > I finished the building we were working on last week"
"9/10/2005 10:29:39 PM RS_BloodShot > so david..u got 2 computers on line ..u gong to start talking to ur self so u arent lonely?"
"9/10/2005 10:30:12 PM 663rd_Asmody > Dont tease him I have seen him do that lol"
"9/10/2005 10:31:20 PM RS_BloodShot > I know..have seen him do it many times...even in a game..try to act like he is talking to his server computer...really pitiful"
"9/10/2005 10:32:11 PM RS_BloodShot > hey Fin are u bud"
"9/10/2005 10:33:00 PM RS_BloodShot > my buddy david wont talk to me...Im so sad.."
"9/10/2005 10:34:11 PM SK_Toronaga > Dogao Dogaoi Dogao"
"9/10/2005 10:34:18 PM RS_BloodShot > so daivid..u get any lately?"
"9/10/2005 10:34:38 PM RS_BloodShot > or are u still spanking the monkey?"
"9/10/2005 10:36:22 PM RS_BloodShot > LMAO"
"9/10/2005 10:36:36 PM 663rd_Asmody > he better stop before he goes blind"
"9/10/2005 10:36:45 PM RS_BloodShot > well hes might have at least half of one hand full"
"9/10/2005 10:37:04 PM RS_BloodShot > thats why his wife called him TINKY"
"9/10/2005 10:37:12 PM RS_BloodShot > TINY"
"9/10/2005 10:39:55 PM RS_BloodShot > When david was little he came home from school and told his dad he got laid at school,he pappy was so proud of him"
"9/10/2005 10:39:58 PM 663rd_Asmody > I wish I could get ignored"
"9/10/2005 10:40:47 PM RS_BloodShot > the next day he came home so sad.,..daddy asked him whats wrong ..he said he didnt get laid again today...BECAUSE HIS ASS WAS TOO SORE"
"9/10/2005 10:44:32 PM RS_BloodShot > heard david just put his whole lifes savings in ""Jergin's Hand Lotion"" stock...he figures he buys enough of it for himself the stock should double in the next week"
"9/10/2005 10:45:05 PM RS_BloodShot > Can u spell Contractor?"
"9/10/2005 10:50:29 PM RS_BloodShot > yooohooo...DAVID"
"9/10/2005 11:04:15 PM #RS_BloodShot left the lobby ..."
Herman |

Joined: May 22, 2004
Posts: 31
Location: Somewhere in the south
Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:47 pm |
Hmm...SgtSlaughter still changing his name and monitoring everything I say? Thought I was on your ignore list. DAVID is my nephew and love the guy very much. Practicial raised the child. He is Family. But seems Herman AKA sgtslaughter has to monitor me and everything I say and do. Must still have an "axe to grind". Funny how I get a page from Sgt.Slaughter this morning
Lovgely chat log last night.
I had a few friends and a couple of aliases send complaints
to Jiri about you and Assmody.
Thanks, but threats are better.
I ned a few more to help make a case against you.
and then this shows up in the forum. Sounds like the band is going to start playing agian. Dont worry Slaughter AKA Herman and what ever other ALIASES you use, This will be my one and only responce to you. Remember to take your medication.
~S~ |
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Joined: May 13, 2005
Posts: 6
Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:08 am |
Bloodshot, it is only a matter of time
before you move on to bully another
Hyper Lobby user. You and, as you mentioned above,
663rd_Asmody, are play ground bullies.
Since I have been on line in HL I have seen
you carry on most every night.
Mods don't care, they let you run your mouth as you please.
The issue is not so much about you as it is about
ineffective lobby moderation.
But you are by far the worst offender.
Herman |
Post Newbie

Joined: May 13, 2005
Posts: 6
Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:22 pm |
Word has it that RS_Bloodshot and his partner
in terror, 663rd_Asmody have found a way around
the ignore feature.
Seems they are burying SGT.Slaughter with harassing pages.
All the pages are sent while Slaughter is out of the lobby.
When he enters they are there waiting for him.
Seems to be a loop hole in the ignore feature.
RS_Bloodshot's comments in the lobby are vulgar
and threatening as always.
Jiri, do you condone RS_Bloodshot and 663rd_Asmody's behaivior?
Herman |

Joined: Dec 08, 2003
Posts: 10
Location: USA
Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:55 am |
This sort of behavior is ruining HL for all - I too am having problems with personal attacks from an individual we banned from our Racing Server for not complying with the rules - It seems this sort of mis-behavior is increasing lately with no action being taken by moderators???? I have posted a ban request for this individual a few days ago but - he is still playing his childish games with vulgar PMs and changing his callsign in an attempt to hide. So where are the Moderators????????  |