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Joined: Jan 27, 2006
Posts: 15

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:16 pm Reply with quote

Smeg wrote:
I agree with the fact that this is getting out of hand. There are some over zealous moderators here who take the hard line of a sanitised lobby that caters to the lowest common denominator here.

The masturbation comment was, taken in the correct context, rather funny. The fact that JJ's kids don't understand or that they are protected from this sort of thing is entirely JJ's responsibility & not that of HL. Mate, look at the comedians, cartoons, sitcoms and movies that are all on prime time. They use much worse language and depict horrific scenarios as in those TV crime shows. There is a thing called parental guidance Barks & JJ.

There are things that are real, things that are funny, things that can be said and things that can not.

Lighten up guys for petes sake!

Take things a little more lightly and stop avidly seeking out offensive comments because you will find them everywhere! Its just a matter of how you want to perceive it.

Yes there is people that are inflammitory, there are also people who unjustly accuse others of wrong doings and there are people that are simply misunderstood. But if you show a little latitude you will get more respect.

Indiscriminate banning of everyone because the moderator has the humour and intellectual perception of a yoghurt is definately not the way!

Nor is religious soliciting. Not everyone will have the same beliefs as the next bloke so leave it out please Vulcher!



unless you have children of you own then don't tell me how to raise mine and even then don't
read this from the man himself then just be quiet and behave and you won't get kicked it's simple really
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Hyper Staff

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:20 pm Reply with quote

looks like it time to move this to the garbage can Jiri
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Joined: Sep 10, 2004
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:37 pm Reply with quote

Johnny, take a chill pill,
Please stop posting replies to me with links to a chat log that has nothing to do with me. I am not even in it.

Johnny, your parental situation became an issue as soon as you mentioned it as a reason for your offended position.
Again I suggest a little parental guidance and a little less persecution of other pilots.

If people are being blatantly offensive then fine. Do what you have to do.

But as I said before, if you go actively seeking out offensive dialogue you will find it. It is how YOU want to perceive it.

Show a little latitude and you will receive more respect.

Keep this line of action up and YOU will be one of a handfull left in HL. People will simply move on.
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Post Newbie
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Joined: Apr 17, 2005
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:28 am Reply with quote

I got banned for typing queer, ha

I saw 3 porn posts on hyper brefore i got kicked and they are still on.

I only come on to race any more any how

They can add my name to those that dont use hyper any more
I'll join by IP

Very Happy
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Joined: Jan 27, 2006
Posts: 15

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:27 am Reply with quote

Smeg wrote:
Johnny, take a chill pill,
Please stop posting replies to me with links to a chat log that has nothing to do with me. I am not even in it.

Johnny, your parental situation became an issue as soon as you mentioned it as a reason for your offended position.
Again I suggest a little parental guidance and a little less persecution of other pilots.

If people are being blatantly offensive then fine. Do what you have to do.

But as I said before, if you go actively seeking out offensive dialogue you will find it. It is how YOU want to perceive it.

Show a little latitude and you will receive more respect.

Keep this line of action up and YOU will be one of a handfull left in HL. People will simply move on.

Please stop posting replies to me with links to a chat log that has nothing to do with me. I am not even in it.
that link is for you to see how the owner and creator of the lobby feels about the use of said language but your not bright enough to figure that out

Johnny, your parental situation became an issue as soon as you mentioned it as a reason for your offended position.

my perantal situation has nothing to do with it.
what is a concern is that there are many kids that come in the lobby and fly with parents and don't need to see the sad things that alot of people post and that is why they get kicked

Again I suggest a little parental guidance and a little less persecution of other pilots.
there is no persecution of any pilots involved it is just about the inappropriate language for kids

If people are being blatantly offensive then fine. Do what you have to do.

i do

But as I said before, if you go actively seeking out offensive dialogue you will find it. It is how YOU want to perceive it.

i don't actively seek anything it just happens and it is not acceptable so pleople get kicked for it perception has nothing to do with it. Offencive language and adult conversations should be left to the pager and on comms it is not for the open chat it's not that hard of a concept to grasp but perhaps for you it is and if so then don't use HL
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Joined: Jan 27, 2006
Posts: 15

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:29 am Reply with quote

Renegade_50 wrote:
I got banned for typing queer, ha

I saw 3 porn posts on hyper brefore i got kicked and they are still on.

I only come on to race any more any how

They can add my name to those that dont use hyper any more
I'll join by IP

Very Happy

good then that's one less headache for the moderators
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Joined: Sep 10, 2004
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Location: Australia

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:23 am Reply with quote

I think you getting a little over zealous in your crusade mate.

Chill out and relax your grip on yourself and others.

Your perception is your major issue. You can't see what I post for what you want to see.

I can't help you mate.

And you are so wound up that you cant see you need it.

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Post Newbie
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Joined: Feb 26, 2006
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:33 am Reply with quote

There is a reason the ESRB Content Ratings always include a message stating "Game Experience My Change During Online Play" if online play is accessible. Therefore, children who are allowed to access the online play should have parents AWARE OF THIS.

I was banned once for typing sucking (which was part of the filter for some odd reason, referring to sucking of... I'll not say more). Unfortunately, I got banned for explaining why I was covered in annoying bumps due to those dang blood sucking mosquitos. Now the moderator simply saw the deleted text and banned me, and after complaining they simply said they couldn't unban. I was obviously annnoyed, especially considering there was little reason for the banning. I was banned for roughly 1 week.

This was not on Hyperlobby but, it proves my point.

On the other hand, I've not yet seen an example posted of a ban without reason. Some were somewhat walking the line but the reason was apparent. HL Moderation is simply doing their job too well lol.

This topic is due for the garbage dump.
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Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:03 pm Reply with quote

I got banned for 24 hours for typing, verbadum, "a-hole", after somebody came out of the blue and started attacking me, when I hadn't really even been typing. It's good to be in a place where moderators actually do their jobs - I come from CFS1 where the main chat runs rampant with offensive idiots, but good lord, this is rediculous. First "offense", for a PG-13 rated comment at best, and I'm banned for 24 hours without notice or warning? I'd still be wondering if I was just having router problems had I not complained elsewhere in this forum, and Mr. Johnny replied, (with a fecetious ending of "have a good day"). I don't plan on doing things to get banned all the time, like alot of the guys that are allowed to keep comming back, but if this crap keeps up I'll be yet another person boycotting the place. There should at least be a warning system in effect, in a case as small as mine. I didn't even know I was breaking the rules, I mean.. the guy that said exactly the same thing as I was allowed to keep on chatting. (though apparently was banned after me as well)
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Joined: Jan 30, 2006
Posts: 83

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:01 pm Reply with quote

Well Tacohead , i sure recognize you from CFS
No Warning to your Ban? Actually , there was , and it was right in your users agreement . Try reading it. You were warned when you signed up for Hyperlobby , try to think back on that . No more warning is necessary .
You have two choices , CFS type chat , or HL type chat . The choice is easy , if you really understand.
Suggestion ? Try paying less attention to what others are doing , and more attention to what you say , That will help you .
If others actions FORCE you into doing something you regret , then HL will be a tough place for you , as well as real life.
Boycott? Too funny . Go ahead. If proper behavior is that much of a complex issue for you , then another gaming location might suit you better.
Read your post back and try to understand the myriad amount of contradictions you wrote in it . They are too numerous to bother mentioning in this post , In fact , yoru whole last post is one big contradiction to itself .
I have to say the logic behind your last response is indicative of the reason you got banned , and may get banned in future.
Now Go Play.....
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Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:02 pm Reply with quote


I didn't know I was doing anything I regretted until after the fact, and I wasn't gonna take it any farther than I had. It's not like I blatantly swore at him, or posted foul links, or any of the other crap I see go unpunished daily. I'm also not somebody who goes in there day after day trying to pick a fight, like all the people that keep being allowed back, ban after ban. A 20 min. ban for something as miniscule as what I said would be more than sufficent - heck, just a warning over pager would have gotten an apology on my part and my never doing it again. Instead I get banned for 24 hours, (at the VERY least, a message could be sent stating how long the ban is for - instead I go get my info from Johnny, who's been mentioned in this post, lol), and no, I can't go play right now because of it, so drop your rudely used little trademark phrase. Also, don't come down on me telling me about "real life" etc, blablabla. I dunno who you are, but you're nobody to be giving me advice on such things, so kindly bugoff. This thread makes it obvious I'm not the only one with the views stated either.
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Joined: Jan 30, 2006
Posts: 83

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:15 pm Reply with quote

Actually , you are in minority Taco , for the thousands and thousands and thousands of users here , VERY FEW get banned or post about getting banned.
Dont need my advice ? You got banned didnt you ? You clearly need someones advice.
Its not my "ADVICE " any way , im just passing on general knowledge.

Your going to advise HL moderators whats sufficent?
Well, if you've read your own thread and commented that you feel there are other users that feel same as you , Then my advice is to read other threads and see how Moderators entertain advice from banned Users. They simply dont .
Now Go Play ...
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Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:34 pm Reply with quote

Yes, as a user, I am going to give thoughts on what I think is sufficient. I dunno where you're from, but in my world that's pretty common, it's called feedback. It's also not like I'm one of the people that sits and gets banned constantly. I've been here for a long time and this i the first case, and no matter what you think, I believe getting banned for what I did was a little harsh, and I AM going to voice myself about it. As I have stated, at the VERY least, the person banned could be instructed of how long the ban period is. I guess hearing it from Johnny, the guy who's friends with "anonymous" mods, works though. Confused
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Joined: Jan 30, 2006
Posts: 83

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:47 pm Reply with quote

Taco , try this link


Nothing more, nothing less . Consider more playing and less chatting if you value what this service is - A FLIGHT SIM
Now Go Play...
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Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:55 pm Reply with quote

Eries, I've got all afternoon to shoot responses back at you too, remember, I can't play, I'm banned. I know that link and what it says, I also believe there should be a little more to the banning process, as I have stated numerous times at this point. Also, if you knew me, you'd know I don't chat a whole lot in HL. (and in CFS, since you made a comment of recognizing me from there, I chat much less than the average Zoner, lol - though the game is getting old and when you hang around for awhile waiting on certain friends, chatting passes the time)

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