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Joined: Jan 23, 2008
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:23 pm Reply with quote

When I try to join a game in progress I get 'This application has failed to start because lua5.dll was not found . Reinstalling may fix the problem.' Been there, done that. Checking with wordpad reveals the lau5.dll in the Lockon folder. This is the online download of Flaming Cliffs with patch installed on top of the store bought Lockon with patch on WinXP. As the online download has now told me I have only two downloads left (Where do they get off?) I really don't want to try that again. Help!!!
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Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:17 pm Reply with quote

Shootist1951 wrote:
When I try to join a game in progress I get 'This application has failed to start because lua5.dll was not found . Reinstalling may fix the problem.' Been there, done that. Checking with wordpad reveals the lau5.dll in the Lockon folder. This is the online download of Flaming Cliffs with patch installed on top of the store bought Lockon with patch on WinXP. As the online download has now told me I have only two downloads left (Where do they get off?) I really don't want to try that again. Help!!!

I have the same problem. I am runnig Vista 32b. I solved this dll problems. I copied lua5.dll, lua5lib.dll and vorbisfile.dll to Windows\... and now I have another problem, when I try to join a game... HL looks like going well, but HL tries to open Lock On!\Backup_1.1\lockon.exe (then I have C++ runtime error)! but the right way is only Lock On!\lockon.exe! Why HL tries to open lockon.exe from backup_1.1 directory???
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Joined: May 29, 2007
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:56 pm Reply with quote

Here is how to solve it, Run HL and then press CTRL+SHIFT and left-click on the CONNECT button, Then change the game path from [C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Backup_1.1\lockon.exe] to [C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\lockon.exe] or simply remove the [\Backup_1.1] from the game link path and it should work fine.
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Joined: May 29, 2007
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:03 pm Reply with quote

If u also have a problem with HL appearance after installing vista SP1 let me know and ill send you the SKIN file to fix it.

Last edited by vento1 on Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:26 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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Joined: Mar 15, 2006
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:54 pm Reply with quote

vento1 wrote:
If u also have a problem with HL appearence after installing vista SP1 let me know and ill send you the SKIN file to fix it.

Thanks for post, I solved my problem and HL is going well, now. Yes, after installing vista SP1 appearence of HL looks bad... Sad
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Joined: May 29, 2007
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:15 pm Reply with quote

Ok here is how to fix HL appearance in Vista SP1, Go to [Program Files\HyperLobbyPro3\Skins\Default] and you will see a file called [SkIN], Open that file with Notepad then match the number of DOTS exactly like the following. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Skin]
name = HyperLobby 3.x default skin
author = (C)2005 Jiri JG27*Hyper Fojtasek

startup = ..\common\sounds\startup.wav
connect = ..\common\sounds\connect.wav
slotin = ..\common\sounds\slotin.wav
slotkick = ..\common\sounds\slotkick.wav
;flgo = ..\common\sounds\flgo.wav
flback = ..\common\sounds\flback.wav
click = ..\common\sounds\click.wav
chatsend = ..\common\sounds\chatsend.wav
pager = ..\common\sounds\pager.wav

button.Font.Name = Tahoma
button.Font.Size = 9
button.Font.Bold = 1
button.Font.Italic = 0
button.Font.Underline = 0

[Main Window]
main.Picture = ..\common\BackGround.gif
mousecursor.Picture = ..\common\cur.cur

lubtop.Picture = ..\common\lubmin.gif
rubmintop.Picture = ..\common\rubmin.gif
rubclosetop.Picture = ..\common\rubclose.gif

lbltop.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lbltop.ForeColor = &HFFFF80&
lbltop.BackStyle = 0
lbltop.BorderStyle = 1
lbltop.Font.Name = Tahoma
lbltop.Font.Size = 9
lbltop.Font.Bold = 1
lbltop.Font.Italic = 0
lbltop.Font.Underline = 0

imglogo.Picture = ..\common\hlpro.jpg

[Chat Window]
mousecursor.Picture = ..\common\cur.cur

lubtop.Picture = ..\common\lubna.gif
rubtop.Picture = ..\common\rubna.gif

lbltop.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lbltop.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lbltop.BackStyle = 1
lbltop.BorderStyle = 1
lbltop.Font.Name = Tahoma
lbltop.Font.Size = 9
lbltop.Font.Bold = 1
lbltop.Font.Italic = 0
lbltop.Font.Underline = 0

lbltime.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lbltime.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lbltime.BackStyle = 1
lbltime.BorderStyle = 1
lbltime.Font.Name = Tahoma
lbltime.Font.Size = 9
lbltime.Font.Bold = 1
lbltime.Font.Italic = 0
lbltime.Font.Underline = 0

chatdisp.BackColor = &H000000&

lbl3rdmsg.ForeColor = &H0000FF&
lbl3rdmsg.BackColor = &H000000&
lbl3rdmsg.Font.Name = Tahoma
lbl3rdmsg.Font.Size = 8
lbl3rdmsg.Font.Bold = 1
lbl3rdmsg.Font.Italic = 0
lbl3rdmsg.Font.Underline = 0

lblhold.ForeColor = &H0000FF&
lblhold.BackColor = &H00FFFF&
lblhold.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblhold.Font.Size = 8
lblhold.Font.Bold = 1
lblhold.Font.Italic = 0
lblhold.Font.Underline = 0

lblfrstatmsg.ForeColor = &HFFFFFF&
lblfrstatmsg.BackColor = &H000000&
lblfrstatmsg.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblfrstatmsg.Font.Size = 8
lblfrstatmsg.Font.Bold = 1
lblfrstatmsg.Font.Italic = 0
lblfrstatmsg.Font.Underline = 0

lblsysmsg.ForeColor = &H80FFFF&
lblsysmsg.BackColor = &H000000&
lblsysmsg.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblsysmsg.Font.Size = 8
lblsysmsg.Font.Bold = 1
lblsysmsg.Font.Italic = 0
lblsysmsg.Font.Underline = 0

lblmsg.ForeColor = &H80F050&
lblmsg.BackColor = &H000000&
lblmsg.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblmsg.Font.Size = 8
lblmsg.Font.Bold = 0
lblmsg.Font.Italic = 0
lblmsg.Font.Underline = 0

lblmymsg.ForeColor = &Hd0d0d0&
lblmymsg.BackColor = &H000000&
lblmymsg.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblmymsg.Font.Size = 8
lblmymsg.Font.Bold = 0
lblmymsg.Font.Italic = 0
lblmymsg.Font.Underline = 0

lblusr.ForeColor = &HFFFF00&
lblusr.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblusr.Font.Size = 8
lblusr.Font.Bold = 0
lblusr.Font.Italic = 0
lblusr.Font.Underline = 0

lblusrfriend.ForeColor = &H00FFFF&
lblusrfriend.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblusrfriend.Font.Size = 8
lblusrfriend.Font.Bold = 0
lblusrfriend.Font.Italic = 0
lblusrfriend.Font.Underline = 0

chatinput.BackColor = &H000000&
chatinput.ForeColor = &H80F050&
chatinput.Font.Name = Tahoma
chatinput.Font.Size = 8
chatinput.Font.Bold = 0
chatinput.Font.Italic = 0
chatinput.Font.Underline = 0

[Rooms Window]
mousecursor.Picture = ..\common\cur.cur

rubmistop.Picture = ..\common\rub.gif
rubmistopinfo.Picture = ..\common\rubi.gif
rubnamistop.Picture = ..\common\rubna.gif

lblmistop.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblmistop.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblmistop.BackStyle = 1
lblmistop.BorderStyle = 1
lblmistop.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblmistop.Font.Size = 9
lblmistop.Font.Bold = 1
lblmistop.Font.Italic = 0
lblmistop.Font.Underline = 0

lblroomsw.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblroomsw.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
;lblroomsw.ForeColor = &H0080FF&
lblroomsw.BackStyle = 1
lblroomsw.BorderStyle = 1
lblroomsw.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblroomsw.Font.Size = 9
lblroomsw.Font.Bold = 1
lblroomsw.Font.Italic = 0
lblroomsw.Font.Underline = 0

lblpiltop.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblpiltop.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblpiltop.BackStyle = 1
lblpiltop.BorderStyle = 1
lblpiltop.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblpiltop.Font.Size = 9
lblpiltop.Font.Bold = 1
lblpiltop.Font.Italic = 0
lblpiltop.Font.Underline = 0

lblpilctop.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblpilctop.ForeColor = &HFFFF80&
lblpilctop.BackStyle = 1
lblpilctop.BorderStyle = 1
lblpilctop.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblpilctop.Font.Size = 9
lblpilctop.Font.Bold = 1
lblpilctop.Font.Italic = 0
lblpilctop.Font.Underline = 0

lstpilots.BackColor = &H000000&
lstpilots.ForeColor = &H80F050&
lstpilots.Font.Name = Tahoma
lstpilots.Font.Size = 8
lstpilots.Font.Bold = 0
lstpilots.Font.Italic = 0
lstpilots.Font.Underline = 0

lblinftop.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblinftop.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblinftop.BackStyle = 1
lblinftop.BorderStyle = 1
lblinftop.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblinftop.Font.Size = 9
lblinftop.Font.Bold = 1
lblinftop.Font.Italic = 0
lblinftop.Font.Underline = 0

lblinfctop.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblinfctop.ForeColor = &HFFFF80&
lblinfctop.BackStyle = 1
lblinfctop.BorderStyle = 1
lblinfctop.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblinfctop.Font.Size = 9
lblinfctop.Font.Bold = 1
lblinfctop.Font.Italic = 0
lblinfctop.Font.Underline = 0

lstinflight.BackColor = &H000000&
lstinflight.ForeColor = &H80F050&
lstinflight.Font.Name = Tahoma
lstinflight.Font.Size = 8
lstinflight.Font.Bold = 0
lstinflight.Font.Italic = 0
lstinflight.Font.Underline = 0

lstfriends.BackColor = &H000000&
lstfriends.ForeColor = &HFFFF00&
lstfriends.Font.Name = Tahoma
lstfriends.Font.Size = 8
lstfriends.Font.Bold = 0
lstfriends.Font.Italic = 0
lstfriends.Font.Underline = 0

lblslot.BackColor = &H000000&
lblslot.ForeColor = &H80F050&
lblslot.BackStyle = 1
lblslot.BorderStyle = 1
lblslot.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslot.Font.Size = 8
lblslot.Font.Bold = 1
lblslot.Font.Italic = 0
lblslot.Font.Underline = 0

lblslothost.BackColor = &H202020&
lblslothost.ForeColor = &H80F050&
lblslothost.BackStyle = 1
lblslothost.BorderStyle = 1
lblslothost.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslothost.Font.Size = 8
lblslothost.Font.Bold = 1
lblslothost.Font.Italic = 0
lblslothost.Font.Underline = 0

lblslotfriend.BackColor = &H000000&
lblslotfriend.ForeColor = &H00FFFF&
lblslotfriend.BackStyle = 1
lblslotfriend.BorderStyle = 1
lblslotfriend.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslotfriend.Font.Size = 8
lblslotfriend.Font.Bold = 1
lblslotfriend.Font.Italic = 0
lblslotfriend.Font.Underline = 0

lblslothostfriend.BackColor = &H202020&
lblslothostfriend.ForeColor = &H00FFFF&
lblslothostfriend.BackStyle = 1
lblslothostfriend.BorderStyle = 1
lblslothostfriend.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslothostfriend.Font.Size = 8
lblslothostfriend.Font.Bold = 1
lblslothostfriend.Font.Italic = 0
lblslothostfriend.Font.Underline = 0

lblslot2.BackColor = &H000000&
lblslot2.ForeColor = &H80F050&
lblslot2.BackStyle = 1
lblslot2.BorderStyle = 1
lblslot2.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslot2.Font.Size = 8
lblslot2.Font.Bold = 0
lblslot2.Font.Italic = 0
lblslot2.Font.Underline = 0

lblslot2friend.BackColor = &H000000&
lblslot2friend.ForeColor = &H00FFFF&
lblslot2friend.BackStyle = 1
lblslot2friend.BorderStyle = 1
lblslot2friend.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslot2friend.Font.Size = 8
lblslot2friend.Font.Bold = 0
lblslot2friend.Font.Italic = 0
lblslot2friend.Font.Underline = 0

lblslot2friendpassword.BackColor = &H000000&
lblslot2friendpassword.ForeColor = &H0080FF&
lblslot2friendpassword.BackStyle = 1
lblslot2friendpassword.BorderStyle = 1
lblslot2friendpassword.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslot2friendpassword.Font.Size = 8
lblslot2friendpassword.Font.Bold = 0
lblslot2friendpassword.Font.Italic = 0
lblslot2friendpassword.Font.Underline = 0

lblslot2password.BackColor = &H000000&
lblslot2password.ForeColor = &H0000FF&
lblslot2password.BackStyle = 1
lblslot2password.BorderStyle = 1
lblslot2password.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslot2password.Font.Size = 8
lblslot2password.Font.Bold = 0
lblslot2password.Font.Italic = 0
lblslot2password.Font.Underline = 0

lblslotc.BackColor = &H202020&
lblslotc.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblslotc.BackStyle = 1
lblslotc.BorderStyle = 1
lblslotc.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblslotc.Font.Size = 8
lblslotc.Font.Bold = 0
lblslotc.Font.Italic = 0
lblslotc.Font.Underline = 0

lnslot.BorderColor = &H464646&

metm0.Picture = ..\common\0gm.gif
metm1.Picture = ..\common\1gm.gif
metm2.Picture = ..\common\2gm.gif
metm3.Picture = ..\common\3gm.gif
metm4.Picture = ..\common\4gm.gif
metm5.Picture = ..\common\5gm.gif
metm6.Picture = ..\common\rgm.gif
metm7.Picture = ..\common\ygm.gif

lub.Picture = ..\common\lub.gif
lubna.Picture = ..\common\lubna.gif

[Menu Window]
mousecursor.Picture = ..\common\cur.cur

rub.Picture = ..\common\rub.gif
rubna.Picture = ..\common\rubna.gif
lub.Picture = ..\common\lub.gif
lubna.Picture = ..\common\lubna.gif

lbltop.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lbltop.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
;lbltop.ForeColor = &H0080FF&
lbltop.BackStyle = 1
lbltop.BorderStyle = 1
lbltop.Font.Name = Tahoma
lbltop.Font.Size = 9
lbltop.Font.Bold = 1
lbltop.Font.Italic = 0
lbltop.Font.Underline = 0

[Pager Window]
mousecursor.Picture = ..\common\cur.cur

lblfrto.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblfrto.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblfrto.BackStyle = 1
lblfrto.BorderStyle = 1
lblfrto.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblfrto.Font.Size = 9
lblfrto.Font.Bold = 1
lblfrto.Font.Italic = 0
lblfrto.Font.Underline = 0

lblmes.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblmes.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblmes.BackStyle = 1
lblmes.BorderStyle = 1
lblmes.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblmes.Font.Size = 9
lblmes.Font.Bold = 1
lblmes.Font.Italic = 0
lblmes.Font.Underline = 0

lblmescount.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblmescount.ForeColor = &H00FF00&
lblmescount.BackStyle = 1
lblmescount.BorderStyle = 1
lblmescount.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblmescount.Font.Size = 9
lblmescount.Font.Bold = 1
lblmescount.Font.Italic = 0
lblmescount.Font.Underline = 0

lblmesdate.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblmesdate.ForeColor = &H00FF00&
lblmesdate.BackStyle = 1
lblmesdate.BorderStyle = 1
lblmesdate.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblmesdate.Font.Size = 9
lblmesdate.Font.Bold = 1
lblmesdate.Font.Italic = 0
lblmesdate.Font.Underline = 0

txtfrto.BackColor = &H000000&
txtfrto.ForeColor = &H80F050&
txtfrto.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtfrto.Font.Size = 9
txtfrto.Font.Bold = 1
txtfrto.Font.Italic = 0
txtfrto.Font.Underline = 0

txtfrtofriend.BackColor = &H000000&
txtfrtofriend.ForeColor = &H00FFFF&
txtfrtofriend.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtfrtofriend.Font.Size = 9
txtfrtofriend.Font.Bold = 1
txtfrtofriend.Font.Italic = 0
txtfrtofriend.Font.Underline = 0

txtmes.BackColor = &H000000&
txtmes.ForeColor = &H80F050&
txtmes.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtmes.Font.Size = 9
txtmes.Font.Bold = 1
txtmes.Font.Italic = 0
txtmes.Font.Underline = 0

[Login Window]

mousecursor.Picture = ..\common\cur.cur

lblcallsign.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblcallsign.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblcallsign.BackStyle = 1
lblcallsign.BorderStyle = 1
lblcallsign.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblcallsign.Font.Size = 9
lblcallsign.Font.Bold = 1
lblcallsign.Font.Italic = 0
lblcallsign.Font.Underline = 0

txtcallsign.BackColor = &HC0C0C0&
txtcallsign.ForeColor = &H000000&
txtcallsign.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtcallsign.Font.Size = 9
txtcallsign.Font.Bold = 1
txtcallsign.Font.Italic = 0
txtcallsign.Font.Underline = 0

lblpassword.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblpassword.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblpassword.BackStyle = 1
lblpassword.BorderStyle = 1
lblpassword.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblpassword.Font.Size = 9
lblpassword.Font.Bold = 1
lblpassword.Font.Italic = 0
lblpassword.Font.Underline = 0

txtpassword.BackColor = &HC0C0C0&
txtpassword.ForeColor = &H000000&
txtpassword.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtpassword.Font.Size = 9
txtpassword.Font.Bold = 1
txtpassword.Font.Italic = 0
txtpassword.Font.Underline = 0

lbllobby.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lbllobby.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lbllobby.BackStyle = 1
lbllobby.BorderStyle = 1
lbllobby.Font.Name = Tahoma
lbllobby.Font.Size = 9
lbllobby.Font.Bold = 1
lbllobby.Font.Italic = 0
lbllobby.Font.Underline = 0

chkremember.BackColor = &HC0C0C0&
chkremember.ForeColor = &H000000&
chkremember.Font.Name = Tahoma
chkremember.Font.Size = 9
chkremember.Font.Bold = 1
chkremember.Font.Italic = 0
chkremember.Font.Underline = 0

chkdefhost.BackColor = &H000000&
chkdefhost.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
;chkdefhost.ForeColor = &H0080FF&
chkdefhost.Font.Name = Tahoma
chkdefhost.Font.Size = 9
chkdefhost.Font.Bold = 0
chkdefhost.Font.Italic = 0
chkdefhost.Font.Underline = 0

defhostcnt.BackColor = &H000000&
defhostcnt.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
defhostcnt.Font.Name = Tahoma
defhostcnt.Font.Size = 9
defhostcnt.Font.Bold = 0
defhostcnt.Font.Italic = 0
defhostcnt.Font.Underline = 0

txtabout.BackColor = &H000000&
txtabout.ForeColor = &H80F050&
txtabout.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtabout.Font.Size = 9
txtabout.Font.Bold = 0
txtabout.Font.Italic = 0
txtabout.Font.Underline = 0

[Credits Window]

txtcredits.BackColor = &H000000&
txtcredits.ForeColor = &H80F050&
txtcredits.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtcredits.Font.Size = 8
txtcredits.Font.Bold = 0
txtcredits.Font.Italic = 0
txtcredits.Font.Underline = 0

[Anticheater Window]

txtcheck.BackColor = &H000000&
txtcheck.ForeColor = &H80F050&
txtcheck.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtcheck.Font.Size = 8
txtcheck.Font.Bold = 0
txtcheck.Font.Italic = 0
txtcheck.Font.Underline = 0

[Submenu Window]

mousecursor.Picture = ..\common\cur.cur

lub.Picture = ..\common\lub.gif
lubna.Picture = ..\common\lubna.gif

lblmenu.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblmenu.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
;lblmenu.ForeColor = &H0080FF&
lblmenu.BackStyle = 1
lblmenu.BorderStyle = 1
lblmenu.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblmenu.Font.Size = 9
lblmenu.Font.Bold = 1
lblmenu.Font.Italic = 0
lblmenu.Font.Underline = 0

[Skin Manager Window]

lstskins.BackColor = &H000000&
lstskins.ForeColor = &H80F050&
lstskins.Font.Name = Tahoma
lstskins.Font.Size = 9
lstskins.Font.Bold = 0
lstskins.Font.Italic = 0
lstskins.Font.Underline = 0

lblauthor.BackColor = &H2F2F20&
lblauthor.ForeColor = &HCFCF80&
lblauthor.BackStyle = 1
lblauthor.BorderStyle = 1
lblauthor.Font.Name = Tahoma
lblauthor.Font.Size = 9
lblauthor.Font.Bold = 1
lblauthor.Font.Italic = 0
lblauthor.Font.Underline = 0

txtauthor.BackColor = &HC0C0C0&
txtauthor.ForeColor = &H000000&
txtauthor.Font.Name = Tahoma
txtauthor.Font.Size = 9
txtauthor.Font.Bold = 1
txtauthor.Font.Italic = 0
txtauthor.Font.Underline = 0
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