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Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania, GMT+2

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:42 pm Reply with quote

i show you sommething about how i "cheat" . watch this and think twice before call sommebody a cheater: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw3m_XuLoM8
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:08 pm Reply with quote

It is a pity that a mentally disturbed rookie like OU-a30ua, who called the other night everyone who shoot him down, a cheater. He can post a world wide topic in which he insults a lot of good pilots, which are flying from a long time and learned to fly, watching their recorded fights, improving their skills and techniques. In his message he does not say that in those fights who had the advantage of altitude, speed and position, he only say that he was shoot down and from his point of view the opponent is cheating because he is down. Playing on the server he was insulting almost everyone, and after a time annoying everyone.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:59 pm Reply with quote

There is no point in continuing this.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:40 pm Reply with quote

well i want to know first of all if u ever learned to talk english proparly.
second if u dont have ANY recordings i cant judge 100% correct(even if u have i cant 100% quz u could have messed whit it).
but what i do know is that brutus only flies the planes that he said =
i fly on A6M2, A6M3, LA7, LA5, Bf109-G2, any Spittfire but no A6M5.
and i know from experience that he CAN be VERY good whit them.
about the cheating u DONT have proof if u dont have recordings AND u could have misjudged from what point he came or what speed he already had so i ask U to post a recording of what "he did".

PS i know brutus and he isnt that brutal he is very patient so if i was u i would look at what i wrote down, and have respect to other people.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:48 pm Reply with quote

oh srry admin i didnt notice ur messege i just looked at first page
and im new here so ...
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:48 am Reply with quote

So is that enough proof OU-a30ua brutusz provided a video, something you couldn't provide us .... I don't think there is any reason to continue this meaningless argument. Good day to you sir.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:25 am Reply with quote

~S~ all
i regularly host a dogfight server almost every night. brutus77 has been flying there regularly for the past three months. i have seen no evidence of hacking or cheating and neither has any of the other RAF members who fly there. Brutus has shown himself to be an excellent pilot and a gentleman of honor and principles. i vouch for him and so does my squadron
Flt Lt. RAF_Strings
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:50 pm Reply with quote

brutusz77 wrote:
i show you sommething about how i "cheat" . watch this and think twice before call sommebody a cheater: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw3m_XuLoM8

Oh Dear

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:57 am Reply with quote

Admins: Please let we users who have knowledge of Brutusz defend what is absolute slander of a very talented, nice pilot. This needs to be responded to, keeping language respectful of course Very Happy

Hi OU-a30ua.

I think you have found a pilot that is just very talented. That is all. I have flown with/against Brutusz77 for quite a few months now and he is VERY good. You were flying in his server, with his settings blackout/stalls-spins/cockpit only all off and with padlock on.

please note - facts require proof. Without which it's just hearsay. A video showing your points would have given some proof. Also a video for yourself is great for learning purposes.
Your "facts":
1: ok you came in and left....
2: A Zero (A6M) without stalls and blackout will turn in about 3 seconds or possibly less keeping same alt. Brutusz is a crack shot, even in cockpit with padlock off. He's just that talented, doesn't need any help from "cheats"

3: Maintaining speed: Brutusz understands his cornering and climb speeds (better search the terms if you don't understand) so maintains his speed very well.

4a: His server spawn points are always only about a minute from the action, so ANY PILOT would only be there in 1 min from spawn.
4b: Can't add "bots" during a loaded server. These were players. It happens all the time that new players just join one side. Nothing unusual there

Your other points:
1: Probably had less fuel, so therefore speed and manueverability higher
2: see 1 plus he uses his flaps really well, increasing turn speed
3: he knows the weak points of planes and aims for them, and usually hits, especially if you can't defensively manuever well (and even sometimes if you do Smile )

Regarding your response:
1: There is no need to call users names. Admins have knowledge of IP's etc, so would know if people have re-posted as another user.
2: It's easy enough to shoot anyone down a few times, no matter how good they are. Even a N00b can get lucky shots and break off a wing. It's continued engagement against the same opponent coming out on top from a disadvantaged position that makes you the better pilot.

From what you say regarding your experience, you are not the better pilot.

"Any significantly advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic". Compared to your experience, Brutusz is magical.

I invite you to fly in any of the RAF servers, see how you go and grab some tips to improve your flying. We are very open to helping new pilots, or people that want to learn. That is what we do every night, and there is always room for improvement from everyone. Even the best pilots.
Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:10 am Reply with quote

thank you all for supporting me. And Admins of Hyperlobby and hyperfighter forum, Sparrow62, tucco, rbi77, scavenger was flying that night on that server with me and they saw all the insults, a few of them was called cheaters to becouse they shoot him down too, so thats why they was talking like that from this guy. Anyway, i am ready to fight with him anytime and anywhere with withnesses. maybe he will record the fights and learn sommething from them. i am not saying "I AM THE BEST PILOT FROM THE HL" , no, i am not, i have a lot to learn. i was registered to HL on May last year, starting to play IL2 in April 2010(this is my first fly sim game) , so i dont have years of experience , i dont have enough skills to play on full realistic servers.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:52 pm Reply with quote

hi OU-a30ua. you say the other night, you have a record of our fight. please post it on the hyperfighter forum to can see all how good you are. i wait impatient that record. probably you watch it and you see, nothing prove your words. i still wait for you to post that record. and please no bad words on pager, i was talking nice with you even if you was saying seriosly hard things about me. if you send me one more pager with words like that, i will post them all here, to see ewerybody how good are you on bad words. by by
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:59 pm Reply with quote

i wish to start with apologize for what i will post here but i am disgusted by OU-a3-ua. he keep sending me pager mesages like this:

1: "Pidar - hit himself head to wall - CHEAYER NOOB Rat - i saw many like you - bastard noob. Wink"

2: "Read my just has sent previous message - bastard cheater rat pidar"

3: "LOOL ##### ... LOL!
(You loost yor chance and you attempt is stupid and funny
READ FACTs about you - IT IS ENIOUGH Wink )
Pidar - CHEATRs & UDUITs is IGNIORING by all who have more than average intellect = by me (genius Wink )"

this last pager mesage was sent to me after i ask him to post a video to prove his words. i am sorry, but i dont have a record of our fights. after this i dont care if the Admins of this forum will delete this topic. and i will be werry happy if i will dont get any other message from this guy. it have to be a way to stop this sommehow. Thank You.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:17 am Reply with quote

Put him on ignore. Also reveals you all his aliases he might use to stalk you with...
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:43 pm Reply with quote

... look this treat ...

Cheater paradise. LOL!
I hate cheaters.
It is nice enough example of "dogs of cheaters" like wrote OU.

What we see..
Smug subject who have no skill to play in Real Settings in serious opponents but he post his collage of his fly from unknown quantity attempts on Arcada server against beginner and still added music in clip. LOL!
Fraer. Wink

As i see - bruruz77 is cheating only against players who to hard for bruruz77 and at all another time bruruz77 is "diligent cute lamb". Wink This is common practice practice of all cheaters.

I think need to continue write in chapters.
So more detailed..

Nobody read even end of Report of OU. I strongly recommended to do this. Wink
Here writing only some the same players which can not say fact or analysis but writing the same classic/standart "LOL!", "brutuz is cool", etc.

brutusz77 so wants to look good, that he forgot about common sense in his posts.
I.e. no facts no analysis but only with furious force proves what he is good
using ill practices including massive spam of his "friends".
Especially strange and funny his monologues about "I'm best ! I'm very honesuly ! I even have friends and my promo video !" wichout facts, when already no reply for long time from a opponents or from another persons. Wink

It's edited movie which represent nothing excluding smug display of himself.
This video have no facts about cheating (especially because of twitching view and assembly) and have no so big informational value.
BTW, - attack from top after just have respawn is not so honestly (bad balance of this map), especially for "geat polot". Wink
As noted KG26_Alpha - Embarassed Rolling Eyes Wink


Sorry but i noted only 1 attempt to analysis - by you, RAFEugene1St and maybe attempts of still 1-2 persons (no time to read another spam in this topic).
Thanks RAFEugene1St for his spent time for write some information.

So, there is my more detailed response.


>1: ok you came in and left....

No, as OU wrote - he easy kill brutuz77 3 times and brutuz77 only was lucky in head-ramming using official but really cheated method - lose pilot who fall first on earth even if both pilots killed.


>2: A Zero (A6M) without stalls and blackout will turn in about 3 seconds or possibly less keeping
same alt. Brutusz is a crack shot, even in cockpit with padlock off. He's just that talented, doesn't need any help from "cheats"

Even if this is right - it is BUG.
There are laws of physics. Wink
And also there are specifications of aircrafts, which show as example "La-7: ... Full turn 18-19 seconds". It is one of most fast turn for aircrafts 1930-1950 years.
There is no your "3 seconds" especially on full speed immediately after frontal attack from a great height. Storyteller-fabler Wink
And also - bruruz77 in next his attempts have used the same LA-7, so you wrong.
About strange accuracy i even do not speak now.


>3: Maintaining speed: Brutusz understands his cornering and climb speeds (better search the terms if you don't understand) so maintains his speed very well.

No any fact or proof. Wink
But it look like 2-3 times faster speed is impossible. And 50% more maneuverability - at least very strange too . Wink


>4a: His server spawn points are always only about a minute from the action, so ANY PILOT would only be there in 1 min from spawn.

OU was wrote about another -
brutuz always found OU from at least 5-10 another players (as usually, and also i think many was in the same types of airplane)
even brutuz have respawned or flyed from 8-10 kilometers away (airfields and respawn points of ~TRANSILVANIA~ is on this distance).


4b: Can't add "bots" during a loaded server. These were players. It happens all the time that new players just join one side. Nothing unusual there

I will not argue. Not know and no time and wish to search for this.
But i know cheats which can add bots in many of games.
Also it is strange - sharp change in the balance and attack mainly on one player.
At any case it is not honestly to play in espercial advantage. There is not even what to say.


>Your other points:

This is nice argument. All another writers is spammers only.
But, as informed by OU about "2-3x speed", "50% maneuverability", "3 seconds full turn", "knowledge position of specific player" and another is impossible at any case if playing is honestly... Strange. Is't it ?

Also read the end of message.
It look like "greatest pilot of all times brutuz77" playing on server for rookie pilots and still which strange "features" and still with advantage in the number of polots, etc.


>Regarding your response:
... And all another in your message bellow this.

No sense write this here. Like "Bla-Bla-Bla".

Really, brutuz, if you so honestly and great pilot - then no need hunting on noobs (if you want to say this about OU).
And instead of call brutuz's spammers (or bots) and
instead of smug Self-Presentations and promo video (all without facts) -
it is need simply explain how methods you using for reach this physically impossible parameters. Wink

I said everything.
Sorry, but time has run out.

Last edited by Uniiverse on Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:39 pm; edited 9 times in total 
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Hyper Staff

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:13 pm Reply with quote

Uniiverse wrote:
... look this treat ...

Cheater paradise. LOL!
I hate cheaters.
It is nice enough example of "dogs of cheaters" like wrote OU.

What we see..
Smug subject who have no skill to play in Real Settings in serious opponents but he post his collage of his fly from unknown quantity attempts on Arcada server against beginner and still added music in clip. LOL!
Fraer. Wink

As i see - bruruz77 is cheating only against players who to hard for bruruz77 and at all another time bruruz77 is "diligent cute lamb". Wink This is common practice practice of all cheaters.

I think need to continue write in chapters.
So more detailed..

Nobody read even end of Report of OU. I strongly recommended to do this. Wink
Here writing only some the same players which can not say fact or analysis but writing the same classic/standart "LOL!", "brutuz is cool", etc.

brutusz77 so wants to look good, that he forgot about common sense in his posts.
I.e. no facts no analysis but only with furious force proves what he is good
using ill practices including massive spam of his "friends".
Especially strange and funny his monologues about "I'm best ! I'm very honesuly ! I eben have friends and my promo video !" wichout facts when no reply. Wink

It's edited movie which represent nothing excliding smug display of himself.
This video have no facts about cheating (especially because of twitching view and assembly) and have no so big informational value.
As noted KG26_Alpha - Embarassed Rolling Eyes Wink


Sorry but i noted only 1 attempt to analysis - by you, RAFEugene1St and maybe attempts of still 1-2 persons (no time to read another spam in this topic).
Thanks RAFEugene1St for his spent time for write some information.

So, there is my more detailed response.


>1: ok you came in and left....

No, as OU wrote - he easy kill brutuz77 3 times and brutuz77 only was lucky in head-ramming using official but really cheated method - lose pilot who fall first on earth even if both pilots killed.


>2: A Zero (A6M) without stalls and blackout will turn in about 3 seconds or possibly less keeping
same alt. Brutusz is a crack shot, even in cockpit with padlock off. He's just that talented, doesn't need any help from "cheats"

Even if this is right - it is BUG.
There are laws of physics. Wink
And also there are specifications of aircrafts, which show as example "La-7: ... Full turn 18-19 seconds". It is one of most fast turn for aircrafts 1930-1950 years.
There is no your "3 seconds". Storyteller-fabler Wink


>3: Maintaining speed: Brutusz understands his cornering and climb speeds (better search the terms if you don't understand) so maintains his speed very well.

No any fact or proof. Wink
But it look like 2-3 times faster speed is impossible. And 50% more maneuverability - at least very strange too . Wink


>4a: His server spawn points are always only about a minute from the action, so ANY PILOT would only be there in 1 min from spawn.

OU was wrote about another -
brutuz always found OU from at least 5-10 another players (as usually, and also i think many was in the same types of airplane)
even brutuz have respawned or flyed from 8-10 kilometers away (airfields and respawn points of ~TRANSILVANIA~ is on this distance).


4b: Can't add "bots" during a loaded server. These were players. It happens all the time that new players just join one side. Nothing unusual there

I will not argue. Not know and no time and wish to search for this.
But i know cheats which can add nots in many of games.
Also it is strange - sharp change in the balance and attack mainly on one player.
At any case it is not honestly to play in espercial advantage. There is not even what to say.


>Your other points:

This is nice argument. All another writers is spammers only.
But, as informed by OU about "2-3x speed", "50% maneuverability", "3 seconds full turn", "knowledge position of specific player" and another is impossible at any case if playing is honestly... Strange. Is't it ?

Also read the end of message.
It look like "greatest pilot of all times brutuz77" playing on server for rookie pilots and still which strange "features" and still with advantage in the number of polots, etc.


>Regarding your response:
... And all another in your message bellow this.

No sense write this here. Like "Bla-Bla-Bla".

Really, brutuz, if you so honestly and great pilot - then no need hunting on noobs (if you want to say this about OU).
And instead of call brutuz's spammers (or bots) and
instead of smug Self-Presentations and promo video (all without facts) -
it is need simply explain how methods you using for reach this physically impossible parameters. Wink

I said everything.
Sorry, but time has run out.

It is not his responsibility to prove himself unguilty. It is YOURS to prove him guilty.

So far just words, insults and empty claims.

You have just lost all the little positive reputation you might have had. Provide an .NTRK where Brutusz is cheating? You dont have one? Too bad.
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