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Joined: May 22, 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:38 am Reply with quote

Just a short post to the USN_Squad to let them know all the help they are giving out is appreciated. A great bunch of guys with tons of information. You guys keep up the great work. We need more like you on the Hyperlobby. Always a pleasure talking and flying with you. And good job on your website. Very Happy

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Joined: May 26, 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:44 am Reply with quote

~S~ TY new friends RS squad! MUCH appreciated kind words!
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Joined: May 26, 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:12 am Reply with quote

From my limited exposure to USN, they are a good lot. Ever willing to help and not wanting trouble in any way. If I hadn't just sworn off ever joining a squad again, USN would be at the top of the list for my virtual F.O.B.

Very Happy
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Joined: May 26, 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:19 pm Reply with quote

~S~Thanks Lucky believe me I understand and I am sure many have had problems .. Let me tell you a story of my 1st two squad experiences, I will try to keep it brief. I will call them squad a and squad b, I joined squad a after having cfs2 1 day, I went in a recruiting room and met a man nameed AAA_Black_Gen, he was Brig Gen over the USN and entire squad CO, he instantly befriended me and although I was unsure of joining because I could not even land for him, he said " I am more concerned with how you conduct yourself than your skills, skills can be taught" I joined!
I was CDT in the USN wing, this squad had 2 USN fighter wings 2 IJN fighter wings and 2 bomber wings, I was flying 2 weeks and noone seemed to wish to train me or befriend me, just shoot down the EZ kill!
Shortly after I met a man called AAA_Mojo_LtCol he was a LtCol in one of the IJN wings and one of the best zeke stiks out there, he immediatly befriended me and started training me in fighter tactics although i was in the USN wing! We became very good friends and I asked my X/O for a transfer to the IJN wing which was granted.
Mojo and I became very good friends and wingmen, he saved my hyneee more than i can count, i worked my way up through the ranks to the rank of Captain and became the X/O of the Senshiki wing Mojo had gotten very busy and we did not see each other much.
About a yr into my membership a guy joined the squad named AAA_Tyr he was a very good pilot and also not much of a team player (hotdog) it didnt matter who gave the orders he did what suited him! he befriended AAA_BigDaddy_Gen the C/O of the IJN section after only 3 weeks in the squad he was named C/O of Senshiki and given equal rank as me, I moved on End of squad A story. Mojo I miss ya buddy!
I flew solo for about a month or 2 after seeing the unfairness in the rank system I was tired of it.... Finally I met a couple of guys in squad B they seemed really laid back didnt use ranks and didnt have a 3 page COC to follow, I felt I represented the squad well as I made it to the semi finals in a zone 2v2 touney with a pilot named 231_Acid I had never flown with but he followed my tactics and orders to the T we got beat in the semis by Ojisan_Fox and Ojisan_Rock 2 of the best, I was removed from that squad for sticking up for my squad, maybe i was wrong but i stick up for my friends.
After again flying alone around a month I formed USN we have done well in many tourneys and USN could handle most squads at any time, we have always offered very good training and friendship, I think the key to our prior and continued success is being selective!.. AAA_Black_Gen passed away some time back from cancer, he would get sick sometimes and although I found out much later why he would suddenly not answer on coms or in a game, as he was throwing up from chemo therapy, he ALWAYS came back came back to help his friends! Even if it meant he sat on coms 2 hours trying to walk a computer noob thru the simplest self install! His shed in his backyard even caught fire once he had to run...he came back on coms 30 min later "oh well it burned down...who won that bombrun" Anytime I make a decision i try to think what would black do? he was the example he was my friend....~SALUTE~ Black_gen
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Joined: Jun 11, 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:25 pm Reply with quote

WOW! what a story robin!!! i am sitting here clapping my hands well done , i know you from cfs2 ..... seen you cheating but then EVERYONE cheats in cfs2, if it comes with the game its not really a cheat?!?!?!?!

glad to see your making a good name for yourself here Laughing hope you DONT upset the wrong people here in HL like you did over in cfs2!!!

i know you as i was in CAF and CIA.. Exclamation
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 8:56 pm Reply with quote

LOL very few there know my name I know who you are , np anyone who knew me and flew with me frequently knows what you say is rubbish, those who dont, well he who hides behind a false name cannot be takin seriously, obove was 100% truth, and i might add I conduct myself NO DIFFERENTLY here !! If I am attacked verbally I attack back!!! I will expect no USN to sit and take trash from an internet rambo, and you mr IK B squad leader he attacked me in hyperlobby as soon as I showed up NP I will take screenshots of the chatlog to backup what I say!! wanna push it now bud? shall i name you lol
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:11 pm Reply with quote

Reaper, of what possible benefit is it to say such negative things about days gone by? Has USN behaved badly since playing IL-2 Forgotten Battles? I've seen no evidence of that. To the contrary, he has behaved better than most around me. Wait, don't answer that! I just realized that gives you an opportunity to spread more ill will. If USN is such a problem, add him to your ignore list.

USN, when you argue with a person who makes such thoughtless statements, what does that make of you? When I ever see someone in the chat for HyperLobby behaving badly, I add them to my ignore list. This assures me of three things...

1) I won't have to see the "bad words" in the chat screen.

2) It reduces the number of spammed and rude PM messages I get.

3) It slows down how fast the chat scrolls by (remember, unless you've got it in big chat mode, where you cannot see the rooms to join, it can scroll by pretty fast). Most of us come to HyperLobby for a game, not to chat. I have found that those who chat a great deal stand a better chance of turning out to be a troublemaker. This is especially so if their chat includes "bad words" or if they want to discuss politics or try to make someone feel bad because of what country they are from or what religeon (if any) they believe in.

The ignore function is a great feature. Sure, someone can log on under multiple names I guess, but pretty soon, they get tired of doing that. I encourage everyone to use the ignore feature early and often. I don't even wait for the guy to have an opportunity to make a personal attack on me. As soon as I see "bad words" I add them to my ignore list.

Yiri has his rules for a reason. Squabbling over days gone by does nothing to help us enjoy the game today. Also, try not to PM him over small things you can handle by yourself. Using the ignore feautre is something you can use to increase your enjoyment of the game while leaving Yiri to enjoy his life! After all, how much do we pay to play at HyperLobby? Yes, that is correct; nothing! So the least we can do is behave well ourselves and ignore those who do not have the self respect to keep their manners in check!

If either of you do not know how to work the ignore feature in HyperLobby, PM me and I'll be happy to show you how it works.
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Joined: May 26, 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:15 pm Reply with quote

~S~ Lucky what does the ignore feature have to do with him calling me a cheat on this forum? And yes sir i think you know I know how it works.
*note thats reapers 1st post..fake name... when he comes out of the closet maybe he would like to fly me here in IL2? hehehehee
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Joined: May 26, 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:17 pm Reply with quote

PS lmao I was NEVER in CIA ! Ask CIA_Mean C/O in HL !lol
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Joined: May 26, 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 5:04 pm Reply with quote

USN_Squad wrote:
~S~ Lucky what does the ignore feature have to do with him calling me a cheat on this forum? And yes sir i think you know I know how it works.
*note thats reapers 1st post..fake name... when he comes out of the closet maybe he would like to fly me here in IL2? hehehehee

Great question! Responding to someone who makes outragous statements lends a certain tacid credibility to the bombs they throw. What did the guy say in the play Hamlet (I think it was Hamlet) about someone who denied an accusation? "I think he protests too much" or something like that is what was said. So as a result, I try not to respond at all.

I understand your desire to respond, but it just feeds the morons who post them in the first place. I never played Cousin Billy's Combat Flight Sim 2. or whatever.anything. Part of the reason why I never bought the game was because of the cheats. Did you participate in these cheats? Who knows and who cares? You've behaved honorably since I've been exposed to you and that's good enough for me! Anyone throwing these old accusations around hold no credibility with me.

Those who accuse people of cheating in this game are skating on thin ice for a couple of reasons...

1) The "packet loss" cheat is hard to accuse someone of because packet loss and widely varying pings can be caused by innocent problems like the person forgetting to close out of a program or IM service or their IP service messing up or the Hosts IP service messing up. Yes, there are people who warp at just the right moment over and over again. Remember, "just the right moment" is also when packet demand is the most critical like when you just start to open fire on someone. Still, some players suffer from just too much "convenient warping". In those cases, I simply avoid playing on servers they're involved with. This is one of the reasons I like to host coops. I keep the auto-kick settings set tight enough to kick players who cheat, yet allow even dial-up players with steady pings as high as 400 to play. Also, if some guy gets kicked, I'm happy to help him work on his packet loss problem after the game.

2) I keep hearing of other possible cheat, but nobody can show how the cheater pulls it off. Unless you've got proof, no matter how much you don't like it, it is best to keep the accusation to yourself and just do your best to avoid the problem player.

So in the end, just go to places where cheating is not tollerated and leave the name calling behind. It's that "ignore" principle at work again! Wink
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