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Hyper Staff

Joined: Aug 11, 2011
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Location: Anderson, IN.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:32 pm Reply with quote

I realy don't think BOT's should be allowed in HL by rnzoli or any one else.
If this is allowed, players will no longer use Hyperlobby in fear of what Bot's are capable of.

A 'bot' is a type of malware which allows an attacker to gain complete control over the affected computer. Computers that are infected with a 'bot' are generally referred to as 'zombies'. There are literally tens of thousands of computers on the Internet which are infected with some type of 'bot' and don't even realize it. Attackers are able to access lists of 'zombie' PC's and activate them to help execute DoS (denial-of-service) attacks against Web sites, host phishing attack Web sites or send out thousands of spam email messages. Should anyone trace the attack back to its source, they will find an unwitting victim rather than the true attacker.

'Bots' are good at hiding in the shadows of your computer so that they are not noticed. If you could easily detect that something was running on your computer, you would quickly remove or disable it. They often have file and process names that are similar, or even identical, to normal system file names and processes so that users won't think twice even if they do see them.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:47 pm Reply with quote

VMF214_Pappy wrote:
I realy don't think BOT's should be allowed in HL by rnzoli or any one else.
If this is allowed, players will no longer use Hyperlobby in fear of what Bot's are capable of.

A 'bot' is a type of malware which allows an attacker to gain complete control over the affected computer. Computers that are infected with a 'bot' are generally referred to as 'zombies'. There are literally tens of thousands of computers on the Internet which are infected with some type of 'bot' and don't even realize it. Attackers are able to access lists of 'zombie' PC's and activate them to help execute DoS (denial-of-service) attacks against Web sites, host phishing attack Web sites or send out thousands of spam email messages. Should anyone trace the attack back to its source, they will find an unwitting victim rather than the true attacker.

'Bots' are good at hiding in the shadows of your computer so that they are not noticed. If you could easily detect that something was running on your computer, you would quickly remove or disable it. They often have file and process names that are similar, or even identical, to normal system file names and processes so that users won't think twice even if they do see them.

This scares the crap out of me, really. I don't want this to happen either. It's not very nice to have details compromised and i'm outta here if that ever goes ahead. People are talking about changes they want in HL. Well, To be fair, go ask the admins before anyone pulls stunts like this...
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Hyper Staff

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:48 pm Reply with quote

That above definition of a "bot" is more of a malware/spyware bot, ie. a virus.

Bot also commonly stands for AI, or a program automated to do something for a user. Dedicaded DF servers with automatic map rotation, checking for mission objectives, planes left etc. are also "bots", as is the new automatic coop server. It isnt even the first of its kind, although the previous ones have been lauched as DF servers and have been on the server list.
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Hyper Staff

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:56 pm Reply with quote

Ok, Next HL will have AimBot and others like in Call of Duty and most Third Person Shooter games.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:56 pm Reply with quote


In here I try to be crystal clear regarding the server controller for automatic co-op hosting. To underline, everyone is safe, my program is not malware at all, it's not a virus eiher, it's not accessing HL in any abnormal way.

It simply simulates what a normal user does when hosting manually, so it's not more "dangerous" than that .

It is even less capable, because it cannot recognize ID's, chat responses etc.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:02 pm Reply with quote

VMF214_Pappy wrote:
Ok, Next HL will have AimBot and others like in Call of Duty and most Third Person Shooter games.

Let me borrow Oleg's often quoted saying "You is wrong." Smile

By the way, regarding my own co-op controller, I see no problem in sending my program code to Jiri Fojtasek for a review, if Jiri can page me where to send it to. Deal?
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Hyper Staff

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:25 pm Reply with quote

I don't see a problem if it is used in your own Dedicated Server if you have one, I just think it will give other programmers the idea of using game bots like in Call of Duty and so on.
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Hyper Staff

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:35 pm Reply with quote

VMF214_Pappy wrote:
I don't see a problem if it is used in your own Dedicated Server if you have one, I just think it will give other programmers the idea of using game bots like in Call of Duty and so on.

Using macros in Windows has nothing to do with game bots. The "auto-host-bot" is a simple program that will move the mouse and click and push buttons in a pre-coded way.

But on the game itself, IL-2 uses true ballistics, ie. guns shoot bullets that will have individual trajectories depending on gun settings, bullet type etc. that the game tracks. The "bot" would need to move the whole plane(player hoping for it to not stall or otherwise break it).

In many or most FPS games there are no "bullets" but the game simply checks if you were pointing at the target when you press the mouse button. Even in the latest COD and Battlefield games. Because there are no limitations in how quick you can turn around and point the gun about the space, its pretty easy to code macros that will simply point the muzzle on nearest bad guy and keep it there.

Thats why a real human will always shoot better than bots in flight sims... Theres no one best "solution" to how to maneuver for the required lead depending on the changing distance, position, different guns etc. versus a very simple "point the mouse on" system where the movement speed is unlimited and only reason you can miss is because of server latency.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:41 pm Reply with quote

Look Pappy, I know it's a bit of a surprise and it's OK to be vigilante (as always), but really, the bad guys don't hear such ideas from me, c'mon Smile

What kept bad stuff out from HL lobbies are the tight admins and the securely written code by Jiri. This won't change.
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Hyper Staff

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:58 pm Reply with quote

It's those automatic messages that annoy me the most. That said, my question is;

Can a person who has... egads, I better ask this question elsewhere.
And what's wrong with using a dedicated server instead?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:07 pm Reply with quote

I try to explain the whole lot here: http://hyperfighter.sk/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=8104

The short answer is that you can participate in a DF game any time you join the dogfight server, but for true co-ops, the players must join together with the others at a specific time, after one mission ended, and the other hasn't started yet. HL and IL-2 provides no other ways to invite players for co-ops other than the HL chat. As a result from the feedback, the messages are already limited to 1 block of text when the next mission becomes available, and one more short message 1 min before launch. I have also restricted the slot use to #2-#4, so as to leave slot #1 for manual (human) hosting only.
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Hyper Staff

Joined: Aug 18, 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:48 am Reply with quote

S! All
i think the annoying thing at the moment is the amount of entries that are consecutively being posted at the same time. i have explained this to rnzoli that if it is limited to one entry then i don't have a problem with it. my concern is however if others take up the same role and suddenly we have a heap of automated entries posted every few minutes or so. that's my main concern. rnzoli has shown that he is willing to make adjustments as advised by the admins and maybe we should see what comes of it.
one point made by someone to me is that it does offer a coop mission regularly in the lobby and that does allow people who are wanting to fly coops the opportunity to do so. this is a good thing i think but i shall rely on the old adage of wait and see
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