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PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 4:30 am Reply with quote

1) Display players in HL immediately upon the opening of the program, even if you did not register and did not log into the account of the program. This is necessary in order not to remember your passwords, but immediately see the list. Honestly, I don’t see the point of registration at all, because on the game server you still need to enter your password, and why do it in addition in your program is not clear (especially since I forgot my password and now I can’t enter the program ... ).
2) The program should display the players on the game server (IL-2 Sturmovik 1946), even if they are not logged in via HL (that is, as the web online server catalogs do, they simply display the players on the server and their ping). Those players that entered through HL will be displayed in one color, and those that entered without HL to others. This is necessary because there are very few people using HL and since the HL players see that there are zero players on the HL server, they don’t go to the IL-2 server (although there can be 30 players on the IL-2 server, just none of them went in HL). Thus, the servers are deprived of people, as they are just lazy to go to HL or this program may be inconvenient for them, but this is not important - the point is that there is no influx of newbies to the server due to the fact that the program does not display the nicknames of players without HL!
3) What will happen to the HL program if your server crashes? She is not universal! She is unable to work without a shared server! Make it possible to work without access to your server, that is, as a normal directory with a list of servers (in addition to item number 2).
4) The yellow notification about the server settings blocks and prevents to see the nicknames of the players who have come. It needs to be moved to another place.
5) Make it so that when you click on "Join player game", the program opens the game (the main page of the game), but does not enter the server through the command "c:\adress\il2fb.exe server:port -name NickName". Because because of HL, when you exit the server (for example, with red squares lags, the game kicks you or the server flew you incorrectly on the plane) instead of opening the main page of the game, the game completely closes and the Windows desktop opens It is very uncomfortable.
The game enters the server and so slowly, and here you have to wait for the download of the game itself (because of what the download time increases to 3 minutes and so every time, very often!).
6) Ability to turn down the volume of the program.
7) Why when installing the program asks the path to the installer program "msi"? Doesn't he see himself?
Cool When you first set up the program (during installation) a very inconvenient form of specifying the address to the game and searching for the exe file is very slow, it is easier just to copy the address manually and paste it using Ctrl + V.
9) Would you like to share the source code to make the program national wealth and and not lose it into oblivion? =)
10) In the settings of the game's complexity in the program (where there are many checkboxes “difficulty of the game”) add the ability to put all the checkboxes at once, on all the items at once.
11) For different servers the ability to specify different paths to the game and different "exe".
12) Add the ability to add a more detailed description for the server than what is now allowed by default (that is, it will be your local feature, the administrators of IL-2 servers will make changes on your site, and they will appear in your program).
13) Make a web version of the server directory on your site (for example, something like this http://il2.com.ru/links.php ).
14) More convenient program setup, rather than a simple text file.
15) The counter of the entered characters of the password (it is inconvenient to count the number of lattice characters manually "#######").
16) Add a text language file so that the program can be easily translated into any language.
Thank you very much =) Smile Smile Smile Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:17 pm Reply with quote

Thanks for your ideas Smile

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:44 pm Reply with quote

Jiri-Fojtasek wrote:
Thanks for your ideas Smile

I would like to add that:
Especially many players do not like automatic logging on to the server (after leaving the game it closes completely), this is the main “complaint”. Of course, this is the fault of the IL-2 programmers, not yours, but still.
And server administrators do not like the fact that players without HyperLobby are not visible in HyperLobby. This hinders the development of servers, since most foreign players enter through HyperLobbies, and not through directories (monitoring) of servers =)

p.s. Since this site is dedicated most of all to HyperLobby, would it not be more logical to put a large noticeable button for downloading the program to the main page?
Now players have to perform 4 extra actions: A small invisible link "Download" -> Look down the screen -> Click on the item "HyperLobby Client" -> Click on the item "HyperLobby 4.3.5" -> Click on the "Go Get It" and This causes difficulties for the older generation. At first I did not understand how to download, what can we say about elderly people)))

Thanks for attention))))
p.p.s. Number "8" converted to a smiley - forum error =D
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:30 pm Reply with quote

1) In the chat, the gray font is hard to see.
2) There is no function to set a password embedded in the program.
3) There is no user registration feature built into a special window (only via chat).
4) And add a password recovery function (secret question and mail). But in the secret answer, prohibit the special characters, only the letters of the alphabet (that people would remember the meaning of the answer, but not encrypt, so that there would not be such a situation when you remember the meaning of the answer, but you can’t remember exactly how you typed it) )).
5) When changing the password in the chat, you need to enter it once, without repetitions, this can lead to the user being mistaken. In addition, a user may mistakenly enter a command incorrectly and his password will be seen by everyone (this function must be removed from the chat).
6) I had a bug, I started the game at a resolution of 800 by 600 and when it was closed, HL turned on the whole screen and it could not be reduced, it filled the entire desktop in gray font.
7) It is not possible to specify exe-shniki of different games without the Search button (add several paths to the games). You might think that I have already proposed this, but then I meant to specify the exe-shnik for one game of different modifications (and versions). But now I mean other games, and point the way, not only when installing the program, but also during its work.
Cool Add google translator to chat! It'll be cool! Everyone writes in their own language and gets an answer in their own language =)
9) Add in the chat time of the message, for the orientation of the time.
10) Add a command / help - it is more familiar than / h for most.
11) The slider does not rewind the chat until you drop it (release the mouse button), this is a little awkward =)
12) There is no possibility to copy text from several chat lines, which means it is difficult to translate everything that players write (you have to copy each line separately).
13) Embed the program usage guide (https://hyperfighter.sk/content-8.html) into the program.
14) Let your server keep the chat history for the last 24 hours (and what it could be read in the program. In the last line of the loaded chat history, display a bright orange bar to understand where the text was downloaded from the server history, and from where it will be in online mode - I hope it is clear)))).
15) Add the button "Save text from chat to text file" (sometimes you want to remember a dialogue with someone or tips).
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:48 pm Reply with quote

To the error of 6 item:
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:13 pm Reply with quote

Jiri-Fojtasek wrote:
Thanks for your ideas Smile

1) Add the ability for players to arrange a vote in the chat program (well, you yourself will arrange them too). More precisely, if there was a vote separately from the chat, each user will have a limit on the number of votes created per month, they will be displayed in a separate window, emerging randomly (and there will be a button to show all votes that open the list of votes). But I would not like to limit the voting time by activity (limit the number of votes to create, but the voting works forever).
Maybe some of my ideas are stupid, but I want to hear the views of users =D
2) Add a search engine in the settings editor Ctrl+F.

p.s. I am deaf again when sitting in the headphones - the sound in my system is set to maximum, for watching movies, the games are tuned to such a volume, but your program just stuns))))
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:18 pm Reply with quote

Here are some more ideas:
1) Make the program analyze the identifiers of the video card, processor, motherboard and send them to the administrator to account for the change of nicknames (to protect the anonymity of the players, you can send not the identifiers, but the hashes of the identifiers with unknown salt).
[The hash of each microcircuit must be separate, this is so that the player could not bypass the system and change one of the microcircuits (I also do not say that this should be tied to a nickname, NO, I mean that this information could be seen by administrators and applied as they wanted, they can ignore it, or they can be fined. That is, several nicknames can have the same hashes).]
2) Make it possible to quickly change the version of the game (as in the version switch that disappeared from the Internet). Because in Steam now there is only version 4.14.1, but most servers decided to stay on the usual 4.13.4 (and there are many more older versions).

p.s. You will no longer change the program and develop it? =)
Maybe then give people the source code?)))

p.p.s. God, how difficult it is to recover your password on the forum! I barely remembered him! (restore difficult for some reason)
And in the program, it cannot be restored at all (can you make a password reminder line there or a secret question?).
I'm just as interested, but how do you manage to prevent spam bots from registering?
And to this, and advice: add a timer, with which you can see that you can add a new message; remove the time lock to edit an already sent message; and also reduce the time for trusted users.
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