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Joined: May 09, 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:56 pm Reply with quote

Instead of banishment, give em 30 seconds.
It is hard to get in a heated argument in 30 seconds!
Seems to me that most of the lobby bullies don't fly
much, they hang around to pick on guys like Slaughter.

So, if they prove themselves unworthy of the lobby
limit them to 30 seconds before auto disconnect.

That way there is only time to jump in a game.

What do you think Jiri?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:48 pm Reply with quote

Idea is good but i have on the plan some votekick and voteban commands ...

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:10 am Reply with quote

Jiri-Fojtasek wrote:
Idea is good but i have on the plan some votekick and voteban commands ...

A vote kick of vote ban could allow a bad group or squad to gang up on a good guy. So I would be careful here to not give undue power to bullies trying to fix the problem.

I would rather see the 'chat block' also carry over to blocking people from entering hosted game at all once I block them, and no chat in game at all either once blocked. I would like to see them blocked at the server by IP address (the server could maybe do this without disclosing IP address), so it won't help if they change names. I don't want to see them once I block them.

Currently block only seems to work in the lobby for some reason.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:02 am Reply with quote

After seeing how some squads back up their abusive members
and gang up on the abused I would tend to agree.

The 663 and RS squads come to mind.

Giving the vote to the lobby majority would be preferable
than to an easily reached number, lets say 10 votes and yer gone.

The RS would have slaughter banned every night/day.

Placing abusers on a short time limit would solve the lobby

Combining a vote with the short time might be better. But from
what I have witnessed, the abusers are very well organised.

In my opinion vote kick or vote banning will enpower the abusers.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:49 pm Reply with quote

The Vote ban is a great idea. Putting some of the responsablity of managing hyperlobby in the hands of those who fly here.

But maybe some ideas on how to keep it fair and balanced.

Instead of 10 votes and your gone, lets say 150 votes in a 2 week period or a month and your gone. After that time period the voting would have to start over. There are about 300 flyers here at anytime. And maybe over 2000 members or more member. So 150 or so votes is a nice percentage of flyers here. Dont think any one or two squads have 150 members between them.

And every vote must come from an active member that has been here for atleast 6 months. The Name of the voter must be active in the Lobby and fly at least once a week for a hour or so. This way no one person can change his name over and over just to vote someone out. Or vote only by IP.

I have been flying here for over 4 years and been in 2 sqauds ( but left the squads due to my work schedule ). In the time I have been flying here I have only had to put one person on ignore. This person has changed his name alteast 5 times in just the last month. (love the new ignore feature) My guess is becuase he is banned from most servers for not following the rules. And thats the only way he can get back in a server that has not banned his IP, only his call sign.

With these ideas no small group or single person can get someone banned just because of personal problems. It would be a majority rule.

Use the ignore if you are having a problem with one or two people, thats what it is for. And it works great. If you are having a problem with a person in a game, contact the host of the game. If that person is disrupting the game he should be banned from server by his IP. Most servers will take care of this. Before long they would have no where to fly.

Just some words for thought.

~S~ Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:37 am Reply with quote

I agree the vote ban is a great idea. It would enable the community to police itself. I think 100 votes over a 2 week period should be enough to ban a member for 30 days. I think limiting voting to active members with at least 6 months standing and one vote per IP is definity the way to go.

I think a vote kick is also a good idea. It would work exactly the same way as the vote ban except it would only require 50 votes over a much shorter time frame say 4 hours and the member is kicked for 48 hours.

I think we are overlooking something though. Most abuse occurs via the hyperlobby forums. If someone sends you an abusive pager message or says something in the chat you find offensive all you have to do is use the ignore feature and the problem is solved. If you encounter a abusive host you can avoid thier server. If you host and encounter an abusive player you can kick them.

How do you deal with an abuser who hides behind an alias and uses the hyperlobby forum to attack other indiviguals and squads ? If an abuser chooses to use a false name in the forum that does not exist in hyperlobby what options do you have ? Anyone have any ideas ?

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 6:17 pm Reply with quote

MountainDew wrote:
A vote kick of vote ban could allow a bad group or squad to gang up on a good guy. So I would be careful here to not give undue power to bullies trying to fix the problem.

I've been playing Jane’s WWII and IL-2 on HL as long as anyone and I'd have to say there is no such thing as "a bad group or squad".

Squadrons have a way of policing from within and ridding themselves of the occasional "bad apple". ZG77_Rupture/Amethest/Slaughter/MeltDown is familiar with this procedure.

To imply there are a bunch of trouble makers lurking in HL waiting to jump on some unsuspecting "good guy" is laughable to say the least.

If there was a kick feature I doubt a ban feature would be necessary. If a trouble making person could be kicked from HL for a couple days with 10 votes, he'd quickly learn to keep his mouth shut and maybe enjoy himself a little more.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:06 pm Reply with quote

As I said, the 663rd has been known to indulge in lobby bullying.
Anybody questioning the 663rd's morals may be accused of
being slaughter.

Being the big bad bully in the lobby is not enough.
What started as an intelligent conversation about
controling bullies is degenerating into an example of
squad bullying.


Last edited by Melt_Down on Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:18 am; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:16 am Reply with quote

I also know a bad squad. Bad as meaning a group within the squad making up the majority of the members of the squad. I will not go into details in this public forum for obvious reasons.

As I said before, we need to be able to click on their name and block them so they can not enter our games. Just blocking chat inside of the lobby (as it is now) is useless and does me no good if I am trying to host a game and they keep harassing me by joining my game over and over and sending messages over and over.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:00 am Reply with quote

Melt_Down wrote:
As I said, the 663rd has been known to indulge in lobby bullying.
Anybody questioning the 663rd's morals may be accused of
being slaughter.

Being the big bad bully in the lobby is not enough.
What started as an intelligent conversation about
controling bullies is degenerating into an example of
squad bullying.


This is a perfect example of what I talked about in a my previous post.

663rd_Asmody wrote:
I think we are overlooking something though. Most abuse occurs via the hyperlobby forums. If someone sends you an abusive pager message or says something in the chat you find offensive all you have to do is use the ignore feature and the problem is solved. If you encounter a abusive host you can avoid thier server. If you host and encounter an abusive player you can kick them.

How do you deal with an abuser who hides behind an alias and uses the hyperlobby forum to attack other indiviguals and squads ? If an abuser chooses to use a false name in the forum that does not exist in hyperlobby what options do you have ? Anyone have any ideas ?


Here we have someone hiding behind an alias and uses the forum to attack other squad. None of my squadmates has ever seen Melt_Down in hyperlobby. Actually no one has ever seen Melt_Down in hyperlobby since no hyperlobby user with the name Melt_Down exists. Its a very simple accusation to prove. This is how you do it. First try to connect using the name "Melt_Down". When you do this you get this

* Welcome to user account wizard (2 steps):
* Please confirm your password by chat :

Wow looks like the name Melt_Down is up for grabs. Its a new name. No hyperlobby user is currently using the name Melt_Down.

To be sure I tried to connect using the following names : Melt_down, melt_Down, melt_down, MELT_DOWN, MELTDOWN, MeltDown, Meltdown and meltdown. When I did this I got this

* Welcome to user account wizard (2 steps):
* Please confirm your password by chat :

Wow looks like all these names are up for grabs. They are all new names. No hyperlobby user is currently using any of these names.

I suggest you go grab that name Melt_Down before someone else gets it lol.

Jiri maybe you should check out who registered today ? I bet you will have a new member called Melt_Down joining shortly.

Welcome to the community Melt_Down <S>!


Last edited by 663rd_Asmody on Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:42 am; edited 5 times in total 
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:04 am Reply with quote

Not true.
My name is not up for grabs.
You must have miss spelled it.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:22 am Reply with quote

Very Happy Well folks looks like we have a new member ! A curious thing happened shortly after I posted my last message in the forum. I recieved the following message in hyperlobby :

4/9/2005 5:01:43 PM * > IP address based ignore has applied to user Melt_Down"

First the good news, At 5:01:43 PM Pacific Standard Time Melt_Down officially became a member of the hyperlobby community. Welcome aboard Melt_Down ! Ok now for the bad news it seems that that Melt_Down shares the same ip as the only person I have on my ignore list.

The contents of my ignore list :


The other names in my ignore list all correspond to names that are currently being used by my old buddy Sgt. Slaughter. How do I know this ? Well no one sends an abusive pager message like Sgt. Slaughter does. I wont go into the details.

Juri could you investigate what I have posted ? Im not looking to get anyone banned or in trouble. All I want is the personal attacks on my squad and myself to stop. The ignore feature takes care of this kind of abuse in the lobby. We need something to take care of abusive members in the forum. <S>!


Last edited by 663rd_Asmody on Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:05 am; edited 2 times in total 
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:40 am Reply with quote

Very Happy Bump Very Happy

Last edited by 663rd_Asmody on Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:36 pm Reply with quote

Razz Bump Razz
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:13 pm Reply with quote

Getting boring, funny a thread about lobby bullies
attracts the #1 lobby bully!

Asmody, you have only proved you can type. You need help.

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