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Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:32 pm Reply with quote

Hi and Merry Christmas,
please can some body tell me whats going on with 1946. I like alot of you got it for christmas, I have been fan since the begining and not computer wizz>>> before you just down loaded new patch pressed ubi multiplay and a way you go to the UBI hyperlobby and that has now changed again...
I need to know how now to use 1946 online this bit seems to be missing on the disc when it loaded.
i have final merged FB404m
1946 has installed in seperate file which is fine I would like to leave them this way so you have option.
I have seen on forums the new 4071 and other patches 405, 406, but how do i get this to work on multiplay in 1946, the more i read more it seems confusing.
there is nothing on UBI to say what you need to do only mention of the 406 and 407 patch on the PF web page but nothing in game updates it remains at 404m.
so if anybody knows would be greatful
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Joined: Jan 06, 2007
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:27 pm Reply with quote

hi, i got IL2 1946 today and when i try to get on hyperlobby with it, it says it cannt find the game executable in the path i put, it then searches for the installation folder and doesn't find it/?????? any ideas?
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Joined: Jun 25, 2006
Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:56 pm Reply with quote

Hello chaps - I think you will find that 1946 does indeed write to a separate area.
I too was 'flying' the previous versions and could not get 1946 to load with HL. In the end I gave up the option of keeping the previous version in order to 'fly' online, and simply got around the problem by uninstalling the original 4.05 version.

After doing this, Hyperlobby failed to find the old game but did see the new location of 1946 which I then needed to confirm the path of after HL had done its search and Voila! it worked.
I could have uninstalled HL and reinstalled it too I guess - but got it working before I got to that.

I too would have liked to have kept my original version, but in the end asked myself "Why?" and now just have 4.07 patched up to 4.071 and added a no-dvd patch to preserve the disc.
From what others were saying it was notable that the game would periodically check that the disk was in, and the game would momentarily stall or lag, as it went through this process, but by applying the no-dvd fix this process is eliminated and the game runs as smooth as clockwork. My only frustration is that I can't get the HL Swastika enabler to recognise 1946 - any ideas on that?
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Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Posts: 17
Location: Lowestoft, England

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:42 pm Reply with quote

Next step is dump all your previous IL2 versions prior to 1946, patch up to 4.08 and come online at the Hyperlobby!

I found out the hard way when I first bought Pacific Fighters and assumed one could fly the PF stand-alone as well as the fully merged versions. But NO! Best to get rid of all the old stuff - it's ALL included in 1946 anyway plus you should find aircraft handling better too.

Like you I am no geek either and the one thing that STILL bugs me about Il2 is its ridiculously long load times no matter whether I play alone or online! I also get long pauses for some keystrokes to action in the setting up of the aircraft, airfields etc. I would appreciate any views. I have a mid range PC which has been upgraded greatly since I first flew Il2 FB alone but I STILL have this
ongoing problem Sad
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Joined: Jun 25, 2006
Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:41 pm Reply with quote

Thanks HercMan.
My installation is actually a fresh install on a recently formatted HDD so I'm confident about all being well there, and all my old game is now hived away on the shelf somwhere. Yes 1946 is a bit irritating as I bought the PE2 addons then the full version that contained everything and then 1946 appeared. I cant help feeling that Ubisoft are pulling a bit of a fast one there. But I love the sim so much and its great online so I just keep opening my wallet Evil or Very Mad Rolling Eyes
Personal experience with installation of games is simply let them load to the path/destination folder they want to go to - mucking about with that can and does lead to confusion at a later date with subsequent updates.

Anyone had any problems with V.4.08 not installing? Someone I was talking to has now tried to install 4.08 from several different sources and each time it fails, giving an error message in the last couple of seconds. He's tried installing both over 4.07 and 4.071 and it makes no difference - the same thing happens Question

I just added as much memory to my machine as I could and it has dramatically reduced my load times quite significantly.
Thought all the Hercs were still at Lyneham? When you going to Brize? Wink
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Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Posts: 17
Location: Lowestoft, England

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:27 am Reply with quote

Haha Nev! You spotted the link with Lyneham - yes I was there first in 1968 Shocked and left finally end of 1996!!! Nowadays I live by the sea and try to restore a boat!!

I too was frustrated at Ubisoft's cheek with the releases of the game - I bought Pe2 after much thought and then had a right game trying to uninstall it again as no-one else seemed to want to buy it and I only play online!! Then my original CD Roms seemed to not like loading anymore and when I saw the Ultimate pack for a mere £10 it seemed too good to miss! Hardly had I done that than out came 1946 and we're back to the start!! Grrrr Evil or Very Mad

But like you say it's a great sim. Wish Microsoft would adopt something similar in piloting terms and apply it to their concept of FS too!

By the way you showed your age by using the name Neville Duke! Unless of course that IS your real name in which case I sincerely apologise! Very Happy
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Joined: Jun 25, 2006
Posts: 11

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:16 pm Reply with quote

Heheh, No Nev Duke isn't my real name, and I joined the mob in '77.
My first post was Hunters at Brawdy then back to Halton for fitters course then Benson on Wessex ASF (hated helis) then 115 Sqn Andovers where I had an excellent time.
From there when 115 disbanded I ended up at RAF ImOdiham (Imodium) on Pumas (hated them as well) and from there did a final tour at BZN on 101Sqn - probably the best time of my life in the mob, that last posting. I'm out now, but working as a civvie at N'holt on whats left of, and what used to be the Queens Flight.
I live in Glos not far from BZN and have digs in the barrack block at work - hardly feels like I'm out, but I left in January 2000!
Surely you didn't do your whole career at Lyneham?? Shocked

Personally I've never liked any of Microsofts offerings - the flight modelling feels all wrong and some situations such as incipient spin definately don't feel right. The only flight sim that does feel very very, right is X-plane - but I'm not involved in it anymore.
Olegs sim has been brilliant from day one, and I like the increasing complexity of it. (Hopefully BOB will bring in further complexity and make things such as magnetos a bit more important) but it's a crying shame that so much time was put into Pacific Fighters as it most definately split the community (probably under pressure from Ubi to do this) - so now there are fewer online gamers in the same theatre. This in turn lead to some further disillusionment particularly when some of the coding was changed to cope with graphics issues, and details like columns of smoke now 'grew' out of the ground as you neared them, rather than being visible from miles away in the distance as they once were.
Having said that, I can no longer afford to fly for real anymore, and with some of the addons available MS Flight Sim9 has given me some hours of pleasure as well as frustration) But I haven't sampled the new Flight sim X offering yet hopefully they have improved the modelling - landing in FS was totally unrealistic and even the cockpit view has a weird paralax to it - whereas in IL-2 the aircraft even 'feel' heavy, and there doesn't appear to be that strange offset paralax feeling on approach.
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Joined: Jun 27, 2004
Posts: 17
Location: Lowestoft, England

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 8:02 pm Reply with quote

My time at Lyneham was in 2 stints - first from 1968 to 1975 when I took redundancy courtesy of the Labour Party and fled the grey world of UK to fly for the RNZAF. I learned all about helicopters, my first love, from a wonderful ex-Vietnam hero there and relished flying the Huey. Personal circumstances led me back to UK after three and a half years of living in a perfect country but I got a job with SOAF still flying Hueys and the Bell 214B Biglifter. Great sport! Separation from the family was tough so returned to rejoin the RAF and after a short course on Gazelles to learn the "RAF way" (very different!) I too ended up at Odiham flying the Puma ( I LOVE Imodium as a name hahah!) from 1981 to 1984. I HATED IT - the life style that is - SH Force was awful and incestuous too! So a six month spell in Belize as TAOC led me back to Lyneham and there I stayed as a Hercules Captain, then trainer, examiner and tanker captain. I finished officially almost exactly ten years ago, 5 years early for retirement, to learn wooden boatbuilding, a far more genteel way of life! But I do love the old flight sims.

Finally I had the chance to fly the mighty J-Model Herc sim with my old Squadron - it was so good i was "tanking" behind a virtual VC10 within 10 mins of climbing in the seat!! They hadn't warned me about THAT!! LOL!
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