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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:22 pm Reply with quote


2/16/2007 11:06:16 AM

2/16/2007 11:36:45 AM

RS_BloodshotS posted 229 pager messages to me in HL.

That's 1/2 an hour posting the SAME page!

It took me 10 seconds to delete them.

He's madder than a hatter!

RS_BloodshotS has posted roughly 3,000 pages in two weeks!!!!!
That's a lot of time spent trying to be friendly ROFL Laughing

Bloodshot(S) carefully sends the pages while I am out of the lobby
so they get past the ignore feature. He is VERY adept at bypassing the
ignore feature.

I keep Blood and his many aliases on permanent ignore.


Last edited by Doddlebug on Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:00 am; edited 2 times in total 
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:49 pm Reply with quote

OK....I am sick of this stupid retarded piontless crap. He doesnt come here to fly but to start drama and trouble..he is a Drama Queen. IF he cant start it ...he makes it up. But I have had my fill of him slandering me..posting lies..Harrassing me ...my Squad mates..my freinds..the servers I fly in ....
using my name connecting to games via ip and team killing. The old fart really needs to quiit playing with himself and go get laid once in awhile or something..hell I dont know.

Anyways...I am tried of his crap. He post here and everywhere on the internet.

If I dont respond ...those who dont know me ..think I am the bad guy.
If I do respond ...I have lowered myself to his level.

So here is what I suggest.........
WHo ever has the Majic Wand start waving the damn thing!!!!

Ban His name (Amethyst / Ubermensch / Doddlebug ect.... )
Ban My name
Ban any and all accounts he may have (remember he has 4 computers )
Ban any and all accounts I may have
Ban his IP and ISP
Ban my IP and ISP
Dont stop there.........
Ban his wife
Ban my wife
Ban his children
Ban my children
Ban his grand children
Ban my grand children
Ban everyone in the state of New Hampshere
Ban everyone in the state of Georgia

Seems to be the only way to get this "special olympic Candidate"
to stop. Its easy to see who is causing all the trouble..see who is starting all these threads...see who is trash talking in chat. See who is using up good band with to start stupid piontless crap for no reason.


P.S....my ignore feature works great..dont understand whats so hard about using the feature that he cant figure out..must have feet for hands
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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:39 pm Reply with quote

First day in a month that the harassing pages have stopped.
This posting has had the desired effect. Very Happy

It is not to ban Mr. Bloodshot(s) but to put an end to
his unrelenting harassment.

But banishment did work. After he hacked his way back in the trouble
started again. He is in fact banned.

Three years of non stop harassment. Backed by his squad and
sucking other squads into the fray, Bloodshot(s) has never let up. Confused

All this because I had a tight auto kick on my server that booted his bad
pinging modem. Wink


Last edited by Doddlebug on Sat Feb 17, 2007 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:12 pm Reply with quote

gezzz..u are retarded dude...now your worried about getting banned....SO NOW EVERYTHING IS FIXED NO PROBLEMS AND YOU WANT TO PLAY Mr NICEGUY?
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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:09 am Reply with quote

I want to thank thost who offered support in HL in stopping this madman.
Especially those in the RS squad who helped and offered support.

I have not recieved any pages from RS_Bloodshot(S) apon entering HL since a day
after this was first posted. Cool Cool Cool

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Post Newbie
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:58 am Reply with quote

Doodlebug or Ubermensch or Sgt-Slaughter or whatever your latest name is!.... Do you really think we actually believe the crap you post? It is well known in the community that it is you who is "insane". And it is you that has been hounding Bloodshot for years.
There are many pilots that would like to help defend Bloodshot, but they know if they did you would only add them to your deranged 'pilots to harrass' list, as you have done in the past.
Bloodshot is a well respected pilot in the community, and has many friends. So you are just wasting your time. The only people who may possibly believe this rubbish would be noobs, and even then they would soon get to know the truth about you.
Doddlebug wrote:
I want to thank thost who offered support in HL in stopping this madman.
Especially those in the RS squad who helped and offered support.

I have not recieved any pages from RS_Bloodshot(S) apon entering HL since a day
after this was first posted. Cool Cool Cool


What a load of bull!... (if it were true i'm sure you could get someone in the RS to post here as confirmation. But we both know they will not because it is lies).

I know a few of the RS members and they've told me that "The RS have never helped or offered support to that nutter, in HL or anywhere else, and never will".
And like most if not all squads,you wouldn't get any help from my squad either. (won't tell which squad i'm in, as we don't want the attentions of a madman).

Anyone reading this, have you noticed how Doodlebug edits his posts after each reply from Bloodshot ? .... Why does he do that you may ask?... Simple really... First he makes a post to bait Bloodshot... Then when Bloodshot replies, he edits the post to counteract anything Bloodshot says and to make Bloodshot look bad. Doodlebug must really think we are stupid Rolling Eyes

Hopefully one day this trouble maker will be gone. I just wish Jiri would/could do something about this "bug".
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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:44 am Reply with quote

I suppose you will send me 3,000 pages in two weeks also?

RS_Bloodshot(s) sent 3,000 pages, all sent while I'm away so as to beat the ignore feature.

over 3,000 pages in two weeks

At least 6 hours spent to harass me.

Who's the "Nutter"?

Yes, I got a few pages offering to help stop the head case.
I got them from RS members too.

Your offering support to a psycopath, A head case.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:53 pm Reply with quote

he doesnt really edit EVERY post as you put it after the bloodshot guy posted looks only like one post he edited.
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Post Newbie
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:42 am Reply with quote

Hazard you need to look again, he edited both of his posts after they were replied to.
You obviously don't know this guy yet, otherwise you wouldn't of posted in his defence, either that or you're another of his aliases.
I've been checking out this Doodlebug and his many aliases on other forums, and I've come across more names he uses. eg. HappyHappy, Sergio et al, the guy needs professional help.
Here's just a taste, you'll see what I mean....



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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:22 am Reply with quote

Found out how to save incoming pages.
"only" 17 pages this time....
Bloodshot(s) has flipped his lid. Laughing


















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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:29 pm Reply with quote

The banned RS_Bloodshot, as RS_Bloodshots continues his
campaign of harassment with a mere 24 pages, all the same thing.

He's obviously a "whack job" consumed with hatred.

Yes' he's on ignore Laughing

But ignore fails to block pages sent while I am not in the lobby.

I'll post the pager log if it's requested.

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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 4:29 am Reply with quote

I have just read this post from Doodlebug, Ubermensch, Sgt.Slaughter or whatever other alias he wishes to use. This guy is a disgrace to the otherwise good Hyperlobby community. He should be banned from Hyperlobby forever as he contributes nothing but harrassing people in the chat and abusive pages. He has done this for as long as I've been here. I can't believe he continues this behaviour today without ADMINS enforcing him. I ask nicely today if anything can be done to this pest to further damage or flight community?

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PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:18 am Reply with quote

Baz, "While the cat's away, the mice will play".

Unfortunately Jiri has been awol from the site for quite a long time now, and I'm not aware of anyone else with "mod" or "admin" status around here. Until Jiri returns, or a mod/admin level person steps up, it's up to the users of the site to behave respectfully (or at least in a civil manner) towards each other.
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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

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Posts: 635

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 9:34 am Reply with quote

Of course rhe RS bullies return to support the mentally ill RS_BloodshotS
in his campaign of terror. Laughing

As I noted previously, the entire squad is complicent in this action
and equally guilty. Confused

Mr Bloodsnot did not sent what is not about 4,000 pages as a friendly greeting. Wink

No, not at all, but the RS squad thinks it's fun.

RS_Bloodshot is deranged, mentaly ill and consumed with hate. Laughing

RS_Bloodshot is banned for his actions. Laughing

He has returned as RS_BloodshotS Shocked

He needs to be banned again. Wink

RS_BazNZ has no basis for his claim. He was promoting the RS
squad and soliciting people to sign up at the RS site.
I warned people about what I know all to well, to avoid the RS squad.

My quotes from the chat log.

"5/12/2007 6:55:43 PM Sgt.Slaughter > No one in their right mind will sign up for ""Skies Of Fire if they know what I know. The RS can not be trusted with any information personal or otherwise."

"5/12/2007 7:22:29 PM Sgt.Slaughter > I can not ruin a reputation already destroyed by the actions of Bloodshot"

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Joined: May 22, 2004
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Location: Somewhere in the south

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:30 pm Reply with quote

Of course rhe RS bullies return to support the mentally ill RS_BloodshotS
in his campaign of terror.
As I noted previously, the entire squad is complicent in this action
and equally guilty

Thought the RS squad was supporting you?
I want to thank thost who offered support in HL in stopping this madman.
Especially those in the RS squad who helped and offered support.

RS_BazNZ has no basis for his claim. He was promoting the RS
squad and soliciting people to sign up at the RS site.

Hmmmm..chat log maybe?

"5/12/2007 7:14:31 PM #RS_Bloodbrother is online ..."
"5/12/2007 7:16:25 PM RS_Bloodbrother > Slaughter is not the problem, I want to destroy him"
5/12/2007 7:18:18 PM RS_BazNZ > RS_Bloodbrother is not one of our members...he is an imposter people !
5/12/2007 7:19:14 PM RS_Bloodbrother > Not an imposter, I am finally confessing, I am the problem, sending hundreds of pages to Ubermensch got me high!"
5/12/2007 7:19:59 PM #RS_Bloodbrother left the lobby ..."
"5/12/2007 7:20:21 PM Sgt.Slaughter > RS melt down"
"5/12/2007 7:20:26 PM Sgt.Slaughter > To funny"
"5/12/2007 7:20:45 PM RS_Junior > Slaughter...we know you have two comps"
5/12/2007 7:20:58 PM Sgt.Slaughter > Incorrect, I have 5 comps"
5/12/2007 7:21:52 PM RS_BazNZ > IMPOSTER & TROUBLE MAKER"
5/12/2007 7:22:24 PM Sgt.Slaughter > I can not ruin a reputation already destroyeed by the actions of Bloodshot"
"5/12/2007 7:23:05 PM =PT=Erkki > I dont believe that anyone is evil by the nature, so why the heck is he doing what hes doing every day? Is he sick?"
"5/12/2007 7:23:07 PM #Ginger is away ..."
"5/12/2007 7:23:20 PM =BY=TELEGIN > 1"
"5/12/2007 7:23:26 PM RS_Junior > slaughter you've went through leaps and bounds ...thirty or more different alias ..."
"5/12/2007 7:23:26 PM =PT=Erkki > some sort of a mental disorder?"
"5/12/2007 7:23:37 PM Sgt.Slaughter > Yes, RS_BloodshotS is mentally ill"
"5/12/2007 7:23:48 PM =PT=Erkki > omg"
"5/12/2007 7:24:06 PM RS_Junior > Slaughter you're a nut job for doing the same BS for nearly 4 years"
"5/12/2007 7:24:39 PM RS_Junior > get a grip man ...you've been saying the samething...making up stuff as you go...new names...new accusations..."
"5/12/2007 7:25:23 PM Sgt.Slaughter > http://hyperfighter.sk/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=2250

I would say that is basis for his claim!
You put on a name I used many years ago..pretend to be me..start trouble. Your constant nostop harrassing of me has forced me to change my name just to come here and hang out and fly with my friends. Worst part is I have also been informed that you are paging other new people here accusing them being me. Just inoccent noobs that come here to learn to fly the game. People that have know idea of what kind of nut case he truly is. He attacks any and all squads who post anything about recruiting.

"5/13/2007 1:21:32 PM Sgt.Slaughter > %xy=JFC=Arbeia. I got to give you credit, while your squad may be a lame idea, you push it tirelessly.

Almost all server do everything they can to keep you from jion their games becuase of your antics.
"5/12/2007 7:09:47 PM Sgt.Slaughter > Just use the ASE appalate and enter The Big Top through the back door"
So you are spending hard earned money to go places you are not wanted or allowed, to fly so you can keep up ur harrassment. Connecting to server through the back door and putting on my squad tag and name, team killing and harrassing others in servers.
Here lets make this easy, here is a link to all of Doddlebug's posts. 99% of them are about me. Yet I dont even log on with my RS name very much because of his harrassment.

Can we please have someone ...Jiri or a mod stepup to the plate and take care of this guy? I dont care if you ban me. I have had to change my name just to come here to see my freinds...squad mates..AND TO JUST FLY, because of Doddlebug's nonstop harrassment of me. He is harrassing me,my children, my freinds, my squad mates. He posts here just to harrass me. To see if he can start a fight. And when he gets one he cries like a baby. He is a drama queen to the core.
Ban HIS IP. He has 5 computers..or says he does
He is an embarrassment to the community
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