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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:18 pm Reply with quote

Please wait, connecting HyperLobby server
Connection to HyperLobby server was closed

Why was I banned? Who banned me? Or is it another problem?

I recently talked with a moderator on Teamspeak, and he said that he sees no reason for me being banned. The only solution is a permanent IP ban, which is only possible for Jiri to do. He also said that Jiri has been out of contact since October of 2007. The moderator tried deleting my account and removing my ban, but it did not work. He also said that if it was a perma ban, then I would also be banned from the website, and I am not.

So how is this possible? I have tried logging in with different names and account passwords and I get the same message. I also uninstalled and reinstalled Hyperlobby as well as reset my IP (I have dynamic IPs).

I have flown on Hyperlobby for 6+ years and this kind of thing has never happened. I would appreciate it if I could at least be given a reason for my ban and a chance to be forgiven for whatever happened? Although I seem to have done nothing wrong...

Now, I do have a brother that uses my account sometimes, and he may have caused the ban. If so, I am sorry for not controlling his actions, and I will have him locked from using my computer.

So please, give me an explanation for this ban!

My names on Hyperlobby are:

Last edited by 13th_Liberator on Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:45 pm Reply with quote

What is the message when you are logging in?

"Connection Closed" means your banned.

Anything else means there is another problem.

I for one, have never seen you cause a problem in uniform.

I do hope you were not the person using Jiri's name.


Even if a person changes names the hex code remains the same.

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Hyper Postman
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:37 pm Reply with quote

Liberator has been a member of our squadron (the DELTA CHEVRON) for over a year. Being linked to Sgt.Slaughter is a sad state of affair.

Liberator also is involved in the Air Racing server being done on weekends as well as valuable member of our squadron. We are sure this was a mistaken identity issue relating to Sgt.Slaughter since we saw his 13th_Liberator attached to the official list of aliases by Sgt.Slaughter.

I hope this can be rectified soon. Thank you.


co-founder DELTA-CHEVRON squad
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:49 pm Reply with quote

OK well it appears to be a ban linked to my PC-ID and NOT IP. And yes, Slaughter, I never caused any problems. Wright, it might not be Slaughter in on this. There seems to be other trolls in the lobby using names and trying to impersonate Slaughter, but I dont know.

HOWEVER it could have been my brother. I will ask him what he was doing because sometimes he uses my account. He has been known to cause me trouble before. He's 13 and pretty immature sometimes. I will not let him use it again and I have my windows account passworded. I really hope he is not the one that was using Jiri's name. I deleted my chat log recently and unfortunately cannot find out if he was.

Slaughter, is there a way I can find out what my hex code is? To see if it matches the one that is banned?

Let's just hope this is a week ban and not a perma...
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:11 am Reply with quote

This is actually part of the reason you might have gotten banned, Lib.


You got caught in the middle of an argument between Eries and Slaughter and Eries beleived that it was another of his alias. I may be wrong ,but It might be....

And thats the same link where people were wondering about who used Jiri's name...Might be an interesting read for some of you.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:42 am Reply with quote

But Slaughter wasn't banned no? At least not that I know of. There should be no reason for me to be picked off on that list.
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Hyper Postman
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:05 am Reply with quote

To the best of my knowlege no one has been banned (yet) for that
ugly little incident. Stealing Jiri's name is usualy a death setence in HL.

Liberator got schmoozled into the middle of it by RS_BloodshotS and his cronies, not by me.

I am in fact Sgt.Slaughter.

I do not use that name in the forum as someone else got it.

Liberator has never made my ignore list
or my list of morons whom I keep tracked.

Liberator The Hex code is an ID flag. I have not tried to crack it.
I assume it has your computer hex key ID and IP number encoded in it.
Your name has no effect on it.

So, in a hypothetical situation, lets say someone got bannd for stealing
Jiri's name.
This HL user changes his name back to his or her normal squad tag.
assume Jiri banns the previously mentioned user.

The computer gets banned, and the offending name.
The ip# does not get banned.

It is safe to say that any previous name you may have used is now
banned along with your current one.
If you find a way back in you will have to use a new name.

Your computer and it's operating system registry are banned.
Also your current user name(s) are banned.

Sadly the real problem, RS_BloodshotS lives on in HL.
It's his mode of operation, have others do his dirty work and they get banned.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:24 am Reply with quote

Doddlebug wrote:

Liberator got schmoozled into the middle of it by RS_BloodshotS and his cronies, not by me.

Sadly the real problem, RS_BloodshotS lives on in HL.
It's his mode of operation, have others do his dirty work and they get banned.


slaughter ...quit trying to HIJACK THEIR THREAD!!!!!
quit screaming my name all over the place...I have no croonies or need or ask anyone else to fight my battles..those are people u have pissed off all by urself

lib...try this...UNPLUG UR ROUTER AND COMPUTER.....wait 5 mins...
then plug back in....and restart..it might be just a connection problem with router or internet conection and just needs to be reset...if thats not it...hopefully its just a 24 hour thing..and all will be back to normal in the morning

~S~ mate...hope that helps some
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Hyper Postman
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:15 am Reply with quote

Need I say more? Very Happy
The Devil himself is here cover his butt! Shocked

If your message is "connection closed" and nothing more it's a banning.
It may be a 24 or 48 hour ban.
I do hope you are not banned, especially on that moron's account.

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing :lol

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:05 pm Reply with quote

Lib..when I say Unplug the router...I mean unplug it for the wall outlet
It happened to me once before that everything else worked but HL
and a program my daughter uses for college prep classes. Once I unplugged it from the wall outlet for 5 mins and then restarted...HL was back.
It was a iternet connection problem.

Doddlebug wrote:
He got banned for stealing Jiri's name.


You put him up to it.


Your next.

Nice message to my in-box there slaughter/dodobug...not only using HL chat...HL messager ...HL forum ..but now the HL mail for harrassment?
I have never met Lib or spoken to him Dodobug...he is not one of my so called cronies
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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:18 pm Reply with quote

Please take this 'personal difference' on another post please. This is about Liberator's ban and not about the two of you.

We have no clue why Liberator is in this situation so please take your personal quarrel someplace else. Thank you.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:25 pm Reply with quote

Thanks but I already tried that. And here's the thing: I can log in on my other two computers with my old names just fine. It's just this one computer that wont log in. Apparently my computer is banned because my brother was screwing around on it. Now I am tempted to harm him. Laughing

So... please unban this computer. I am sorry for whatever malicious actions my brother may have caused. I will not allow him to use my computer because it is passworded.

EDIT: My brother admitted to using Jiri's name. I can't believe he did this. I will not let this happen again, and I have passworded my computer's account. So please forgive me for allowing this. I will not let this happen again.
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Hyper Postman
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:27 pm Reply with quote

It's a sad result of BloodshotS effort to get to me.
I have BloodshotS on permanent ignore.
So he uses others to get to me.

There is no denying it RS_Bloodsnot.

He used 13th_Liberator to get at me.
Not a new thing.

Liberator failed to know several things.

As a result of years of harassment I carefully keep
a data base of user names and hexadecimal ID tags
of the many aliases of HL abusers.
Not just Mr RS_BloodshotS names.
All HL trouble makers.

When he signed in as "Jiri_Fojtasek"

I immediately slapped the ignore on him to harvest his ID code.
Then compared it to my database.

Sadly a good guy, not an abuser, got caught up in BloodshotS playground bully act.
He got sucked into the "fun" of picking on Sgt.Slaughter.

He also did not realise that stealing Jiri's name is fatal.

To sum it up.

He, 13th_Liberator...

#1, did not realise the weight of the error in using Jiri's name.
#2, did not realise he was sucked into a 5 year old war
#3, did not know it was so easy to track the person using the name.

Yet the real criminal goes free.

RS_BloodshotS is the king pin here.

Jiri, may I suggest you un ban 13th_Liberator and ban RS_BloodshotS?

I suggest he is now aware that using your (Jiri's) name in any way will score him the ban hammer!

Bummer we do not know for certain the HL names for...

All here to prove that the guy who stole Jiri's name was me.
But we know the truth.

In the case of Eries, a proven a liar.
No suprise there as I suspect it is RS_BloodshotS incognito.

Note, I errored.
Eries is =353=Baker.

Also, to escape banishment, RS_Bloodshots is now RS_Blooddrive

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