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Joined: Jun 27, 2004
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Location: Lowestoft, England
Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:49 am |
What did I do? What did I say? I am not one to deliberately break the rules or upset the people who do so much work setting up servers and games in the Hyperlobby. But it appears I must have done that with respect to the "UK Dedicated" server as I appear to have unwittingly incurred a permanent ban from their games, and despite repeated e-mails to their contact address, no replies or answers have been forthcoming. I fully respect any server's right to ban players as they decide but in this case they specify their rules on their website and as far as I can tell I have not broken any listed, so what is going on? Any ideas anyone?
Herc (aka USN_Herc) |

Joined: Feb 04, 2005
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Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:35 pm |
Hi I got kicked from 334th eagle sqns dedicated server last night for (?) nothing! I keep my views to myself (as typing & flying is something im yet to master without it looking kind of dyslexic!) I just get on with playing fairly & then boom! all record of my scores on their stats website along with my callsign have disappeared!
I wont be contacting them in any way as I have done nowt wrong, I just cant think of anything obvious to blame!!? my ping is around 144 - 200 max The message on the screen said that I had been autokicked
Or........Maybe I am over-reacting & I was kicked for a connection/ping violation unintentionally executed by my rig? who knows? I doubt anyone cares! but what the heck! there is plenty of damn good servers available for us all with some great hosts /pilots who welcome us into their servers
So all I can say is dont let the bastards get you down buddy  |

Joined: Nov 20, 2004
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Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:14 am |
~S~ this is a respond to saxon post. Our server will auto kick players with a ping over 300, or if a player gets over -300 neg points. This is done to keep lag down as much as we can, to assist in game play. the neg points settings are kep that low to keep people who like to team kill out. If ur auto kick from the server your stats ont he home page of the stats site will disapear but if u go to the pilot page and look for ur name , they will be kep there untill we need to reset the stats. |

Joined: May 22, 2004
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Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:42 pm |
~S~ this is for Saxon. Hey dude...please dont take it personal that u got kicked from the 334th server. Its a great place to fly with people from all over the world. Unfortunately I cant fly there ..well not much. I have a ping of around 225 ..but get ping spikes. I dont take it personal..334thFreebird is a good freind of mine (334th is a great bunch of guys) matter of fact we met just as he started flying on HL. Its just one of those thngs. They have to keep the ping settings low in there so they can get alot of flyers in the server and keep it running smooth. Its just where they have the autokick set and not personal against u . You might want to make sure u dont have anything running in the back ground on ur computer. Something that might want to update or cause ur ping to spike by acessing the internet while u are flying. Then give their server a try agian. So ...take care man.. and dont take anything personal...until someone attacks u personally...then kick there ass. Keep ur plane trimmed ...ur sites straight ...and shot down the bastard in front of u...(remember...its just a game)
~S~ bud
RS_Bloodshot |

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Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:27 pm |
This is a sincere apology on my behalf to all @ the eagle squadron server. I never meant to sound like I was taking it personally and your right bloodshot it is only a game...! I think I was being over-sympathetic in reply to th original poster.The more I thought about it the more I wished I hadnt said those thing's about the eagle server, I think the stats thing blurred my final judgement..! I really thought I had pissed someone off..! Maybe I should have contacted the eagle sqn first !(hindsight ) then they would have set me straight !
Your right, the server is great fun with good pilots in attendance all the time....! I would like to retract anything said by myself in my last post which offended or insulted anybody and offer my sincere apologies to the eagle server, I would very much like to fly again in the server with you all as I had been every night before the autokick, but feel a bit of a tit now !!!
Thanks for both your replies, much respected........
~S~ |

Joined: Jun 27, 2004
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Location: Lowestoft, England
Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:38 am |
Well, thanks, I think, Saxon! For being over-sympathetic, I mean! I was simply making the point (like you do now) that I didn't want to upset anyone either and yet DESPITE trying to contact the server I had had no response of any sort! As you rightly say IT IS ONLY A GAME. Even more reason to try not to upset people unwittingly in my book. Ah well, there is life beyond the auto-kick!  |

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Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:40 am |
Hey saxon...I am sure after an apology like that there would be no hard feelings. Talk to 334thFreedbird..or one of the other squad mates. Although I dont speak for their squad or would ever pertend to ....I am sure after u talk to one of them ...everything will be just fine. Mark it up as just a bad day...and that day was yesterday..not today
A man steps up and takes responsibility for his actions...and child blames everyone else.
Think Twice...Write Once (where have I heard that before?)
RS_Bloodshot |

Joined: Dec 25, 2004
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Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:41 pm |
Herc, saxon was just giving you a bit of moral support thats all, I think maybe sax answered your post directly after being kicked from the server while the red mist was still present !!
Ive flown with sax before & he is not the type to complain, or cause offence, so I genuinely feel sax was supporting you
schneeman |

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Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:56 pm |
~S~ Hercman...hmm..only thing I can think of in ur case is maybe the contact address u are sending ur message to at the UK server is just not monitored very much..sometimes when a squad posts a address to send messages to they get COMPLETEY swamped with a bunch of junk after awhile the just dont check it very much. As to why u got help there either. Maybe it was a mistake (was trying to boot someone else and got ur IP instead) or maybe U did something wrong and didnt know it. Maybe u shot down the wrong person to many times and they took it personal...who knows. Best bet is if u sent emails or pages to their host website..and got no responce..try talking to one or two of there mates..see what kind of responce u get then. I know a few UK squad guys and they are all very nice for the USN squad u guys are great too...Became freinds with Homocide in squad..nice guy.
I know it gets frustarting when things like this happen. So all I am saying is when u get really mad about chit..sit back...chill out..take a few mins to collect ur thoughts...then take it one step at a time.
If that doesnt work ...beat the crap out of your neighbor that barrowed ur lawn mower last year and never returned it. U might feel better and get the mower back too.
Cya bud
RS_Bloodshot |

Joined: Jun 27, 2004
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Location: Lowestoft, England
Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:53 pm |
Thanks for your words, Bloodshot and Schneeman, but I wasn't really "having a go" at Saxon or UK Dedicated - I simply thought it would be nice to know reasons for actions - seems we are unlikely to find out so that's that - no problem - I've chilled! As for your kind words on our squad, yes they are a good bunch though sadly Homi has just reached the end of his personal tether and decided to resign. I am relatively new but there seems to have been an undercurrent which he couldn't handle, having done most of the work recruiting and teambuilding> I can respect that but it's a shame when people fall out over gaming - after all it's only done for fun. If one individual wants to make a career out of it that's fine but they shouldn't expect everyone will have the same drive or indeed enthusiasm. There are lawns to cut for instance - now who the heck was it borrowed that darned mower?
~S~ Herc  |

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Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:08 pm |
~S~ All
I have just been back on the eagle server & had a great time! checked my stats...& yep they are there on the screen..!
Im glad all is ok now...& i can fly in the server & big thanks to RS_Bloodshot for showing me the light
{VoD}=SaXoN= |

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Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:11 pm |
Oh....& i forgot to say....Herc shot me down tonight in Hooter's!!!
good to meet you at last buddy!!!
~s~ |

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:15 am |
~S~ Saxon...thanks for the kind words ...didnt do anything really...just a few words of advise..glad everything came out ok. Always glad to help anyone ..anytime..makes the world a better place for everyone. We RS guys like to try and help when we can..Maybe I will see u in a game soon..take care bro
RS_Bloodshot |
Post Newbie

Joined: Apr 28, 2005
Posts: 5
Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:27 am |
sorry bud if u got kick we was having a little tuouble with the server and hope to have it fix now and we only ban we dont kick and then u need to be brecking the rules and as far as i know u was not so fly all u want in our server no big deal i just hate that u got auto kick from our server and hope to have that fix again sorry 334th_FreeBird |

Joined: Feb 04, 2005
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Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:33 am |
~S~ Freebird,
thanks for your words buddy I have been back in your server & everything is peachy!
I will apologise again for involving the eagle sqn under the 'unfriendly server' title of this thread as it couldn't be any more further from the truth! Its a friendly server !!!!
~S~ |