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Joined: Jan 25, 2006
Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:13 pm Reply with quote

Hi all
The following post is made in the deepest felt respect for everyone in the community, and not meant as a stab at anyone in particular. It's just a feature I think would help moderate HyperLobby a bit better.

I've seen a few people (myself included) get banned lately. The reasons for why that happened I won't question. What's done is done, let's get over it and move on. What is debatable is whether or not such a harsh punishment was deserved. In light of that I come here to suggest a measure that was used in the MSN Zone rooms by moderators: gagging, or the removal of chat priviledges for x amount of time.

If a player made a minor offense on chat, and apparently has a tendency to do that after being warned, take away his chat priviledges for a bit of time, but still let him connect to Hyper and join games, do not take it alltogether as it will only enrage said player even more even to the point where he might quit the lobby alltogether, and with such a tight and small community, I think we can all agree that is undesirable.

Just my two cents

~S~ all
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Joined: Jan 27, 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:43 pm Reply with quote

might not be a bad idea but how practical is it for hyper to do not sure
the lobby is a place of people of all ages and i know there are a number of young kids that play with there parents just because it's 1 am in north america doesn't mean we can say what we please with no concequences because in russia and in Australia for instance it's day time and kids and parents are usually on so that means we still need to watch what we say in the open chat you want to use profanity and adult talk then save it for you comms or over the pager where you know no minors will see or hear it

it is a simple fact to be respectful of others and the possibility that young kids will be in the lobby at any time and that means minding our language so as not to offend them

as a parent i wouldn't let my kids into HL after seeing the bad language that i have seen over the last few days there young enough that they don't need to see that and then ask me what does that mean dad
hope you see my point here RSM
and that point is Be respectful of others and minors in the open chat
say what you want on you squad comms or on the pager where it won't be seen by young eyes
that is why there is a bad word filter built into HL to help prevent such problems

hope this helps

just my 2 cents
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Joined: Jan 30, 2006
Posts: 83

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:51 pm Reply with quote

S! ,
First , a thank you to Jiri and crew for creating a system where folks can ACTUALLY be banned . My sincerest gratitudes for thier hard work.
Now for the suggestion to make this place more like MSN Gaming Zone.
DON'T DO IT. MSN Gaming Zone has to be the biggest embarressment in the gaming world . The behavior exhibited on the Zone is unacceptable . The less Hyperlobby is like the Zone, the better it is for Hyperlobby.
While the creators of MSN Zone , and the Plus System had good intentions , and despite the hard work of many Plus's there ,it is a gigantic failure in many respects . One only has to visit the CFS site at Zone and see the CONTINUED posting of folks home address's with accompanying bomb threats , posting of Ips of users by chronic problem users , continued threats of violence and posting of profanity and rascist hate speech . All this is done by WELL KNOWN CHRONIC PROBLEM users that the Plus's and Microsoft CANNOT or WILL NOT take action against . To see the unchecked behavior on the Zone is to know that MSN system needs not be emulated in ANY way .
Every time a problem user is banned here for unacceptable behavior, Hyperlobby earns a medal . And for every banned user, I personally can recruit TWO more users who APPRECIATE that this is a FLYING server meant for enjoyment , and NOT a Personal Web Page for Users who wish to further personal hatreds and cause problems for those proper users.
The most effective way to prevent bannings is......... ACT ACCORDINGLY and In A WAY IN WHICH YOU WISH TO BE TREATED YOURSELF.
Its simple enough , now go play.

- Eries
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Joined: Jan 26, 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:53 pm Reply with quote

I agree wholeheatedly with the above post, unfortunately their is no middle ground. Give an inch people will take iraq and their oil. Laughing

I've only recently joined the hyperlobby community and I like it already people are helpful and polite (most of the time anyway)

Glad to be here really.

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Joined: Jan 25, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:10 am Reply with quote

did you guys even bother to read my post?
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Joined: Jan 30, 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:40 pm Reply with quote

S! ,
Yes rsm, i read your post very carefully.
And my response was to meant to indicate the result of the suggestion that you provided on allowing those who are chat banned to connect to Hyperlobby.
And i couldnt disagree more. If you get banned from Hyperlobby chat , under no circumstances should you be allowed to play on Hyperlobby.
Why ? Because playing is a PRIVILIDGE , and as an ADULT , you should be responsible for your behavior.
You dont like being disconnected and not being able to play ? Well, think about that before you post chat irresponsibly.
Honestly , if you cant be respectful and act properly on the chat bar , then get the hell out of Hyperlobby, and leave the spaces open for those who wish to honor the privilidge of being allowed to play on a PRIVATE SERVER. If folks continue to get banned , then simply, they are not qualified as individuals to enjoy a FREELY provided flight server .
Its simple enough , now go play
- Eries
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Joined: Jan 25, 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:02 am Reply with quote

rgr i can see your point better now

before i just thought you were disagreeing with me because i mentioned the zone

disagree though, but respect your opinion
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Joined: Oct 15, 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:38 am Reply with quote

definatly not, we just need a ignore that ignores better then IP and that ignores both peoples text completely so a person ignored will not see what you write and you will not see what they write.

A gag tool would definatly be missused by some of these fellows watching over.
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Joined: Jan 30, 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:17 pm Reply with quote

NP rsm, and i certainly wasnt referring to you specifically , I have to apologize for my wording on that last post , I didnt mean you or anyone specifically.
No self respecting 78 pilot would cause probs we know Very Happy
Me ? I iggy the trolls, only because there are trolls everywhere u go. Eventually justice is served to the correct folks so....
But THANKS Jiri , Hyperlobby is fantastic , and truly I appreciate the work any admins do in keeping running a free site like this that provides so much to users like myself.
And also , thanks for those that have provided dedicated servers for us to use , My hearty support to them and appreciation of what they provide , and Ill always show my support by acting in a manner respectful to them all that has been provided for so little to so many.
See You in the Blue
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Joined: Jan 25, 2006
Posts: 11

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:40 am Reply with quote

I like lead's idea too

ignore that goes bothways.
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Joined: Jan 06, 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:53 am Reply with quote

This is no difference than any other public place wether person is eight or seventy years Should not have to listen to profanitys or dirty insenations about anything , most people should be able to express themselves in a decent manner to use words that are acceptable in any public place to discuss anything that might come up , ,there certain things that have no place being discussed publicly
Please do not let this turn into a garbage dump like the game zone has become , I cannot understand how they let it get so far out of hand
Keep the penalty severe enought that people will learn to speak in a decent manner , That would any kid could listen to without risk
Kids buy a lot of games , please keep that in mind
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Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:47 pm Reply with quote

RSM, I completely agree with your first post. Unfortunately, having been recently banned, I haven't had the patience to sit down and write something as well put together as you did. Embarassed ~S~ and two thumbs up to that, and to AFJ - great servers, good times!

Also, I think for the people negatively posting about the Zone, HL doesn't technically work the same and some of the ideas could be much better implemented here than there. The problem there is there's a way around almost anything done, not that the ideas wouldn't/couldn't actually work.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:23 am Reply with quote

Trust me, I've been gaming for several years...and even the Zone is NOTHING compared to some places. I'm suprised HL is as good as it is! lol

The only problem with the whole banning from games is, if the player knows enough to download certain programs...they can connect to the games anyways. So with that in mind, there should be no issue with banning them from the HL altogether (for x amount of time). Punishment is punishment. Learn from it!

In fact, I personally use programs as such just in case the HL server is down for maintenance etc.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:02 am Reply with quote

Being one that was recently and un-justly banned , and after 4 yrs, I'd say it wasnt so much as "why" someone was or wasnt banned, more like who are people placed in such positions of authority with such biased and waivering stances on said rules of HL. If you are the moderator or whatever the title may be for such a position, you have to be un-biased , un-opinionated on such a broad spectrum as to decide what YOU the moderator feel is or isnt proper behavior or conduct. On that note i'm out, good points made by all, but keep in mind , if the cops are crooked, whats the point of having them in the first place. If the shoe fits, you know who you are Wink.

S~ T
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Joined: Mar 15, 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:10 am Reply with quote

ditto that as well T!
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