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HyperLobby Online System: Forums
HyperLobby Online System :: Search
Salute Sir,
You can as long you play coop (cooperative) games.
Salute all,
We are recruiting, feel free to check us at
We have a Dedicated Server v4.05m - Team Speak for our members in a well organized group.
Come and check us ou ...
OMK-Server Patched with version 4.05m
Server with Server Commander
you can assign the server port iin the server ini file.
then just do a port fowarding in your router.
You got also that option in the new release of HL.
It is possible, worked it out with a firmware upgrade of the router.
all you got to do is:
Set up the lan
1st: - assign a static ip to the server host machine
2nd: - start il2 and go to multiplayer and click search local servers
hope it helps
you just need one instalation
want to play 4.05m install the patch.
want to play 4.04m install the older patch again.
works for me.
Have you installed the vbruntime ?
open the 21000 and 1698 ports on the server IP
21000 - IL2 Server
1698 - HL query port
Disable the wan ping request block or your server will apear laggy (Only red Bars) in HL.
To HercMan:
I usualy fly on UK Dedicated, pm your email and i make that request reach the UK-Dedicated Server Admins.
You can be banned from UK-Dedicated for this reasons:
- Vulching
- Team ...
Open port 21000 if you have a router and allow the game in your firewall.
Our new website is, visit us wen you get the chance.
The OMK_Server has now DCG ( Dynamic Campaign Generator ) installed.
- Hosting now the Normandy 44 online war.
New Improuved Website !!!
We are acepting new pilots.
check us at
Ignore it,
Check our foruns and you will get the picture, HL is used by all the major flyght sim comunity, im in the comunity since 2003 and never had a problem with HL.
try here:
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