Our hosting service has completed their work on the servers and our security certificate has been updated. All should be working as expected now.
Please continue to report any unexpected difficulties ...
Sorry for the interruption of service.
M4T is down due to server maintenance implemented by our hosting service. The site will be down for approximately 24 hours if they have no unexpected issues wit ...
Wishing the Hyperfighter/Hyperlobby community the world over a healthy, prosperous and a VERY Happy New Year in 2024 !!!
I don't see ANY current posts to this board. The newest one is eight months old. I was hoping to find out something, but if the place is a graveyard, would it do any good?
First post updated and DL-Link fixed.
Pretty nice skin. Wouldn't mind having it. It has been several years since you fixed the link and you are likely long gone but if you are still around occasional ...
There have been some inquiries at SimHQ about whether or not European Air War is still supported by Hyperlobby. A group of players was hoping to use HL for some reunion games.
Straight From the Farm campaign by Zeus-cat: Fixes:
Created an auto installer to make the campaign ...
Flying Nutcases "Full Mission Builder Tutorials" website is not back online but thanks to his gracious permission they are available in the M4T Knowledge Base.
FMB Tutori ...