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Joined: Oct 14, 2010
Posts: 3
Location: Finland
Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:17 pm |
Got banned after a heated discussion about mods of IL-2. I know I broke the rules by swearing one time(TOS popup), but it was not directed towards anyone. Fair enough.
The discussion was heated and with one of the admins in our native language. After a somewhat heated debate he kicked me out. If his stance against mods is negative he should not use that as excuse to kick me out, no matter what. His personal stance affected his judgement.
I tried to contact him personally via TS to discuss the matter outside HL in a civlized manner. But he decided NOT to answer or give any explanation. If this is the level of your moderator I strongly suggest changing him. The discussion was to be outside HL in private but he refused..enough said.
Anyways, learned some things and will live by them in future. But my stand with this "admin" does not change, he should be able to talk in person if asked to. |
Hyper Staff

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 612
Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:56 am |
did you read the ToS that you were sent?
1st line clearly states Violates or infringes the rights of others including, without limitation, patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, publicity or other proprietary rights.
any mods added to il2 without consent fall into that category.Even tho Oleg has been silently ignoring mods does not make it right.That was the only point that "admin" was making.You probably would not have got ban if you had stopped arguing with people in the lobby. this is a "Quote" from you>>> How many of you actually KNOW what the modders REALLY do...rather than spew this old mantra of illegal stuff? If a modder made a feature to TD and it was released then everyone is aaah and oooh" "unquote"And then you continue to argue with "admin" in your "native" language.And then trying to get "Admin" on TS for a Shouting match does no one any good. |

Joined: Oct 14, 2010
Posts: 3
Location: Finland
Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:13 pm |
To the mantra I said about is true to the word. Most of the people do not have a clue what modding really is, they just keep spewing the same all over the place. One guy broke the code of IL-2, that was illegal. And FYI some of the "mods" are coming to TD patches after approval. But I rest my case on this matter though. Heated talks always ensue.
The admin has personal stance about mods and he clearly used it as a cover to boot me. HE also mocked them being buggy and I checkec this what he said about the certain mod. He is wrong, that bug has not been there for ages. I have had discussions before about mods and have not been booted.
As of the admin. I asked him first to talk and he muted me/ignored. Then via PM on TS to come and talk, not shout. He did only leave TS without replying in ANY way. That just tells he is incapable of standing behind his actions or words. I am still open to talk with him in person. No hard feelings. |
_________________ I see dead people. |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 445
Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:23 pm |
You know you didnt read the TOS didnt you? It specifically prohibits promotion and active discussion of 'breaking' copyrighted and proprietary works. Essentially a mod is a 'derivative' to use legal language and only original copyright owners and holders are allowed to create 'derivatives'. The non action or lack of statement by Oleg doesnt mean he relinquished the copyright and the code to the modders whether this is TD or not is irrelevant. As I recall TD has an non exclusive right to do what they do but the otehr modders do not. It means TD has permission to create derivatives.
Any active discussion of this in open CHAT is promhibited by the TOS. This has nothing to do with you and the admin who banned you, you simply need to cease talking about mods because there are other forums for this. |

Joined: Oct 14, 2010
Posts: 3
Location: Finland
Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:09 pm |
Fair enough. But again most of the servers in HL are using this "illegal content not done or approved by TD/Oleg" which straight fights against the TOS, which I did read BTW. But as said, fair enough.
I still want to talk to this admin in person to clear the air. I would expect him to accept the offer as I do not want any grudges be left there hanging. I think that is a fair request. |
Site Admin

Joined: Feb 02, 2003
Posts: 1737
Location: Slovakia
Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:34 pm |
Speaking you used in regard to this topic in HL chat was immature. Thats all. Next time check your output. I hope you enjoyed your vacation.
We are out of mods scene and since its officialy ignored by UBI/MG we are not doing any actions behind it in spite of fact it may be direct copyright violation  |