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Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:04 am |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:19 am |
SP42 ODS.512 UPDATE (Custom 444th)
Installer Includes ODS.512 SP3->SP42 converter + 2 updated beta campaigns (1991, Modern)
login: guest_444th
psw : guest_444th
Install order:
- Install SP4.2
- Install SP ODS.512 Theater + Run Activation Patch v2
- Run ODS.512 Custom 444 v0.x converter
FAngs_444th |
Last edited by FAngs-444th on Sun Jan 16, 2005 4:06 pm; edited 2 times in total |

Joined: Apr 20, 2004
Posts: 2
Location: Japan
Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:10 am |
I tried these patches on my sp4+bms1.03, but I can see fewer campaigns than expected. There are 3 theaters (ODS,OIF,ODS2), and each theater should have 3 campaigns, but ODS and ODS2 have only 1 campaign each. Did I anything wrong ?
My procedure was;
1. Unrar ODS 0.512 package in falcon4 folder.
2. activate with version 2 activation.
3. Run custom444 sp3sp4 converter.
It's very simple.....I can find 3 save?.cam files in each DesertStormTheaterAddon\campaign\DesStorm? folder, so I guess each theater (ODS,OIF,ODS2) should have 3 campaigns. |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:28 am |
maverick6664 wrote: | I tried these patches on my sp4+bms1.03, but I can see fewer campaigns than expected. There are 3 theaters (ODS,OIF,ODS2), and each theater should have 3 campaigns, but ODS and ODS2 have only 1 campaign each. Did I anything wrong ? |
Nope what you are seeing was intentional.
In our custom update, I temp removed the rest of the scenarios that weren't working properly in stock files,,, they will eventually get brand new campaigns..
Be advised though.. our campaigns have been developed for Vanilla SP4 only.
In theory they should work np.
Use them with BMS + SP4 at your own risk, since they are untested on the BMS exe.
FAngs_444th |

Joined: Apr 20, 2004
Posts: 2
Location: Japan
Tue Apr 20, 2004 5:55 am |
Thank you!
Okey, I keep it in mind and play them with bms at my own risk (I don't think it's not risky, though )
I want a minor correction. On F15E-229, JSOWs can be loaded at center and CFTs. And 2 AIM-120Cs can be loaded at each CFT as AIM-120B can. JDAMs are already fixed. |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:04 pm |
maverick6664 wrote: | Thank you!
Okey, I keep it in mind and play them with bms at my own risk (I don't think it's not risky, though )
I want a minor correction. On F15E-229, JSOWs can be loaded at center and CFTs. And 2 AIM-120Cs can be loaded at each CFT as AIM-120B can. JDAMs are already fixed. |
RE: BMS SP ODS.512 + custom 444
It should run fine ... provided the 444 update is installed LAST.
-- BTW If the BMS guys manage to fix that critical server side mp de-sync error/bug.... BMS+custom 444 will prolly be adapted as our stnd online install as well --
RE: the F15e
Its getting a lookover for SP4.1 (official hotfix).... eta sometime in May.
FAngs_444th |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Thu May 27, 2004 10:24 pm |
-- UPDATED 05/21/04 --
SP4 Operation Desert Storm Custom 444th v0.3b now available
- SP4.x compatibility/maintenance update
FAngs32 |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Sun Jul 25, 2004 6:29 am |
-- UPDATED 07/25/04 --
SP4 Operation Desert Storm Custom 444th v0.4b now available
- Fixed Potential Installer Error
FAngs32 |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:09 pm |
SP4 Operation Desert Storm Custom 444th v0.4b (07/29/04) now available
- SP4.x compatibility/maintenance update
- FIXED potential installer error
FAngs32 |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:47 pm |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Fri May 20, 2005 11:02 pm |
SP42 ODS.512 UPDATE (Custom 444th) V0.6b
Installer Includes ODS.512 SP3->SP42 converter + 2 updated beta campaigns (1991, Modern)
login: guest_444th
psw : guest_444th
Install order:
- Install SP4.2
- Install SP ODS.512 Theater + Run Activation Patch v2
- Run ODS.512 Custom 444 v0.6b converter
FAngs_444th |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:15 am |
SP42 ODS.512 UPDATE (Custom 444th) V0.7b
Installer Includes ODS.512 SP3->SP42 converter + 2 updated beta campaigns (1991, Modern)
login: guest_444th
psw : guest_444th
Install order:
- Install SP4.2
- Install SP ODS.512 Theater + (Run Activation Patch v2)
- Run ODS.512 Custom 444 v0.7b converter
FAngs_444th |

Joined: Aug 09, 2003
Posts: 13
Location: USA
Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:33 am |
Hi Fangs good to see you back!!! I am having problems connecting to your server I reinstalled Twice the 2nd time was the charm here is my install:
1. Falcon 4 (Reboot)
2. 1.08 (Reboot)
3. SP4
4. SP4.2 (hi tiles)
5. MP 5.1 V.3 (copy EXE place on Desktop)
6. ODS 512 theater + Activation patch v2 seemed to be already in patch?
7. ODS 512 v0.7b converter
I think that is correct but I CANNOT connect to your server (Your game Does NOT showw up in the online box. I am behind a Router Linksys WRT54G wired / wireless router I am WIRED, I think the Router is the problem cause I tried everything except straight thru to the modem, DMZ , Open UDP ports 2934-35 disable the routers firewall NADA HELP!! I spent the 4 hours trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with no luck. I think I can Host just cant join your server there was nobody on to test it with I'll try again tomorrow so I can see if anybody can join me or I can join them!
I bought this new Router cause the old One did not work with F4:AF I am hoping you have some ideas cause I am ALL OUT!! THNX
EDIT : Upgrading the firmaware out cause AF will NOT work with the firmware upgrade
EDIT AGAIN: Fangs have I been auto banned for 30days?? I was ABLE to connect to jhfighter so I think it might be a ban issue PLEASE let me know it is NOT my Router!! THNK GOD!! |

Joined: Feb 09, 2003
Posts: 88
Location: Canada
Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:24 pm |
Heyas, long time lol
Yap SP42 is back for good it looks like.
Since LP refuses to release community devp. tools or an SDK.. none of our custom theater/campaigns can be upgraded for AF compat. arghhh
So its dual installs/rotation till further notice <gg>
RE: not seeing the server,, I'll have to take a look at our ban logs over the last few weeks and get back at ya
To speed things up, prolly a good idea to PM me the 1st 2 numbers in your IP addy.
FAngs32 444 vTFS C/O L/O LAN & Internet |