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Joined: Sep 15, 2010
Posts: 1
Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:46 pm |
Hello all,
First of all - as 303 Sqn Leader - I'd like to apologise for behaviour of Pinker. All I can say that I'm rather shocked of his behaviour, which 303 reckons as highly impropper, not gentle and unfair to other players and HL community. It also breakes the rules is such disturbing way, we can not blink an eye on it. It's hard for me and 303 Sqn to say "farewell" to our colleague and friend and also one of most skilled pilots here, but this time limits were broken. Altough 303 is reserved for our sqn on HL, we can't force anyone to not register and fly with such prefix - pls do not take his behaviour as 303's pilot, cos he's already out of 303 Sqn. Since Pinker's efforts for our Sqn are valuable and he was our pilot for almost 7 years, his nickname will be erased from our active rooster, but he will be visible as our former pilot. From now on he is dismissed and all actions he will take counts on his own account.
Salute! |

Joined: Sep 16, 2010
Posts: 3
Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:28 am |
Its a historical thing for polish v-pilots comunnity imo because Pinker is on the top of polish pilots and he have enought skills & experience to split for some squadrons around Im wondered 'bout this beheivour and the question is WHY? Sadly the only reason i see is stupidity Cheating is the worst bad stuff u can do for other players playing with you especially such a high-tech hax as desribed (in b25 WTH?) No respect for others in the worst snaky way. I heard many times that im cheater but i never believed in any cheats over my skills especially when lower skilled pilot just wchining (last issue which i remember is Wristlingdeath crying on my pager that he know that im cheater but anyway i get my 5 bucks on my account lol ) Finally the most important: Harry went right way and send clear sign that this kind of fooling isnt approved and highly restricted in his squadron 303 actually is only good and active polish serious team This bad issue shouldnt project on whole great and quality squadron with good pilots.
(Harry: Jak zwykle nie odpuszczam okazji do małego lansu D )
S! |

Joined: May 04, 2010
Posts: 1
Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:57 pm |
It was never mentioned which version of IL-2 was in questioned. 4.08, 4.09 , 4.09/MOD etc....... |
Hyper Staff

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 612
Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:40 pm |
sad that it has come to would expect things like this from a noob pilot but not a seasoned HL vet.lets hope he can change his ways.Hyperlobby is not just a place for us to fly, most of us have been here so long we are almost family.Maybe something might have happend in his life to make him act out in this manner.Ive seen good pilots turn bad over things that happen in their lives.lets not turn our backs on anybody thats been here so long without finding out what the problem is. |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 445
Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:22 pm |
I use only 409m (NO MODS). The server (=[Perwach]=) was a 409m that allowed NO mods either. Almost everyone on HL knows my stance on mods.
What 100lec/Pinker didnt realize is that I know the guy running this server. Also he probably didnt realize that I record every flight that I make and right after entering a game I record ntrks.
It is sad indeed woodstock. That's why I was very surprised Pinker's name came up. My old squad (La7_) used to fight Pinker a lot and that's how I knew him. Pinker's name was one of the people I remember very well from my noob days along with several squads (NB,LW,AFJ,WUAF etc.) that are no longer around or have changed. You always remember the good flyers when you are a noob. |
Hyper Staff

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 612
Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:57 pm |
ah yes, the old days were great.I didnt realize that you were La7. (or forgot in my old age)
i still see S.Mat from time to time.The LW squad you mentioned are BH (Bounty Hunters) now.
great bunch of bro's they are.And that is the point im trying to make.Hyperlobby is such a tight knit community and over the yrs i have seen many come and go.The ones that are left i consider included Wright.
that's why i ask those of you who know Pinker to find out what the problem might be.It would be a shame to see these names gone forever.
Pinker >> If your are following this thread and need to talk, you know where to find me.Anybody who knows me well, Knows that i never turn my back on anybody.
*peace* |

Joined: Sep 16, 2010
Posts: 3
Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:21 pm |
Pinker don't need any help he's superherohaxer who tryed only to check server securities =) Yea I know what u think but u must imagine that people here in Poland arent as you - be sure =)D Dzięki Mazak, że w końcu zauważyłeś moje nadprzyrodzone właściwości =) Ciągle czekam na akcje, bo ostatnio nuda i dłużyzny na forum tam - u Was =)D |
Post Newbie

Joined: Oct 19, 2005
Posts: 9
Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:07 pm |
Alive ..... jak jest kółeczko wzajemnej adoracji to nuda (prawie jak grupka pederastów). Ja wiem teraz przynajmniej komu ulała się długo skrywana żółć, trauma i alergia na Pinkera a na kogo można liczyć. To cenna wiedza. |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 445
Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:03 am |
"as a circle of mutual adoration is boring (almost like a group of homosexuals.) Now at least I know who he cast a long latent bile, trauma and allergy Pinker and on whom you can count on. This is valuable knowledge"
Posting in Polish you didnt think that we would NOT be able to read what you typed there. It is pretty obvious what kind of person you are. Thanks you for revealing it much more clearly for everyone to read. Dziękuję |

Joined: Sep 16, 2010
Posts: 3
Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:44 am |
It was out of topic part for me Wright As i sayd before in some cases u should look from another point of view I can belive that he did stupid but the reasons aren't soo clear for me. Translation of the whole situation, as an attempt to draw attention to the quality of the server security seems to me quite possible - if you flying soo long you pay attention to such a things.
Do not try too hard looking for the monster in the closet Wright )
Tam żółć od razu, przecież to tylko zabawa podobno, to stwierdzenie powtarzane niemal tak często, jak, to wyszydzanie pokpiwanie i lekceważenie "arkadówki" Ty i ja dobrze wiesz, że głupia arkadówka złamała już nie jeden charakter. Skłaniałbym się jednak ku zachowywaniu proporcji pomiędzy ilością postów do ilości zestrzeleń w okolicach 1 do 4 w każdym i nie jednym bądź razie.
S! |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 445
Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:10 am |
Funny Alive that he is making this look like it is OUR fault when obviously we did nothing all I did here was to enter a game on pwerwach and get this kind of HACK/CHEAT thrown in my face.
All I did here was to show this to the il-2 community and obvisouly Pinker paid the price for it so we aren't the bad guy here. I am glad you did not defend his online behaviour and cheating. |