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Joined: May 31, 2010
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:55 am Reply with quote

I thought it would be nice to have a thread on this forum with people's impressions of patch 4.10.

I love the patch, it is great to have improvements, new features and aircraft etc..

Just like having a big banana split, and putting extra whipped cream and cherries on top really.

I had absolutely no problems with 4.09, or any other version of IL2, I was always simply grateful to have it at all.

I notice a lot of different things, probably more than I can remember. Seems like almost everything was touched, it even seems like there are things changed that are not in the readme for the patch.

Love the G-force limits, the death by injury and bleeding. The AI seems smarter and fights differently, weapon sounds and effects are different.

I have fun loading 64 aircraft up in the QMB and having huge battles of 323 vs. 32, plus the ships and AAA etc..

I enjoy the easier pilot kill feature. I have already got a lot of kills online that I would not have got before by killing pilots.

I have always enjoyed flying the FW190A and the forward view improvement only helps make my gunnery more deadly, thank you..

The SpitV and Hurricanes belch black smoke now under certain negative G flight. Spitfire still flies great, I hopped into a duel server and flew the 42' SpitV vs. a very well known online pilot in his bf109g2, hard settings, and I shot him down more than once no problem. Likewise, I shot down some 42' SpitVs with the 109G2. I am sure this all comes down to pilot experience dictating the outcome.

Bf109s with 20mm gunpods are now slower and feel heavier, it is about time for this, as for a long time adding 20mm gunpods to 109s made too small a difference in my opinion. It is great that the early 109s have more weapons loadouts now.

I have not broken an aircraft due to G stresses yet, despite flying a lot of missions in the QMB and online in dogfight servers and coops. I don't think that experienced pilots will have any problem with this, only novices who do not fly well anyway. I even chased an allied fighter almost straight down at very high speed for thousands of meters, shooting him down and leveling out not much above the deck, and still had no failure.

Nor have I had any random engine failure yet, again I am used to flying hard settings, keeping an eye on my engine heat and rpms, and manipulating the complicated engine controls. I am sure arcade-kiddie/novices who just pin the throttle for their entire fight will have more problems.

The extra fuel load options are of course nice to have.

And that is all I got off the top of my head right now. I have not played with all the features in the new patch and there are even features I have not used that were in old patches or in the sim since it's inception.

I am primarily a fighter pilot, or one who does light ground attack, so it may be a while if ever I use all the features available. There are so many aircraft in this sim right now that I have not even flown them all.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:02 am Reply with quote

I like it too. Quality stuff. Some real additions to the game, not just "more stuff" in planes and maps and fancy things.
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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 445

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:18 pm Reply with quote

Well my impression is that the FW-190 Antons (A-6-A-9) climb rate changed. The Antons feels sluggish now but the Dora remain the same.

The biggest change for me is the P-51 which flies like a cross between a 109 and a spit now wherein it zoom climbs and retains E nicely but turns well in slow speed as well. Heck it can now fight a Spit CW IXE well so that's saying a lot.
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Joined: May 31, 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:31 pm Reply with quote

X32Wright wrote:
Well my impression is that the FW-190 Antons (A-6-A-9) climb rate changed. The Antons feels sluggish now but the Dora remain the same.
The biggest change for me is the P-51 which flies like a cross between a 109 and a spit now wherein it zoom climbs and retains E nicely but turns well in slow speed as well. Heck it can now fight a Spit CW IXE well so that's saying a lot.

Well those things would be easy to actually test. I did test the acceleration and top speeds of the common 1944 aircraft, and I compared them to old notes I took for version 3.04 and 4.05. and I did not see any changes between 4.05 and 4.10 worth mentioning, differences of 10km/hr could be the map or pilot error.

I have not flown the P-51 in patch 4.10 yet, but I did shoot one in a slow turning scissors fight yesterday using an FW190A9, and have shot a number of other Mustangs down, so I don't feel threatened by them. the only one that shot me down using 4.10 so far is mainly because I was flying alone vs. four opponents and then ran out of fuel! I am sure sooner or later I will be bounced or have someone like Ultima Latet hand my a$$ to me though. If you ever want to see someone fly a Mustang with 100% competence, get into Ulti's duel server.

If you test the acceleration of the P-51D Mustang vs. the FW190A8, the FW matches it's acceleration to 330 km/hr, and beats it to 420km/hr. Of course after that the P-51d pulls away and has at least 20km/hr more top speed than the FW, but it is not so much of an advantage that the P-51 is going to be able to be careless, it has to stay fast or have E to keep an advantage.

At high speed turning, it seems easier to black out now, so being able to turn better at high speed is not going to be limited by most aircraft, it is going to be limited by who can manage their turns with more skill. At low speed of course some aircraft are more stable than others, but in this past week since 4.10 has come out, I have still seen panicked P-51 pilots snap-spin out of control at various speeds.

One thing about the common 1944 fighters that may be used in online servers, their acceleration and top speeds are close enough to each other that having E and being a good pilot is going to count for much, much more than what aircraft anyone happens to be in.

One thing I found that I do not enjoy still, I was flying a mission on a MDS the other day, and the darned AI fighters still "sensed" my presence and location when they are around and nothing stopped them, not cloud cover, not blending into the ground or blinding them with sunlight. If they are in a certain range, they come after you.

The ace AI does put up a good fight though. In a mixed server with AI and human opponents, I have got into a few fights and did not guess that the opponent was AI until after I killed it or I watched it's flying later on a track I took. Often the ace AI is better and makes fewer mistakes than the majority of human IL2 pilots! I think a lot of novices could learn a lot from watching them go to work using outside views in the QMB.

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