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Joined: May 03, 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:43 am Reply with quote

It has come to my attention that a WarClouds player, _352FG_HO_K, has been constantly telling a "story" about me to other players. As HO_K tells it, I accused him of "cheating" on the server, but this is nothing but a figment of his imagination.

In reality, I joined the server just after installing Version 4.10. I flew a sortie in a P-38, and could not see any enemy airplanes, and also I could not see some friendly planes (for example, I could not see anyone flying in a P-51). HO_K then shot me down, and I stated in the game chat that I could not see him. I also stated in the game chat that I was not accusing him of doing anything wrong, but that I believed something was wrong with my game installation. Sure enough, the invisibility of certain planes was apparently due to a glitch in my installation of 4.10, as a re-install quickly fixed this problem. HO_K appeared to understand, and he even agreed to fly near me without shooting at me on a subsequent sortie. When I circled around for more than 5 minutes, without seeing him even though he assured me that he was flying close enough to be visible to me, I decided to reinstall the game. After re-installing version 4.10, again, I contacted HO_K and told him that my reinstall of 4.10 had fixed my problem. I thought that was the end of it, and that this was nothing but a silly bug experience.

For no apparent reason, however, HO_K still appears to be obsessed with this unimportant non-incident. HO_K has informed me that he has posted a YouTube video to "show" people that I am a "liar." You can watch the video here, and you can also read his own version of this "story," noting that he refers to me as "BS_Crosstalker" on his YouTube page. He has promised to share this link with everyone who flies on WarClouds, as well as everyone on HyperLobby. Contrary to HO_K's narrative, I never accused him of cheating, nor do I believe he cheats. Clearly this is some kind of big deal to him, because otherwise it makes no sense for him to post the video on YouTube. He has already been kicked from HL once for pressing this issue.

I do believe, however, that he is being incredibly mean-spirited to go to such great lengths to make much ado about absolutely nothing. I trust that I am justified in making this post because I have a right to defend myself against baseless personal attacks that are in violation of the HyperLobby and WarClouds server rules. He is telling these stories, constantly, on the WarClouds server itself. I should also note that 91st_Air, a HyperLobby admin, advised me to make this post in response to HO_K's behavior.

For goodness' sake, dude, please stop this behavior.

Note to Admin: please move this to off-topic if you believe it belongs there but I ask you to please not delete this post.
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Joined: Jan 07, 2011
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:08 am Reply with quote

Crosstalker, you are the only one in the world who has ever started a thread on this subject anywhere, on any public forum.

I never told anyone anything about you at all except in response to your rants on public forums like this.

There is no member of this or any other public arena or forum that has heard anything from anyone but you.

You never accused me of cheating, and I never said you did, no public record of either exists anywhere.

I am supported by the absence of any record of action on my part, your accusations however are a matter of public record, as in you starting this thread.

If you have any evidence or information to support anything you say please do add it to this or any thread you start ok?

Is there an administrator here that can delete this unfounded public attack on me?

Thank you

Last edited by _352FG_HO_K on Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:50 pm; edited 2 times in total 
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:13 am Reply with quote

Well, you obviously know that you did something wrong: you bothered yourself to register for the forums tonight and raced over here to post a self-defense and more misleading statements. This is ridiculous.

You have been told, multiple times by multiple admins, to stop discussing this issue. In the presence of three admins, you proceeded to insult me, call me names ("liar," "moron"), repeat your ridiculous accusations, and then argue with the admins, including threatening one admin. The proof of your remarks is the HyperLobby transcript itself. Your PM, calling me a "moron," is also recorded. You got kicked because you wouldn't shut up. It's plain and simple, Jumoschwanz.

Please, find better things to do with your time. Post the entire track somewhere if you really care. By the entire track, I mean for you to include my explicit line of text, which stated that I was not accusing you of cheating, but suspected that my game was glitched. It is very petty to snipe at another player's reputation by posting half-stories and telling half-truths.

You can proceed to talk to yourself now, if you feel obsessed to do so.

Last edited by Crosstalker on Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:33 am; edited 2 times in total 
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Joined: Jan 07, 2011
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:24 am Reply with quote

Crosstalker, you are the only one in the world who has ever started a thread on this subject anywhere, on any public forum.

I never told anyone anything about you at all except in response to your rants on public forums like this.

There is no member of this or any other public arena or forum that has heard anything from anyone but you.

You never accused me of cheating, and I never said you did, no public record of either exists anywhere.

I am supported by the absence of any record of action on my part, your accusations however are a matter of public record, as in you starting this thread.

If you have any evidence or information to support anything you say please do add it to this or any thread you start ok?

Is there an administrator here that can delete this unfounded public attack on me?

Thank you

Also, the HyperLobby administrator "doghouse" has shared my HyperLobby account information with the public, at least Crosstalker and who else?

This breach of user account information by Doghouse and Crosstalker is the only thing that should be punished isn't it ?
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