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Joined: Nov 06, 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 2:45 am Reply with quote

Very Happy Hey everyone. Man, I missed flying online. Had to give up my dsl for several months, but I just couldn't stay away. Flying offline just isn't the same. Great to be back though.

Unfortunately, some things don't change. I'd like to give this as a friendly warning only, not as a topic to be argued over. So take it for what it is, nothing more. I did enter a room hosted by some deticated server, I think, called CA Cable Server. Upon shooting down who I imagine was the host a couple of times as well as another, I was immediately labeled as an SOB squadron pilot, which one SOB guy was there. Then after being asked many question I mention the Redwulf squadron and I was labeled as a Redwulf that made threats. Also in the room was a 99th_Mobius1 and JG26_Crash (sorry if the JG26 part is wrong) who were very friendly and courteous. As I spoke with them I was being questioned and blamed and then eventually booted. As I love this game and really love having a great time talking and flying I was not saying anything rude, nor did I respond to the host with any attitude. The only thing I saw I did was beat the host twice, and then allow him to come after me when a friendly was targeting him. Heck, I would hope the host didn't think I was going after him only. After all, He was the only enemy the 2 times I got him only. After that, I went after others. It had happened in the past were I was called a cheater for shooting down planes in a p-39, now there are alot of great 39 pilots. (not trying to say I was the first by all means Wink ) My point? Just a friendly waring. If you are too successful in this server, be prepared. Any doubts of my actions and I'd imagine the others present would say I didn't do anything.

Was booted not for cheating, not for being rude or cussing, not for breaking rules or whinning (as the room description said not to do), but for shooting down a few planes and denying I was a Redwulf guys that made threats.

PLEASE, I want to state again. This topic isn't for any arguements or discussions. I'm not asking for responses, in fact I'd rather there wouldn't be any. This is just a friendly warning to my fellow il2 pilots that I miss flying with.
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Joined: Mar 16, 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 7:18 pm Reply with quote

Since I don't recognise your name, and it does not appear on my list of idiots I have to assume you were flying under a different name. I probibly kicked you for bad lag or severe warping. Your responce seems typical of those with warp problems.

I have set me server auto kick settings tight enough that those with bad connects get kicked quickly. Now I won't have to bother kicking people like you.

Another common problem is people I kick for lag and warp come back over and over again. It is typical of the "my computer isn't lagging" crowd.

I have been running with the extra tight settings for 5 days now and it's great, no warp, no lag.

If you are running the windows speeder, find another server, because it ain't going to work here.

Amethyst (I run and moderate the CA server)
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Joined: Jun 03, 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:15 pm Reply with quote

Sam...I refer u to this page on the forum...just copy and paste to ur address bar


there are two pages of compliants on this server. U should paste one there. As he has said he thathe has a list of any pilot that is better than him and won't let them in his room. I don't post this but for any other reason than that there is a really problem here. The thing is almost all squads have been banned...and any good single pilot. The only people that i see in there anymore are mostly new comers to the game. We don't want new flyers to think that HL is full of servers like this. And all need to be aware of his room. Sorry that his server left a bad taste in ur flying. MOst other flyers are great people and HL is a great place to make friends. But there is always one bad apple in every bunch. Don't leave HL and u are always welcome here.
JUst a footnote...is also know as SgtSlaughter...CaptAmerica
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Joined: Mar 16, 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:02 am Reply with quote

RS Blooddrive is a lobby terrorist. I continue to get harassed by him every time we are in the lobby together. He has an axe to grind, perhaps because he is banned from the CA Cable Server and can't handle it.

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Joined: Jan 13, 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:16 am Reply with quote

Amethyst wrote:
RS Blooddrive is a lobby terrorist. I continue to get harassed by him every time we are in the lobby together. He has an axe to grind, perhaps because he is banned from the CA Cable Server and can't handle it.


LOL, Typical reply from a guy who was probably beat up as a kid and has found the internet to be his place to be king of his own little world where no one can touch him.

I laugh everytime I see one of your posts and my wife likes reading them too.

So, How much is your shrink bill? If you don't have one, get one!
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Joined: Mar 16, 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 4:11 pm Reply with quote

Nice insults Coastie, as usual you can come up with
nothing intelligent.

Mr Coastie is the primary reason I banned the <PF> as a squad

I think he has an axe to grind........

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 2:23 am Reply with quote

Dude, You don't deserve an intelligent reply. You probably wouldn't understand it anyway. You come up with a different fabricated story for everyone(or every squad) you ban from your server. You are just a hothead who gets mad when a good squad uses teamwork to shoot you down over and over again.

Anytime your squad wants to do a nice scripted battle with any settings, Just let us know and we will gladly give you a little lesson in teamwork.
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Joined: Jan 13, 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 4:37 am Reply with quote

Just got this PM from Amethyst:

"You and your squad of ignoramuses can
all go play with yourselves.
You are by far the most ignorant, arrogant
missuse of human flesh I have had the
misfortune to meet on the net.


LOL, Wow! I am impressed. You can insult pretty good too.

So, How many competitions is your squad involved in? Or do you even have a squad? Oh yeah, You are a one man squad. A legend in your own mind. The king of your own little universe, The great CA_Cable_Server. That is your domain and it truly breaks my heart I will never take part in it again.

The offer is still good for a squad vs squad match. Be waiting for your reply.
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Joined: Jan 13, 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 2:52 am Reply with quote

Below is an exchange of PM's from Amethyst. He continues to insult my squad and many other well respected squads. PF, RS, 663rd and god knows who else. Just thought everyone should know. I am done wasting my time with a compulsive lying hothead.

PF_Coastie wrote:
Nothing is private between you and my squad sir. You banned an entire squad for no apparent reason. You are a hothead with serious mental issues. You have fabricated stories to ban some of the best squads in HL.

Anything else I ever say to you will be aired publicly as you have aired publicly the banning of my squad many times.

Have fun in your empty server.

Amethyst wrote:

It's been full lately.

You can stuff it, I print only the truth.
You suck, and your squad sucks.

Keep airing your insults in the Hyper Forum
I bet Jiri loves reading them.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 3:56 am Reply with quote

same ol shit with amythest Jiri do everyone a favor and just ban this bizatch wtf she is a good laugh but she causes way too many problems
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:03 pm Reply with quote

SamGamgee wrote:
Very Happy Hey everyone. Man, I missed flying online. Had to give up my dsl for several months, but I just couldn't stay away. Flying offline just isn't the same. Great to be back though.

Unfortunately, some things don't change. I'd like to give this as a friendly warning only, not as a topic to be argued over. So take it for what it is, nothing more. I did enter a room hosted by some deticated server, I think, called CA Cable Server. Upon shooting down who I imagine was the host a couple of times as well as another, I was immediately labeled as an SOB squadron pilot, which one SOB guy was there. Then after being asked many question I mention the Redwulf squadron and I was labeled as a Redwulf that made threats. Also in the room was a 99th_Mobius1 and JG26_Crash (sorry if the JG26 part is wrong) who were very friendly and courteous. As I spoke with them I was being questioned and blamed and then eventually booted. As I love this game and really love having a great time talking and flying I was not saying anything rude, nor did I respond to the host with any attitude. The only thing I saw I did was beat the host twice, and then allow him to come after me when a friendly was targeting him. Heck, I would hope the host didn't think I was going after him only. After all, He was the only enemy the 2 times I got him only. After that, I went after others. It had happened in the past were I was called a cheater for shooting down planes in a p-39, now there are alot of great 39 pilots. (not trying to say I was the first by all means Wink ) My point? Just a friendly waring. If you are too successful in this server, be prepared. Any doubts of my actions and I'd imagine the others present would say I didn't do anything.

Was booted not for cheating, not for being rude or cussing, not for breaking rules or whinning (as the room description said not to do), but for shooting down a few planes and denying I was a Redwulf guys that made threats.

PLEASE, I want to state again. This topic isn't for any arguements or discussions. I'm not asking for responses, in fact I'd rather there wouldn't be any. This is just a friendly warning to my fellow il2 pilots that I miss flying with.

Confused now .....I noticed some bad lags in this Server as well


JV 44 The Redwulf Squadron
"A Wulf never walks alone" 
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