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Joined: Mar 16, 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 12:31 am Reply with quote

Running a server results in a pile of insulting pages and childish people who get indignant when they are kicked. But this is a winner. Some jackass started the above mentioned server because they were pissed when I kicked them for bad behaivaior.

By the way, this person who continues to harass me may also go by the name "CoverUrSix"


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:38 am Reply with quote

Jiri, Please take care of this matter as it is offensive towards one individual and is not worth having in this community.. JG27_Dacripler
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:58 am Reply with quote

runnig a server is something an adult should do. Not someone on a power trip. First of all ...I can't host any games ...dial up. Bad ping as it is. As for harrasment....u have left me insulting messages. ....Followed me into 4 rooms after I put u on ignore in messages...trying to insult me. You have booted so many flyers playing god...that someone else doesn't like u. U get in life what to dish out....respect is at the top of those. Be a good host and don't boot pilots becuase they are better flyers than u. Please ...before u boot me off HL ...ask others about his server.
Ask AFJ elite...mastif Ask ~354~Bluejay...DDD_Belier...(56)'GUNCAM...RS_Finshark...and there are many others. All I want is a fair judgement.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:08 am Reply with quote

"1/4/2004 12:21:13 PM <AFJ>Elite > AFJ>Elite > not to mentiopn we can all change our names and harass him"""

I remember that evening well.
You guys blasted me for over
two hours without a stop.

Ganging up on a person in the lobby
in this manner has no excuse.

I kicked Blooddrive more as a joke
than anything serious, and I got
two hours of harassment.

No longer a joke, All RS will be kicked if
they enter the CA server.

Obviously you children can not get enough
and continue to harrass me every day.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:26 am Reply with quote

here is ur post that I recieved. As for what others say about u I have no control over...I didn't say change our names....as for a joke....this doesn't sound like one. Plus I have many others...but won't post ur cussing at me on the forum.

You wish I kicked you for shooting me down.

You were kicked for being an immature brat.

Truth is your were so easy you resorted to an La-7!

Face it child, you are a failure in this game and a failure as a human being.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:31 am Reply with quote

CoverUrSix wrote:
here is ur post that I recieved. As for what others say about u I have no control over...I didn't say change our names....as for a joke....this doesn't sound like one. Plus I have many others...but won't post ur cussing at me on the forum.

You wish I kicked you for shooting me down.

You were kicked for being an immature brat.

Truth is your were so easy you resorted to an La-7!

Face it child, you are a failure in this game and a failure as a human being.

After two hours of harrassment!
Face it, you cause trouble then
cry that you got kicked because
you shot the host!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:04 am Reply with quote

well that sounds about right ...first u say it was a joke booting me...but in ur post u say its because u say it is because I was a brat. And when u booted me ...all I did was come back and ask why. Sorry...but when U boot someone...its like a slap in the face. Twice now u have contredicted urself about booting me. Let Jiri make the desion. He is the judge. I have said my case....and will not respond to anymore of ur post. I didn't host the Ca_Cable_Sucks...and don't who did...but I did go in there and ask. That person said u had booted them also. U know I wasn't the host because u were talking to him. I rest my case
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:41 am Reply with quote

oh...one last thing...go to Hyper lobby chat and just ask if anyone has heard of Capt.America
see what the responce is....u might be interested in the responce u get
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 4:22 am Reply with quote

In 4 years in participating in flight simulators I have met only a few people in your category.
you have been rude to say the least ..you have changer your named several times from captain America and Amethyst just to name a couple of them....I have seen you in the open form on the chat lobby always argue with with other people. this is an interactive flight simulator with others something you have shown to have difficulty doing .
( interactive with others) I know before long you will change your rooms named from CA_CABLE_SERVER to a different name but remember any name you choose your attitude will follow you............ last week you booted two of my guys from one of your rooms. I just happened to logon to catch the chart lobby and what I got from the other squadrons this did not come from my people it came from the others in the room....and was printed in the main chat lobby.for all people to read and I must say I appreciate all the other squads for sticking up for my people....you were totally in the wrong in booting RS_GTMustang and RS_Blooddrive they are some of best people you will ever meet....
my squadron has run servers in IL-2 from the day 1 and it was for all to enjoy and I have had nothing but find things said about these two people that you booted for no more than shooting YOU!!!!! down .
I have only one word of advice for you learn to get along with others it's a part of life.
one of the most remarkable things I enjoy about flying at the hyper lobby is all the people I meet from all over this small planet we all share a love of flight
it's a bond that ties this community together ....something you no doubt have learned from the other people that knew the people you've booted and what their thoughts of you were...
and from what I saw were not friendly towards you for what you did you were very wrong in your actions
RS_FinShark Commander of the RS
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 5:38 am Reply with quote

this is nothing new from amythest she is alwayz complaining about something, never has anything good to say i have known her for like a year as has always been rude, she is the one that needs to be banned!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:49 am Reply with quote

RS_FinShark wrote:
In 4 years in participating in flight simulators I have met only a few people in your category.
you have been rude to say the least ..you have changer your named several times from captain America and Amethyst just to name a couple of them....I have seen you in the open form on the chat lobby always argue with with other people. this is an interactive flight simulator with others something you have shown to have difficulty doing .
( interactive with others) I know before long you will change your rooms named from CA_CABLE_SERVER to a different name but remember any name you choose your attitude will follow you............ last week you booted two of my guys from one of your rooms. I just happened to logon to catch the chart lobby and what I got from the other squadrons this did not come from my people it came from the others in the room....and was printed in the main chat lobby.for all people to read and I must say I appreciate all the other squads for sticking up for my people....you were totally in the wrong in booting RS_GTMustang and RS_Blooddrive they are some of best people you will ever meet....
my squadron has run servers in IL-2 from the day 1 and it was for all to enjoy and I have had nothing but find things said about these two people that you booted for no more than shooting YOU!!!!! down .
I have only one word of advice for you learn to get along with others it's a part of life.
one of the most remarkable things I enjoy about flying at the hyper lobby is all the people I meet from all over this small planet we all share a love of flight
it's a bond that ties this community together ....something you no doubt have learned from the other people that knew the people you've booted and what their thoughts of you were...
and from what I saw were not friendly towards you for what you did you were very wrong in your actions
RS_FinShark Commander of the RS

If you have had such a problem with me then WHY do you and your squad mates continue to enter my server and harrass hell out of me?
I can't remember when I FORCED you to fly in my server.

This is more propaganda to justify BloodDrive's rampage.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:29 pm Reply with quote

Capt.America or Amethyst is the one that should be banned. I have been in Ca_Cable_Server and he or she is always booting anyone better than him. Then pretty much laughs about it when others as why he did. The best one I remember is "becuase I am god in here and can do what I want". His server should be banned from HL. Host means u treat others like geust. As for him getting harrased, I know Blooddrive and he is a great person. Don't think him the type. But CaptAmerica needs to harrassed or banned and can only say "Hurray"if someone is doing it and wish I had thought of it first
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:17 pm Reply with quote

I kicked Blooddrive more as a joke
than anything serious, and I got
two hours of harassment.
I think this part that CA wrote sums up the whole problem. If u kick people for the fun of it then be expected to be hurrassed. I dont think anyone should get banned booted or etc etc etc from HL. Everyone in HL knows CA and If CA has a problem with Us JOKING with him, then he should boot people as a joke. If he has a problem with something go to the person and step up not to this forum where u can hide. If u would of come out and said u messed up by booting blooddrive all this would of been over.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:57 pm Reply with quote

S! all...... this is a no point topic guys leave the looser alone..... Just do like we do..... Dont join his server. I posted in our squad forum for all -=FA=- pilots to read this....

S! all

I have a request to do to the squad pilots.... Dont play on CA_CABLE_SERVER.... this is a request of course but since this Host has a bad temper and in my opinion a bad attitude I'm asking u all to avoid that server.

Thx all


Simple eh ?
Fun above everything

-=FA=- Swazy

PS- RS guys you are always welcome to our servers has we know we are in yours thx for the fun that we have in games ....good pilots and good ppl in that squad

At the end there can be only 1 !!! 
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:34 am Reply with quote

if you would quit changing your name the RS would not participate in your game rooms.
I flew in your room once that was enough for me I did not reply to you I just hit disconnect
I e-mailed my squad M8 and told everybody that Capt.America had some serious issues.
and I would stay clear of his rooms ....(( he doesn't play well with others)))
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