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Joined: Feb 28, 2004
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Location: USA
Wed May 26, 2004 10:54 pm |
I left cfs2 because I didn't know if my bad flying was getting me killed or if other pilots were cheating. I thought FB was cheat proof but I'm learning different.
Just got out of a room where the entire enemy flight somehow truncated their icon names. This did three things:
1. distance info on their planes was unavailable until I was right on top of them. Unlike my team which was broadcasting their distances at all times.
2. The distance where they were tagged at all was greatly increased. This meant I could see a sky full of my team's blue icons being chased by gunfire but could not see id tags on the red. This also meant they could get much closer before being noticed.
3. Exactly who I was flying against was unknown to me. I was simply flying against a plane "LA" or "Spit". I can't even tell you who they were. How can anyone be held accountable for their actions if you don't know who they are?
When I asked them about this and if it was available to everyone I either got silence, half explanations or double talk.
Taking an action that ensures an unfair advantage to your team is called cheating. It ruins the game for others. You may be having a great time gang banging the unwary but it is unfair. UNFAIR.
These little races to acquire whatever the latest 'trick' is to cheat the other guy are repulsive in the extreme.
Why is it impossible for so many online flyers to simply fly fair and try to beat the other guy with skill instead of techno tricks? |

Joined: May 25, 2004
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Location: USA
Thu May 27, 2004 1:57 am |
Good one.
You can adjust the icons. Its not cheating. You could your team so you didnt waste time chasing down a plane only to find its a friendly.
Just one more variation of a great game. |

Joined: Feb 28, 2004
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Location: USA
Thu May 27, 2004 5:20 am |
That doesn't make sense. They shouldn't be able to dictate what I see. They should be able to change how OUR icons look to them but not how THEY look to us. That's giving MY preference to THEM!
Do you agree that shortening the name changes how close they have to be before their distance info shows up? And also that shortening their names requires me to be much closer to them before I can see who/what they are? If so, they are able to force an advantage.
It may be part of the program and if so, I aplogize for the rant but it is still making NO sense.
Maybe I'm still missing a point here?
Please tell me where/when this adjustment is made.
Thanks |

Joined: May 25, 2004
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Location: USA
Thu May 27, 2004 12:24 pm |
Maybe I'm still missing a point here?
All your team mates see the same thing you do.
All the enemy sees the mirrored version.
Not all servers do this...just the smart ones.
Next time, join the other team for a while and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Other icon options are color, you dont see the color of the icon until your at whatever range. it looks gray until that range it hit
It helps stalking and pouncing.
Bright red and blue icons from 100km's out is for beginners. There is no way to sneak up on a bomber or dive in on someones 6 when you have icon ID that far out. Hence- lots of servers are using "limited icon sets" |

Joined: May 26, 2004
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Location: USA
Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:00 pm |
~S~ Tim.
I believer you knew me from CFS2, I can assure you there are some great pilots there as well as here. I have read your post and reply, as hawgdawk says it is the same for both, Please dont think I was a CFS2 cheat if ya want we can fly here.
I havnt been here that long but if you have any questions feel free to ask me rather than make negative posts buddy...Your Friend Homi |

Joined: May 26, 2004
Posts: 28
Location: USA
Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:04 pm |
sry forgot somethin....SERVERS can make MANY adjustments that a regular host cant...messages...ect...I am unsure whether limited icons are a server setting or not, As I am dial up and rarely host, I will find out and let you know via pager..Homi |