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Joined: Jan 13, 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 2:31 am Reply with quote

I can truely understand the reason for this thread. My entire squadron was banned from CA_Cable_Server for defending another well respected squadron in the HL community.

This was several months ago; We were flying in his/her server not even knowing who the host was. Well I don't remember what name was being used at the time but, he started to say something about kicking people for not flying fairly. All we were doing was BnZing and using team tactics. Well I guess we shot him down too many times. He mentioned that we flew like cowards just like 663rd Asmody was and that he had banned Asmody! Well, we all immediately jumped to the entire 663rd defense as anyone knows they are a well respected squad.

So, what does this guy do? Bans the Entire PF squad! There was only 3 of us in there but he pulls some huge power trip and bans the entire 20+ members of PF. I posted in our forum to just stay clear of his server. We host servers and VOW rounds all the time. Some guys did not see this post and went into his room to fly and were immediately kicked and banned without warning.

I wish I would have saved some of the PM's I got from him. A real piece of work this dude is.

Anyway, If you read this Jiri, Do the community a favor and rid HL of this trash.


XO Phantom Fighters 328th Fighter Group
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 3:21 am Reply with quote

Coastie, despite my banning your squad your members continue to enter my server.

In fact it seems I have a popular server since I have seen MANY banned players enter incognito.

For a server you hate it seems it is a big attraction.

The PF squad was banned for a good reason, it involved extremely poor manners and constant whining about settings.

I find it funny that banned players enter a server they complain about.

Some enter just to raise hell then quit or get kicked.

Some enter and just fly, I usually don't kick them.

Oh yes, I can tell who you are by your IP#.

I have been asked not to post IP#s here and will adhere to that request.

Get a life and sponsor your own server.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:07 am Reply with quote

LMAO, How hard do you really think it is to get a different IP number?

Well, I have never re-entered your server, I can promise you that. If some of my squadmates want to do that without their PF uniform, Thats their business. I guess they just can't help but go get your BP up every once in a while since you are such a fantastic host and all.

We fly and host many, many servers sir and we always have.

Have fun in your little fantasy world.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:08 am Reply with quote

Amethyst/CaptAmerica/ or most recently....SgtSlaughter...seems u have made alot of freinds here. History will follow u everywhere....and remeber...everything u do ..good or bad ...comes back on u ten fold.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:38 pm Reply with quote

Salute fellow Pilots,

Honestly i think this has a very easy solution,

If you get bad treatment in a server just dont join it, its wut i do.
The host, if he bans players better than him, well there is always Single player mode Very Happy

Some Pilots of the refered Squadrons sometime fly in my squadron server and i must say they give us a good sport game with no harassment at all, so they deserve good manners from all of us.
I get shot often too, but hey if i dont fly with better people than i, how can i improuve?

I dont know the host of the CA_Server so i respectfully dont believe your postings until prof otherwise.
Check this forum you will find several complains from diferent people regarding your server host behaviour.

But i do know some of the other pilots acused here and all i can say is you are always welcome to my squadron server, i have nothing bad to say about you gentlemen, just good.

This is a game the objective is to have fun, not discutions the real life has enougf of them on is own.

" Wen we think all the people in the world are wrong and against us, ask yourself, if youre not the one that is wrong " Socrates

Keep the blue side up and the rubber side down !!!

CO Omega Knight Squadron
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:53 am Reply with quote

Way before I joined the PF squadron, I freelanced for awhile. Of course, like many I too ended up in the room hosted by Capt. America. After Booming and Zooming in a 190 with good success I was booted for not dogfighting in my 190. I understand some people don't like BnZ pilots, so I came in and grabbed a dogfighting plane. Another victory, booted again. I never went in that room again. At least that was my intension. After weeks went by, I started using my new name, Samwise (yes, I like LOTR), and entered into CA_Cable Server. Things went ok until I was successful in shooting the host down a few times. I was then accused of being someone from the 663rd I think. At the time I was looking for a group to join and I started to talk to a pilot from the 99th. I was just chatting about how I was looking for a good group of guys to join, and I mentioned I was thinking of the Redwulfs. Just mentioning that name, I was branded a Redwulf pilot that was stalking the host and was banned. Go figure eh? Any Redwulf guys here feel free to validate this post, I was never in the Redwulf squadron.

I guess it wasn't easy to stay out of that psycho's server since he is constantly changing his name. Believe me, I have better things to do with my time, and you'll never see me going in one of his rooms. Unless of course, I don't know it's him since another personality may have surfaced and his name will change again.

My honest suggestion. Take a public poll to see just how many people have been given a hard time from this guy. If enough sign on, then HL priviledges should be taken. Hey, there's always Ubi. But alot of us never go there. So he's not being kicked out in the street, just forced to move to another place to give them all grief.

Just an idea since the name changing makes it hard to sometimes not end up in the wrong place.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 12:06 pm Reply with quote

The PF squad can't seem to handle that they are banned from my server. They try to enter every day and are kicked on sight. I'll give those guys a piece of advise, you won't get a "bad time" if you don't enter my server (DUH!).

The PF were and are banned for a darn good reason.
It it is obvious they will never drop the matter.
They will really be pissed when I start kicking them by IP#
since they use my server incognito every day.

Ain't that funny that the very guys that whine about my server
can't get enough of it.

By the way folks, there is one sad note about FB, it is doomed
as an on line fighter game. The speed/clock cheat has been
showing up. At first I did not believe it, it is hard to catch but
I have seen it and kicked a few players I suspected of using it.

It looks a bit like warp, but they out run and out turn you
easily. The cheat detector does trip when they use it
but it is hard to figure who is doing it unless you are on their
six and have them run away or warp slightly then suddenly
the plane you were chasing is on your six and shooting.

Party is over, FB is now a cheaters game:)

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Joined: Nov 07, 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:17 pm Reply with quote

Salute fellow Pilots,

There is a way of ending the warp cheat.
If you check olegs forum, you will find two lines to put in the server ini file, Server clock speed and Client clock speed.
That way if anyone warps it will gey auto booted by the server.
Another of the warping sintoms is the exessive ping delay so if you short those numbers you will get a server with less lag and no warpers.
So if someone is warping in a server its the host fault, because he did not protect it how he should.
Check UBI Oleg Forum for more details.

Sory warping Pilots but i like fair games Smile

Best Regards,
CO OMK Squadron
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:02 pm Reply with quote

[quote="Amethyst"]"1/4/2004 12:21:13 PM <AFJ>Elite > AFJ>Elite

>I remember that evening well.
>You guys blasted me for over
>two hours without a stop.

Well sounds like real life to me. You need to learn to fly better
Kicking people out who outfly you is being childish, and
arrogant. You should have LEARNED from them, rather than
bitch about it here.

>Ganging up on a person in the lobby
>in this manner has no excuse.

I guess there was no excuse in real life when pilots did
it right ? Me personally, I LOVE Vulching Very Happy
Again, you need to learn some more skill.

>I kicked Blooddrive more as a joke
>than anything serious, and I got
>two hours of harassment.

So it's ok for you to pull a joke on someone else,
but not vica versa ? BTW, you must not be a cool person
to think that is a joke..........

>.No longer a joke, All RS will be kicked if
>they enter the CA server.


>Obviously you children can not get enough
>and continue to harrass me every day.

You reap what you sow............

I am brand new here, been flying sim's sincce 1991, but
these past two weeks are the first online flying since
the old Air Warrior days. All I can say is that I LOVE it,
and HL just smokes ubi no question !! That said, there
are excellent pilots/shooters, and there are poor pilots,
and poor shots. You sound like a poor pilot............
I do fly quite well, I just am not that good a shot. But I
dont bitch and whine when the same person shoots me down
5 times in a row, I just keep flying and trying to figure out
what I've done wrong. You obiviously dont have the patience
for this, so one wonders about your motives.

Are you the same Capt_America that disconnected from a
game just when I was on your 6 and going to shoot you down ?
(If not, then sorry, but I remember that name well)
After the second time, I started to get annoyed, thats not cool !
(I dont remember the server now, this was last week)

Anyway, have fun, play to learn and get better, not vengfull.


"Only A Gentleman Can Insult Me And A True Gentleman Never Will" 
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Joined: Mar 16, 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 10:04 am Reply with quote

If you are new to this game then you can not have
flown against Capt America. The server and the name
have not been used in 4 months.

So obviously you are just another cheap attempt
by RS_Blooddrive, Bloodbrother, bloodbag... at harassment.

Get a life child.

Your lack of skill and obvious slow mental skills
can not be made up for with insults.

Post a new name in the forum, post an insult....

Very impressive. Perhaps you will sick your daddy on me?

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 2:31 pm Reply with quote

[quote="Amethyst"]If you are new to this game then you can not have
>flown against Capt America. The server and the name
>have not been used in 4 months.

Did it ever occur to you that someone else has a Capt_America name ? It was in the ES Server last week IIRC.
I havnt even seen a CA server here.

>So obviously you are just another cheap attempt
>by RS_Blooddrive, Bloodbrother, bloodbag... at harassment.

Nope, havnt yet even considered joining any squad yet so sorry.
I dont even know who they are. You really need to pay attention better ! Have you noticed that to you, it's everyone harrassing you, you dont see any other viewpoint ? Take the blinders off sometime and join the real world Ok ?

>Get a life child.

I'm retired now at 44, Smile so I dont think so....

>Your lack of skill and obvious slow mental skills
>can not be made up for with insults.

Wasnt insulting here, just stating facts, and my opinions
BTW, you are the one whining about people hammering you,
not I Unlike you, I dont complain when better players beat me, obiviously your ego cant admit that you were bested by someone else who is better than you !
Also BTW, how old are you ?

>Post a new name in the forum, post an insult....

I only have this name here, none other sorry.
I didnt insult you, like you have me, so do think before
you speak. Your attitude here only reflects poorly on you,
not anyone else here..............

>Very impressive. Perhaps you will sick your daddy on me?

Are you this much of a nasty person, or are you just trying to impress everyone here now ?

Dont worry, I will avoid any server you have !!
And this is my last post on the subject.............

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