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Joined: Dec 25, 2004
Posts: 2
Location: In the sky
Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:25 pm |
The Vote ban is a great idea. Putting some of the responsablity of managing hyperlobby in the hands of those who fly here.
But maybe some ideas on how to keep it fair and balanced.
Instead of 10 votes and your gone, lets say 150 votes in a 2 week period or a month and your gone. After that time period the voting would have to start over. There are about 300 flyers here at anytime. And maybe over 2000 members or more member. So 150 or so votes is a nice percentage of flyers here. Dont think any one or two squads have 150 members between them.
And every vote must come from an active member that has been here for atleast 6 months. The Name of the voter must be active in the Lobby and fly at least once a week for a hour or so. This way no one person can change his name over and over just to vote someone out. Or vote only by IP.
I have been flying here for over 4 years and been in 2 sqauds ( but left the squads due to my work schedule ). In the time I have been flying here I have only had to put one person on ignore. This person has changed his name alteast 5 times in just the last month. (love the new ignore feature) My guess is becuase he is banned from most servers for not following the rules. And thats the only way he can get back in a server that has not banned his IP, only his call sign.
With these ideas no small group or single person can get someone banned just because of personal problems or a grieves agianst one person. It would be a majority rule.
Use the ignore if you are having a problem with one or two people, thats what it is for. And it works great. If you are having a problem with a person in a game, contact the host of the game. If that person is disrupting the game he should be banned from server by his IP. Most servers will take care of this. Before long they would have no where to fly.
Remeber this game is for fun and all to enjoy. The object of the game is to shot down the other person. Those who take that personaly dont need to be here. And those who disrupt the chat widow with politics/religion/race/gender or any other one sided veiws dont need to be here. This way the flyers here then can vote on it if a person is doing this.
Just some words for thought. |

Joined: Apr 20, 2003
Posts: 29
Location: Canada
Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:21 am |
I agree the vote ban is a great idea. It would enable the community to police itself. I think 100 votes over a 2 week period should be enough to ban a member for 30 days. I think limiting voting to active members with at least 6 months standing and one vote per IP is definity the way to go.
I think a vote kick is also a good idea. It would work exactly the same way as the vote ban except it would only require 50 votes over a much shorter time frame say 4 hours and the member is kicked for 48 hours.
I think we are overlooking something though. Most abuse occurs via the hyperlobby forums. If someone sends you an abusive pager message or says something in the chat you find offensive all you have to do is use the ignore feature and the problem is solved. If you encounter a abusive host you can avoid thier server. If you host and encounter an abusive player you can kick them.
How do you deal with an abuser who hides behind an alias and uses the hyperlobby forum to attack other indiviguals and squads ? If an abuser chooses to use a false name in the forum that does not exist in hyperlobby what options do you have ? Anyone have any ideas ?
663rd_Asmody |

Joined: Nov 28, 2004
Posts: 13
Location: USA
Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:04 am |
Whats needed, perhaps, is a bit shorter term reminder. If I understand correctly, the HL admins will sometimes kick a user out for approx. two hours for cluttering up the chat sometimes.
Perhaps a one-hour vote-kick, or chat-kick could be used. Allow anybody to call for a vote. If a number, say, 24, or maybe 36 or so players vote to kick, then the player can either be kicked from HL or muted from chat to give him some time to cool off. |

Joined: May 22, 2004
Posts: 31
Location: Somewhere in the south
Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:52 pm |
being able to vote kick someone from chat is a great idea. If this works it would be wonderful. Maybe we can get it so first time someone is voted out on vote kick ...two hours or so they cant talk in chat window..second offense....2 days banned from lobby all together. 3rd offense...gone for a month. If they dont get the idea the forth time ..gone for good. And how would we show evidence of abuse? I mean show that there is good and sound reason to vote someone out..not just because u dont like someone personaly?
But have 2 real questions on how this might work. How would we be able to keep it fair? Keep one person from voting 100 times? I think Skooner is on the right track. But would be hard to do by IP or by "User Name". I know one person that has more names than I can count. Others have an IP that changes everytime they get on the internet.( Maybe by ur acount..seems u can have 100 names but if they are on ignore..It applies to all the names on one acount)
Other question is. Once someone gets "time out" from chat widow or their second or third offense, (or any offense)what would keep that person from running to the Forum and continuing to cause problems there? Seems once u put someone on ignore ...running to the forum is their "only" way of attacking you. I have one "Freind" who seems to love attacking me in the chat window (ingore works great but but have many friends that page me to let me know he just has to attack me for being here) But I dont resond to his attacks he has to change his name and run to the forum to attack.
I would love to see the vote kick or vote ban get started as soon as possible. I know there will be bugs that will have to be worked out. And sometimes there will be loop holes where some people will squeze through. But with a Majority of the flyers here will work.
Jiri...I think this is a great idea and cant wait till it goes into action. Thanks
RS_Bloodshot |

Joined: Dec 08, 2003
Posts: 10
Location: USA
Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:06 pm |
I do not think the vote idea a very good one and I have a few reasons I say this:
1. We routinely have votes on our own Racing forum - no one votes - and when they do we get varied response which only muddies the question more. By allowing a forum based vote system you will open the door for lengthy who did what - I did not - you did type discussion that no one will be able to sort out. The end result confusion and gray areas.
2. There are so many players and callsigns that some players will not bump into the prospective ban candidate for months if ever - how do you vote on a player you know 1st hand nothing about. I use this game primarily for racing and after doing this for 3+ years I have never met most of you so if a person is violating rules on the racing server how will we get a 150 vote ban when we barely have 30 players on a regular basis on our server?
3. Most HL users do not even come here unles there is a problem - maybe that is the way it should be. How will a effective vote take place when I and most players only drop in say once every few months?
4. If a vote is to be tried why give someone a min of say 150 votes - I do not think you will ever reach the minimum.
5. By having a vote process it would be possible for violators of the rules to remain even if they had serious infractions by having their friends vote for them to stay - I see the vote process as a way out for people that need to be banned, a way to get around the system - say a loophole of sorts.
I like it as it is - Break the rules and you get reported to Jiri - he checks the logs and if all the data is correct you are history. You may consider a pre-ban warning to make a point say 1st time infractions get banned for maybe a month - 2cnd time you are banned permanantly or until the next amnesty releases all these trouble causers back into the Lobby.
Just my opinion
Cuda |

Joined: Oct 10, 2005
Posts: 14
Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:45 am |
this is the dumbest idea i've ever heard. Just kick them for good, how bout startin with VOD?  |

Joined: Oct 15, 2003
Posts: 65
Location: USA
Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:03 pm |
Its a bad idea especially in this community where many stick together on only one side of planes.
Its also a bad idea becuase many hold grudges when someone is a better pilot then them. Those of US not in squads becuase of the drama and egos of some of the CO's would be at a disadvantage. Even tho we fly and wing with many friends and squadrons we like.
I think no HL admin should have the power to ban either without being notified for the reason of ban, there is no point of this. The only person that should have the ability to ban is jiri himself.
Also the player vote to ban people... whats to stop someone from making 100 email addressing with a block ip program and proxyserver???
Thats what I think anyways.
Also alot of us who been here since janes wwii fighters enjoy the HL program and chat more then il2, its also hard to break old habbits of chat we have been using since day one of HL.
The admins should have a feature that they can make two users ignore each other permantly and never see what each other types. In games its a different story leave that up to the hosts. |
Post Newbie

Joined: May 13, 2005
Posts: 6
Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:30 pm |
Since most of the serious bullies are squad members
perhaps if the whole squad gets a day off after the
bully acts up they will cease to support him/her in
the act of bullying.
Case in point, as I have mentioned in previous posts
the squaddies, "663rd_Asmody" and "RS_BloodShot"
were constantly harassing several HL users.
If the whole squad got penalised I doubt their behaivaior
would be condoned by their squads.
I really like the forced ignore idea! Good one Leadspitter!
One mod with that tool would cool the lobby off.
Better still if the forced ignore also prevented the
users from seeing each other in the chat.
Herman |