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Joined: Jun 25, 2007
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:19 am Reply with quote

to give you an idea of the things said by this psychopath ... i have the whole log which i could send over to you here a little taste :

"25/6/2007 2:38:15 πμ Pokrak > time to rape some grerman girls and make new german goys Very Happy"

This character should be banned and becone an example.

Thanks for your time

Best regards

Here the whole thing:

"25/6/2007 2:31:56 πμ Pokrak > Love is in the air Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:32:35 πμ needacoffie > where can i find 408m patch"
"25/6/2007 2:32:44 πμ Tytan > kopelat Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:32:59 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > Prepare my Haunebu satanic Allies must pay"
"25/6/2007 2:33:14 πμ 304_Sabbath > Tytanik to ty"
"25/6/2007 2:33:46 πμ Tytan > Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:33:53 πμ 303_Shpacoo > NO WUNDERFAFFE, ###### KAPUTT - YEEEAAHHH!!!"
"25/6/2007 2:34:03 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > bite me"
"25/6/2007 2:34:12 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > prepare it i say!!"
"25/6/2007 2:34:15 πμ 439th_Wtornado > crunch!"
"25/6/2007 2:34:17 πμ 304_Sabbath > ###### kaput"
"25/6/2007 2:34:25 πμ CN_Kanarien > gracias Red"
"25/6/2007 2:34:29 πμ ESV_RedDog > na"
"25/6/2007 2:34:30 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > blow it out of you nostrels freaks"
"25/6/2007 2:34:43 πμ CN_Kanarien > volamos la ultima con estos y nos vamos a la cama"
"25/6/2007 2:35:07 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > Prepare the Vril Fleet we attack !!"
"25/6/2007 2:35:11 πμ 439th_Wtornado > wow old sayings"
"25/6/2007 2:35:18 πμ CN_Kanarien > ma#ana seguimos con la campa#a de Crimea"
"25/6/2007 2:36:08 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > nice singing voice you got"
"25/6/2007 2:36:24 πμ Pokrak > time to rename berlin to Leningrad"
"25/6/2007 2:36:29 πμ ECV56_Chimango > lol"
"25/6/2007 2:36:36 πμ Ament777 [Host - COOP MISSION 1 - 1/8] > ok real easy mission he he"
"25/6/2007 2:36:42 πμ ECV56_Chimango > Za Rodinu!!"
"25/6/2007 2:36:54 πμ 422nd_RedSkull > No, the new name its Engelsgrad"
"25/6/2007 2:37:10 πμ ECV56_Chimango > LOL I love that one"
"25/6/2007 2:37:13 πμ ECV56_Chimango > or..."
"25/6/2007 2:37:15 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > shpacco, can u count? Just for your info:"
"25/6/2007 2:37:17 πμ 303_Shpacoo > or Engelsgrad - Engels was half-Jew - u think Gitler will kick the bucket in grave again huhuh"
"25/6/2007 2:37:21 πμ ECV56_Chimango > Marxgrad"
"25/6/2007 2:37:37 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > Luftwaffe 10 Popovs, 7 RazzRazzRazz"
"25/6/2007 2:37:44 πμ ECV56_Chimango > Che GuevarasGrad"
"25/6/2007 2:37:58 πμ ECV56_Chimango > FidelCastroGrad"
"25/6/2007 2:38:07 πμ ECV56_Chimango > HoChiMinsGRAD"
"25/6/2007 2:38:07 πμ 303_Shpacoo > Endless-Revolution-Grad"
"25/6/2007 2:38:15 πμ ECV56_Chimango > lolololol"
"25/6/2007 2:38:15 πμ Pokrak > time to rape some grerman girls and make new german goys Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:38:18 πμ Pokrak > boys"
"25/6/2007 2:38:28 πμ ECV56_Chimango > oops...that was a bit to harsh"
"25/6/2007 2:38:36 πμ ECV56_Chimango > too harsh"
"25/6/2007 2:38:50 πμ 422nd_Adler > hola chimango!"
"25/6/2007 2:38:50 πμ Pokrak > lets have fun"
"25/6/2007 2:38:53 πμ TAF_SChumacher > anb iyi geceler abi"
"25/6/2007 2:39:00 πμ ECV56_Chimango > hola amigo"
"25/6/2007 2:39:01 πμ Pokrak > scream #####"
"25/6/2007 2:39:02 πμ TAF_SChumacher > guzel bi df kacirdin valla :L"
"25/6/2007 2:39:04 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > luftwaffe 10 Allies 7, LoL"
"25/6/2007 2:39:17 πμ Pokrak > I know U like it"
"25/6/2007 2:39:28 πμ Ament777 [Host - COOP MISSION 1 - 5/8] > yep real easy mission he he"
"25/6/2007 2:39:32 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > scum"
"25/6/2007 2:39:36 πμ ECV56_Chimango > yes, lets see what happens in AW2 when we are not the attacking side in most of the maps"
"25/6/2007 2:39:36 πμ _VR_NateDawg > sup fellas"
"25/6/2007 2:39:37 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > its over, lets see in AWII what will happen, Wink"
"25/6/2007 2:40:09 πμ 303_Shpacoo > no matter - BLUE is no more - the last one was turned to ash under the fire of mighty STURMOVIKS!!"
"25/6/2007 2:40:18 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > chimango its over, this Virtual War has been won by the Luftwaffe"
"25/6/2007 2:40:35 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > any admins here ? Ban Scum Pokrak"
"25/6/2007 2:40:45 πμ 303_Shpacoo > no - Gitler kaputt, all BLUE mourns hiss loss ;P"
"25/6/2007 2:41:06 πμ ECV56_Chimango > yes I know...it was good fun"
"25/6/2007 2:41:32 πμ Pokrak > OK LW need replace capitol city to romania or somewhere"
"25/6/2007 2:41:49 πμ ECV56_Chimango > anyway...rules have to change in AW2...that thing about attacking side having to conquer all map is not fair"
"25/6/2007 2:42:01 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > good to see that the axis still has the best pilots, Wink"
"25/6/2007 2:42:10 πμ 303_Shpacoo > with the best planes"
"25/6/2007 2:42:18 πμ ECV56_Chimango > or if thats the case, then 1 time each should be the attacking side"
"25/6/2007 2:42:26 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > it is when u have the UFOs, Wink"
"25/6/2007 2:42:29 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > you most maps so put a lid on it"
"25/6/2007 2:42:34 πμ ECV56_Chimango > no, good pilots are in both sides"
"25/6/2007 2:43:03 πμ ECV56_Titan > chimango donde estas"
"25/6/2007 2:43:10 πμ ECV56_Chimango > but the guys who made requests where more consistent on blue side"
"25/6/2007 2:43:28 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > cut the BS, you even had the LA7, which flied in a couple of missions, and we didn's"
"25/6/2007 2:43:30 πμ Pokrak > RED newer lost map where Red have jets vs early 1943 props Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:43:47 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > didn't have our planes from '44, Me 262, D9, etc..."
"25/6/2007 2:43:48 πμ ECV56_Chimango > hola titan...queres volar?"
"25/6/2007 2:43:49 πμ VMF-214_Pappy > http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v240/vmf214pappy/"
"25/6/2007 2:43:56 πμ ECV56_Titan > siii"
"25/6/2007 2:44:17 πμ ECV56_Titan > vas al TS?"
"25/6/2007 2:44:21 πμ Pokrak > I saw D9 and me 262 today"
"25/6/2007 2:44:25 πμ ECV56_Chimango [Host - OPEN MISSION 1 - 2/16] > queres que practiquemos un poco? o dogueamos?"
"25/6/2007 2:44:38 πμ ECV56_Chimango [Host - OPEN MISSION 1 - 2/16] > voy al TS del condor"
"25/6/2007 2:44:45 πμ Pokrak > all killed by Yak9D"
"25/6/2007 2:44:47 πμ Pokrak > Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:44:54 πμ ECV56_Titan > ok"
"25/6/2007 2:45:19 πμ Pokrak > lets get drunk"
"25/6/2007 2:45:32 πμ aircargo > ok"
"25/6/2007 2:45:48 πμ Pokrak > Ah my german blond haired babe U want some more ?"
"25/6/2007 2:46:01 πμ ECV56_Titan > estoy en el Ts, azules 1"
"25/6/2007 2:46:05 πμ Pokrak > ok lets make girl for a change"
"25/6/2007 2:46:11 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > polkrak, cut the crack, Me 262 and FW-D9 should have flown from 1944 and not only in the last days of war, wake up"
"25/6/2007 2:46:41 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > zap"
"25/6/2007 2:46:46 πμ TAF_Zapata > efem"
"25/6/2007 2:46:47 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > baydi server"
"25/6/2007 2:46:55 πμ Pokrak > D9 flew briefly after hit by bomb from strafin P51 Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:46:59 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > Any Admins here? we got phychopath Pokrak please ban him now"
"25/6/2007 2:47:10 πμ TAF_Zapata > takiliyoduk"
"25/6/2007 2:47:16 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > 4.08 jets var"
"25/6/2007 2:47:18 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > girelm"
"25/6/2007 2:47:22 πμ Pokrak > there was no LW that time"
"25/6/2007 2:47:31 πμ 303_Shpacoo > yep - and they should flew outnumbered 1:10 with Jugs and Ponys strafing them from take-off till the landing"
"25/6/2007 2:47:51 πμ TAF_Zapata > ben cikar simdi"
"25/6/2007 2:47:58 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > tmm"
"25/6/2007 2:48:02 πμ Pokrak > Ah Berlin is Burn so nice"
"25/6/2007 2:48:14 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > yrn goruselim"
"25/6/2007 2:48:20 πμ Pokrak > 1200 B17 did their job"
"25/6/2007 2:48:30 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > bende kacar"
"25/6/2007 2:48:31 πμ TAF_Zapata > gorusuruz ya sen gel yeter ki Razz"
"25/6/2007 2:48:36 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > oki"
"25/6/2007 2:48:49 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > yukledim artik gelirirm"
"25/6/2007 2:48:55 πμ JZG_Sturmefe > bye"
"25/6/2007 2:49:04 πμ TAF_Zapata > bye"
"25/6/2007 2:49:13 πμ Pokrak > Gaga I think U lost yous house and grandma"
"25/6/2007 2:49:34 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > whats wrong with pokrak"
"25/6/2007 2:49:35 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > like the slime crowling in dirt .......attached to the great satanic star"
"25/6/2007 2:49:52 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > yo dudes, lets be cool, peace"
"25/6/2007 2:50:14 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > Pokrak you are a pathetic exuse even for a monkey"
"25/6/2007 2:50:17 πμ Pokrak > Yours grandpma when was hited by bmb flwe better than Bf109"
"25/6/2007 2:50:34 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > dudes, peace and love, don't fight"
"25/6/2007 2:50:47 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > piece ? yes many pieces"
"25/6/2007 2:50:47 πμ Pokrak > Ah yes make love"
"25/6/2007 2:50:55 πμ Pokrak > Scream #####"
"25/6/2007 2:51:14 πμ Pokrak > spread legs U ##### #####"
"25/6/2007 2:51:17 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > dude, it's that kind of attitude thats starts this type of thing"
"25/6/2007 2:51:55 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > Any Admins here to remove this scum from the lobby? i got log"
"25/6/2007 2:52:00 πμ Pokrak > Now I know why germans today have russian accent"
"25/6/2007 2:52:13 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > because you suck"
"25/6/2007 2:52:24 πμ I./JG53_tutti11 > ban is your destiny Pokrak..."
"25/6/2007 2:52:24 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > let's not ban anybody, and let's not poke fun at germans"
"25/6/2007 2:52:28 πμ BlitzPig_Bury > Gaga, just use the ignore option."
"25/6/2007 2:52:39 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > no bam him now"
"25/6/2007 2:52:48 πμ Pokrak > Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:52:54 πμ rakinroll > pokrak,ur in public server and dont be rude..."
"25/6/2007 2:52:58 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > get the litter out of here"
"25/6/2007 2:52:58 πμ Pokrak > lets celebrate"
"25/6/2007 2:52:59 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > this krak thing is psycho for sure"
"25/6/2007 2:53:05 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > let's not ban anybody"
"25/6/2007 2:53:10 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > banning is bad"
"25/6/2007 2:53:13 πμ Pokrak > Very Happy"
"25/6/2007 2:53:16 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > better ban the sicko"
"25/6/2007 2:53:18 πμ Pokrak > how nice"
"25/6/2007 2:53:19 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > we have to to talk to him"
"25/6/2007 2:53:29 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > or kick him"
"25/6/2007 2:53:32 πμ BlitzPig_Bury > No we don't"
"25/6/2007 2:53:37 πμ Pokrak > Ah what I see"
"25/6/2007 2:53:40 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > get his address i'll pay the hitman"
"25/6/2007 2:53:41 πμ I/ZG52_HaDeS > let the men in white to do their job, Wink"
"25/6/2007 2:53:44 πμ Pokrak > black haired ?"
"25/6/2007 2:53:45 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > hey pokrak, SHUT UP"
"25/6/2007 2:53:58 πμ _83_Col_MIG > u can always usethe wonderfull ignor"
"25/6/2007 2:54:03 πμ Pokrak > come babe U want some candy bar ?"
"25/6/2007 2:54:07 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > you zg52 guys are a bit rash"
"25/6/2007 2:54:15 πμ BlitzPig_Bury > All you have to do is put him on ""ignore"". Much easier.."
"25/6/2007 2:54:26 πμ I/ZG52_Gaga > i'll qute his saying one minute"
"25/6/2007 2:54:28 πμ Pokrak > Adolf was bad U know that yes ?"
"25/6/2007 2:54:37 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > pokrak, if you want sex, go to a porn website, not a game lobby"
"25/6/2007 2:54:52 πμ Lt.Scheisskopf > pokrak, of course ###### was bad, but don't judge all germans by a few"
"25/6/2007 2:55:13 πμ rakinroll > there is no ###### or ##### here and stop this #### pls... dont be rude"
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Hyper Postman
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:44 am Reply with quote

Honestly, I don't see a problem.
his spelling is poor, but I see no personal attacks.
His "insults" are all in a historical context.
This is a WWII combat game.

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