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Joined: Dec 12, 2006
Posts: 11
Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:25 am |
Ok…I think I have gone above and beyond with my patience and tolerance with Sgt.Slaughter / Ubermensch / Doddlebug. But with others coming to cover my back, I can no longer sit back and watch without speaking up. No matter how little the dog is nipping at your heels ...if it keeps it up ...sooner or later anyone would turn around and kick the crap out of it.
I don’t understand what Slaughter’s problem is …maybe he didn’t get his new blowup doll for christmass or something. As most have noticed and pointed out most all these posts are started by Doddlebug. ( make this thread as to not highjack another one)All about slamming me yet no one else seems to have his point of view.
In case some haven’t noticed …mostly new people to HL …Slaughter / Doddlebug has been impersonating me. Putting on a name and tag close to mine and causing trouble in HL chat…and servers. He has been putting my name on and team killing / cussing / attacking innocent people for one reason only. To start trouble and nothing else. Keep in mind ..mine is not the only name he has been impersonating. I suggest to most people here go to ur favorite server stats page…put in the FIRST part of ur name (NOT your whole name) on there stats search page and make sure he hasn’t been doing this to you also.
I know he has been flying in the HH jets server under two different names close to mine,
But the HH squad has been informed of this and been helpful and understanding also.
Slaughter did this same thing before in the =TFC= server and I am and always will be greatful for their help …friendship. …Understanding. Also for the AFJ guys …and the ~NNB~ guys and anyone else I forgot to mention.
Alright …now …Slaughter / doddlebug has been using the forum and HL in whole for his personal harassment tool. He comes here and slanders me (mostly) with his made up lies …name calling…mud slinging lines of crap. I have tried to ignore him even when he is online impersonating me. Well I think it has gone far enough …I am tired of him posting is crap lies here…in chat. …And attacking people for no reason while impersonating me.
By all means he has BROKEN every rule set up for the HL in whole. Each and every one of the rules
The community in whole is about tired of it.
Now I have been ignoring him and quit while he did his little dirty deeds. But …he was kind enough to let me know what he has been doing. Now chat logs…messages logs …and logs can be edited…but a picture says 1000 words. Abuse and harassment at its best.
To any mods reading this..dont check this by his HL account as he knows how to get around that...but by the IP applied to the names mentioned and his IP for Sgt.Slaughter/Ubermensch/Doddlebug
Well I think I have said enough…and I am only making this thread because of the kindness of others sticking up for me …I could no longer just sit back and just watch.
and thanks to everyone
RS_Bloodshots |
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Joined: Dec 22, 2007
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Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:57 am |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:13 am |
But the mystery is, who is it really oh gullable RS_Bloodsnot.
All you got to do is use the ignore feature and you will know it is not me.
It's killing him that he can not send me a few thousand pages a week anymore.
They no longer get through, and it's KILLING him! LMAO.
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |

Joined: Dec 12, 2006
Posts: 11
Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:39 pm |
Just how stupid do you think the HL community is Doddlebug?
Just how stupid do you think the Admins and Mods here are?
If your smart enough to access your registry and change your HL account number ...dont you think the mods and admins are smart enough to be able log that ...or show that it has been done? I notice that when I placed your name on ignore. A few weeks later it wasnt applied anymore. I started watching and coping the ign. file and notice that the number under your name would change from time to time.
And dont you think they are not smart enough to be able and see that those names and accounts all apply to an ISP out of New Hampshere?
I think you might want to give them alittle more credit than that.
They aren't as stupid as you think they are. |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:46 pm |
It's killing him that he can not send me a few thousand pages a week anymore.
They no longer get through, and it's KILLING him! LMAO.
BloodshotS has dirty hands, the king of harassment is crying WOLF!
I'll bet this is all him, harassing himself because his thousands of pages
never get through.
Poor boy, no toys to play with.
Man needs a rubber room and a daily dose of Thorazine.
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:55 pm |
Some serious dark humor here.
RS_Bloodshot gets banned because he stole my name, made death threats
and harassed others, including me in the Hyper Lobby.
RS_Bloodshot is still banned, (he admitted to it in a pager message to me).
No more RS_Bloodshot.
Now we got the same kid as RS_BloodshotS.
Note the S on the end of his name.
Obviously he is still playing the harassment game, sending me thousands of pages
a week untill he found out he was blocked.
Lacking a way to get to me he has invented this game.
Funny he is crying about the same thing he did!
Name stealing!
But this time I feel it is he that "stole" his own name to set me up.
I also think he may have stole other's names including =AFJ=MASTIFF's name. (My ignore feature pints to { >LOL<(:} on this count).
Same BANNED user, same game?
RS_Bloodshot is banned.[/u]
[u]RS_BloodshotS is the same jackass and needs to be banned.
One last point, thise pager messages are right on the facts.
You have insulted yourself VERY accurately!
I approve of the page contents!
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |
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Joined: Dec 22, 2007
Posts: 7
Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:43 pm |
Doddlebug give it a rest please, i have also had enough of the harrassment that i get from him under many different alias'. Even spread it around that i was an FM hacker and was a racist going under the name albtraum or something like that, i also got a few videos and many guys to back me up on the crazy things he says. Lies, to get me banned. I shot him with an X4 (months ago and again recently) and he has repeatedly team killed me and spread his poison about me under the alias's below about me in HL chat. He even said that he would track me legally (is that a threat?).
He is so wacked that he quoted himself under another username, he said that a guy in HL chat, "FromUnderCheese" Said that i was using hacked FMs. and that the only reason that he is tracking me (legally) and giving me abuse is that he received racist comments from me under another name. alptraum? (who TF is that?) he invents alias' for other players and scenarios and things that they say. so that he can have a reason to harass them.
All the codes from the names he uses match (in my ign file), you should see the language and discrimination he puts in the HL chat about people (RS_BazNZ) and New Zealand. RS_Bloodshots Doesnt deserve this, sgt.slaughter made similar variations to this guys name (most recent is the RS__BloodShot) and went out on his holy crusade to make peoples lives a misery. He admits it in secret and enjoys it.
NTRKS You Tube
“Trying To Get Me Banned By Making Lies Againâ€
“Teamkilling By FromUnderCheeseâ€
“Sgt.Slaughter As RS__BloodShot Impersionationâ€
Sgt.slaughter just cannot take being killed, if he makes a kill it is skill but if you get killed, they must be cheating. Most people you ask who have killed him have received abuse because of it. He has been banned from many servers. He is not welcome. I am Doddlebug's latest toy but unfortunately RS_Bloodshots is his favorite, (for the past years)
Known Alias’:
RS__Bloodshot <<Notice the double underscore _ _
dont get me started on the PM's he sent me. Gone on for too long. Doddlebug get a life bro quit with the bs it doesnt wash with anyone. Can we now please get this guy banned. |

Joined: May 22, 2005
Posts: 25
Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:22 am |
RS__Bloodshot <<Notice the double underscore _ _
F@gkiller |
Last edited by BazNZ on Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:35 am; edited 4 times in total |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:37 am |
Have fun children
You guys really love to hate, but you are all very wrong.
Womble, which RS are you?
Never heard of you.
Bloodshot, I must have spanked you pretty hard for you to organise this charade!
No, I have not seen a page from you in months!
You used to send me 2,000 pages a month
Eat your heart out kid!
Baz, of those on your list, only two are me, Sgt.Slaughter and Ubermensch.
Most of the rest are Alptraum aka Womble!
Have a nice day!
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |
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Joined: Dec 22, 2007
Posts: 7
Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:09 pm |
Quote: | Womble, which RS are you? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Never heard of you. |
Quote: | Most of the rest are Alptraum aka Womble! |
whoa you slipped up there, first you say you have never heard of me and next, in the same post you say i am "AKA Alptraum"
here's a reminder From "FromUnderCheese"
if you had only thought before you spoke all those many months ago this would never have happened. Lets all point at this child and laugh at his stupidity.
Quote: | Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing |
Enough, Drop It |
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Joined: Nov 19, 2007
Posts: 5
Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:24 pm |
Wanting to be inpartial and bius. I want to piont a few things out. These guys have really done their homework and build a sound and strong case. With lots a good evidence. Even answer a few things I was wondering about. Doodlebug hasn't done anything but throw out some acusations with no proof or evidence and resorted to some good old fashion name calling.I did happen to notice Doodle left a finger print at the crime. I saw in one of the pictures posted the name has a Capital S at the end of the name. Everytime Doodle has spoken about Bloodshots (in all threads) he places a Capital S on the end also. Then I remember where I knew the name Doodlebug from. After only being here a short time I recieved this in my INBOX at the forums.
Doddlebug wrote: | You play on a American designed computer
with American software on the American internet.
Welcome to the US Global Empire.
We are benevolent rulers.
We hope you enjoy being assimilated into American culture.
We realise there is a adjustment period when you might be a little rebelious
and try to reject your re-education.
Emperor Bush welcomes YOU
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |
My best advise for Doodlebug is to keep is mouth shut and hope no one with any authority reads this thread.
Skyvampire |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:11 am |
LMAO, impartial.....
Alptraum, you pissed everyone off in HL with your racist ranting and insulting behaivior.
And you blame me?
Oh yes, one last comment for Bloodsnot.
Banned still I see?
Come out with the name
We know you can not.
Bottom line here is that the ring leader of this lynch mob is banned from access to HL, and slithered back in |
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Joined: Dec 22, 2007
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Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:15 am |
chalk up another
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Joined: Dec 22, 2007
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Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:21 am |
add this up just got it
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Joined: Nov 19, 2007
Posts: 5
Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:26 am |
Doddlebug wrote: | LMAO, impartial.....
Alptraum, you pissed everyone off in HL with your racist ranting and insulting behaivior.
Am I understanding this correctly? Now your accusing me of being Alptraum? |