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Post Newbie

Joined: Feb 05, 2005
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Mon May 19, 2008 9:20 pm |
Quote: | When you break the rules :
You got banned, without warning and with a little chance to come back.
Do you want a second chance ? :
Send me a Private message by this forum |
I sent you a private message Jiri. I am very sorry for the troubles caused and would like a second chance. I have used your server for over 6 years without problems until now. I will not let it happen again.
Thank you
"Liberator" (HL user name) |

Joined: Dec 06, 2007
Posts: 21
Wed May 28, 2008 3:42 am |
Jiri can you read this for my bud liberator he is a good man and doesn't do anything wrong this is a mistake. |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Thu May 29, 2008 2:05 am |
After getting attacked by [^]Airdominance, the [^] squad
and the usual cast of characters in HL tonight May 31 2008
I have formed the opinion that 13th_Liberator, a member of the [^]
squad, was wholly intent on his theft of Jiri's identity and
his intent was harassment.
All liberator wants is his gaming computer un banned.
He is in HL every night.
He is a member of that squad as [^]Liberator
I now withdraw my support and recomend LIFETIME BANISHMENT
Same computer, operating system and IP adress.
But the big RAT goes free.
RS_BloodshotS is now RS_Blooddrive. Name change, he's banned again.
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |
Last edited by Doddlebug on Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:02 am; edited 1 time in total |

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 20
Sat May 31, 2008 3:29 am |
Attacked? You gotta be kidding me! I spend at least 10 minutes CALMLY talking to you about what has ALREADY happened (Alone, btw. No other member participated, fool) and you call that an attack? You gotta be kidding me. LOL It is as if you start crying after anything I say that is the truth. Learn to take honest critisism and stop crying about what people say to on a regular basis.
First of all, I said nothing that is even close to an "attack." And you are only turning back on your word becasue you have been caught! And THIRD, leave my squad out of this, bafoon! We have done nothing to you. Go cry to Hans and LW squad for their "harsh words," or else I will start reporting you of harassing us.
And you're lies about "intent on harassment" will not work for that. The messages are in the chat log at the time Jiri's name was used. He said only two things, and then left. And Liberator was online during this time when it happened. Only afterwards was he banned. How the hell do you call that harassment??  |
Last edited by AIRdominance on Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:12 am; edited 2 times in total |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Sat May 31, 2008 10:10 pm |
This is about helping Liberator get un banned.
Butt out kid.
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 20
Sat May 31, 2008 11:09 pm |
Like you even care if he gets back in. LOL And don't even tell me that you do, becasue I have proof of that.  |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Sat May 31, 2008 11:18 pm |
Three points to be made.
#1, you are a liar.
#2, you are here in alias. "User AIRdominance not exist in the system. Message can't delivery."
#3, it's a bummer this message board has no ignore feature.
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 20
Sat May 31, 2008 11:25 pm |
well, lets have an answer to all "TWO" of your points. LOL
#1. Liar?
#2. Please explain a little more, because I have no other username to go by if thats what you are saying. LOL And "does not exist on 'what' system" you say?
#3. Yes its quite a shame, isn't it. You'd be invisible to the rest of the world. |

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 20
Sat May 31, 2008 11:28 pm |
And whether you choose to use my profound words during that day against me is up to you. I wasn't the only one yelling at you, and I most certainly will not stand you insulting my squad member.
So yes, I will apologize for what I said there, but not for what I am saying here.  |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Sat May 31, 2008 11:31 pm |
Unfortunately 13th_Liberator stole Jiri's name to help Blooddrive harass me. I reported him.
Yep, sure did.
13th_Liberator is no longer with us.
Yep again.
But the real criminal, RS_BloodshotS/RS_Blooddrive is still
using HL under his new name.
13th_Liberator was the "patsy". A bag man caught holding the bag for RS_BloodshotS.
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 20
Sat May 31, 2008 11:33 pm |
You missed the first highlighted part of that, man. The point there is that you were very proud of getting rid of Liberator that day. So don't tell me I'm lying when the truth is against you.
And I almost died laughing that day when your "mom" came in. LOL, Oh man, it was hilarious, even to read this little section that I have here is amusing.  |
Hyper Postman

Joined: Jul 30, 2006
Posts: 635
Sat May 31, 2008 11:39 pm |
You missed the point kid, I did not want to ban Liberator.
I wanted the big fish (S) to do it.
By the way Kid, tell us your real Hyperlobby name.
Stop being a coward.
By the way, thanks for that screen shot!
You just exposed the worst assenholters in Hyperlobby at their best!
LW_Tornado's comment is quite correct. I have an unbroken chat log
going back to the beginning of HL.
Grand performances by....
Thanks again kid!
PS:I have the entire chat log for that afternoon if you would like
DB/Sgt.Slaughter |
Last edited by Doddlebug on Sat May 31, 2008 11:56 pm; edited 2 times in total |

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 20
Sat May 31, 2008 11:42 pm |
Hey smart one, if you could read, you'd already know my HL name. I have nothing to hide from, as I have done nothing wrong.
And I'm not going to argue with you over that point. I was there, and I saw everything. Just couldn't put it all on one screenshot. I'm not a man who always has to say the last word, its very immature and childish. So, I wanted to make my point clear.
And also, I have the chat log from May 31s today as well. and ALSO saying ON THIS post about that very day as an apology I already admitted to one mistake, apoligized, and moved on, but at least I am no liar. And just like I said, I have done nothing wrong, and nothing to hide from. So the screenshot means nothing against me. And if it is chat logs you wish to dig in, i can gladly find times of YOU on your "bad" days as well, but have i done anything to you? NO. And the chat log of May 31 (today) I can easiliy prove my innocense from the above post you made. As much as I may not like you, I haven't done much to you. That is becasue you haven't done anything to me personally. (So PERSONALLY I have nothing against you, but you are pushing it indirectly through my squad members.) I could so much more at the moment but I choose not to argue over something this pathetic.
All I asked from the very beginning is that you butt out of my squad. Every other time I have ignored you and let you move on. It is my only set issue with you that I am actually trying to settle NICELY.  |
Last edited by AIRdominance on Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:54 am; edited 2 times in total |

Joined: Apr 21, 2008
Posts: 20
Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:35 am |
So I will ask you one last time, nicely, and calmly. Leave my squad alone, and we will leave YOU alone. Deal? |
Post Newbie

Joined: Feb 05, 2005
Posts: 9
Location: USA
Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:59 pm |
Quote: | Jiri (Please Read) |
Funny I don't see anyone above named "Jiri." This thread was for JIRI ONLY, so I suggest you take your personal problems with Bloodshots elsewhere.
Lib |