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Joined: Oct 15, 2003
Posts: 65
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:18 am Reply with quote

With the ammount of bashing and politics that the people suffer no ban or penality for doing can you explain why I get banned off HL for this? Its the weekend when I enjoy flying the game and get banned for no reason at all. Please look into the matter and perhaps speak to the admin who did this and penalize them.

"10/15/2005 11:40:12 PM Leadspitter > if you feel like correcting the prob pm me alpha"
"10/15/2005 11:40:14 PM I/KG26_Alpha [Host - COOP MISSION 1 - 8/32] > my setings shoiw lag cheater"
"10/15/2005 11:40:31 PM #JG27_Gustav left the lobby ..."
"10/15/2005 11:40:31 PM #JG27_Gustav is online ..."
"10/15/2005 11:40:34 PM Leadspitter > do a tracert to each other and send to our providers to cleanup bad routes"
"10/15/2005 11:40:42 PM #JG27_Gustav left the lobby ..."
"10/15/2005 11:40:59 PM II/KG200_Loki > bac"
"10/15/2005 11:41:00 PM I/KG26_Alpha [Host - COOP MISSION 1 - 7/32] > lol only you have a prblem no one else what does that trell yta"
"10/15/2005 11:41:22 PM Leadspitter > netdaemon had it also and 4 other people said it"
"10/15/2005 11:41:27 PM Leadspitter > only you 3 says its smooth"
"10/15/2005 11:41:27 PM #VMF-214_TAGERT is online ..."
"10/15/2005 11:41:40 PM Leadspitter > you and kg200 who are squadies"
"10/15/2005 11:41:40 PM #WTE_Chunder left the lobby ..."
"10/15/2005 11:41:50 PM NetDaemon > not entirely true there Alpha, most people`s pings hit 1000 last mission, not all time but it did happen"
"10/15/2005 11:41:51 PM II/KG200_Loki > well i guess we done lead?"
"10/15/2005 11:42:01 PM VMF-214_TAGERT > speaking up is not so bad.. what are they going to do.. bann you? <G>"
"10/15/2005 11:42:11 PM #WTE_Chunder is in game hosted by AustralianSkies ..."
"10/15/2005 11:42:18 PM II/KG200_Loki > leave it to normal BS?"
"10/15/2005 11:42:23 PM BSS_CUDA > lead you still banned from the forums?"
"10/15/2005 11:42:41 PM Leadspitter > i dont know i didnt check, tully said 4 weeks then 2 Smile"
"10/15/2005 11:42:42 PM VMF-214_TAGERT > I just got banned today"
"10/15/2005 11:42:53 PM BSS_CUDA > heh trouble maker :p"
"10/15/2005 11:43:37 PM Leadspitter > nah just not afraid of someone with ""MOD powers"" I speak my mind reguardless"
"10/15/2005 11:43:49 PM 336th_Andersony > i was just getting ready to take off with Crank comign 2 our base ..."
"10/15/2005 11:43:53 PM VMF-214_TAGERT > yes.. very inconsistant"
"10/15/2005 11:43:54 PM #VOL_Hans left the lobby ..."
"10/15/2005 11:43:54 PM #VOL_Hans is online ..."
"10/15/2005 11:44:06 PM VOL_Hans > wow, loosing connection here every 3~5 minutes"
"10/15/2005 11:44:07 PM Flabby > no time"
"10/15/2005 11:44:11 PM Leadspitter > cuda join alphas coop let us know if theres alot of warp for you"
"10/15/2005 11:44:13 PM VOL_Hans > Lesson for the day: Lynksis = Crap"
"10/15/2005 11:44:38 PM II/KG200_Loki > well Lead, just a friendly ##### session, no harm no foul, both speak our mind from our point of view...so unless u put me on ignore it is all cool"
"10/15/2005 11:44:48 PM I/KG26_Alpha [Host - COOP MISSION 1 - 10/32] > my setting are tight to stop cheaters#"
"10/15/2005 11:45:05 PM Leadspitter > http://www.geocities.com/grantsenn/CRAZYCRAZYIVAN/GotBannedFromUbiForSomethingSaidAtSimHQ.JPG"
"10/15/2005 11:45:16 PM Leadspitter > lol banned at ubi for saying something at simhq"
"10/15/2005 11:45:26 PM VMF-214_TAGERT > classic"
"10/15/2005 11:45:28 PM VMF-214_TAGERT > aint it?"
"10/15/2005 11:45:30 PM #GOZR is in game hosted by Test4.02RC3 ..."
"10/15/2005 11:45:33 PM Leadspitter > ubirazz needs to remove crazyivan immediately and tully"
"10/15/2005 11:45:36 PM HEINOLA > <S> all"
"10/15/2005 11:45:43 PM VMF-214_TAGERT > who is ubirazz?"
"10/15/2005 11:45:48 PM VOL_Hans > lmfao"
"10/15/2005 11:45:54 PM Leadspitter > the ghost ubi community manager"
"10/15/2005 11:45:57 PM VOL_Hans > Well LS, I have to admit..."
"10/15/2005 11:46:13 PM VOL_Hans > You WERE out of line whining about Ubi mods at SimHQ"
"10/15/2005 11:46:16 PM slimbo99 > since they took away the chat lobby at ubi, who flies there anyway?"
"10/15/2005 11:46:26 PM ##401HARRIER is away ..."
"10/15/2005 11:46:27 PM Leadspitter > nah"
"10/15/2005 11:46:34 PM VOL_Hans > Though whoever banned you from Ubi for that was even *MORE* out of line"
"10/15/2005 11:46:38 PM VMF-214_TAGERT > Enh.. I really dont care if they do or dont.. I wont be posting any more test results there anyways"
"10/15/2005 11:46:46 PM I/KG26_Alpha [Host - COOP MISSION 1 - 11/32] > launch 30 secs"
"10/15/2005 11:46:50 PM VOL_Hans > Thats like saying you arent allowed to chat in HL cause you shot your neighbors cat"
"10/15/2005 11:46:51 PM Leadspitter > banned for a signature image with muzzleflashes as the cause of ban"
"10/15/2005 11:46:58 PM Leadspitter > tully said his nephew got a siezure from it"
"10/15/2005 11:46:59 PM VOL_Hans > LMFAO"
"10/15/2005 11:47:06 PM Xsqd_Waggy > Glad to see everyone getting along again. It's nice to able to come here to get away from the bickering and back stabbing at work."
"10/15/2005 11:47:06 PM VOL_Hans > Wasnt that the ammo belt?"
"10/15/2005 11:47:07 PM slimbo99 > u get banned for whinning??, that lobby should have been empty a year ago"
"10/15/2005 11:47:13 PM Leadspitter > community should know about abuse of power from mods"
"10/15/2005 11:47:15 PM Flabby > Aviar...thanks for the coop mission"
"10/15/2005 11:47:19 PM VOL_Hans > Or was that somebody elses nephew with the ammo belt seizure?"
"10/15/2005 11:47:23 PM Leadspitter > yeah"
"10/15/2005 11:47:27 PM VOL_Hans > Lots of nephews with seizures..."
"10/15/2005 11:47:29 PM Leadspitter > nah was tully"
"10/15/2005 11:47:37 PM VOL_Hans > Perhaps they should pick a different relative nextime Wink"
"10/15/2005 11:47:43 PM VMF-214_TAGERT > Pffft Im sure they know about what is going on in there.. my post would not be any suprise"
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Hyper Staff

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:54 am Reply with quote

read the Rules

not for the purpose of bothering or harassing others (include political discusions).
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Joined: Oct 15, 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:19 am Reply with quote

HypeLobby Pro Client License Agreement:
This software is FREE; it is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any NON-COMERCIAL purpose.

Rules and Terms of Use:
I hope that you enter the HL chat rooms only as a fan of online gaming, not for the purpose of bothering or harassing others (include political discusions). Moderators and administrators will periodically be In all HL rooms. Identity of these people is, and will remain HIDDEN. Also any personal grievances are not allowed in HL.
Before you start any bothering or other anti social behaviour, please be sure that all related actions will be penalized by PERMANENT BANNING.

HyperLobby (C)2000-2005 Jiri Fojtasek - http://hyperfighter.sk
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Im well aware of them and see no personal grievences said, I was simply speaking to tagert about him getting banned for a thread he wrote at simhq, He was banned at ubi forums for saying it on simhq. Check the chat log from II/KG200 members who were pretty nasty to me and I was trying to help them out. They are not banned.

I think tully and ivan are alot of fun to fly with but dont think they are very good mods which is my opinion, its nothing personal or no personal greivance. I just told tagert the last time I got banned at ubi and why it was for. Then as for ubirazz he is not a part of the community like catrix was in fact hardly anyone even know him or ever seen him flying like catrix use to.

We cant speak about things happening in the community now but half the people are speaking of politics, arguing with eachother, cursing, hating each other countries and never get banned. It really makes no sense.

I mean look at the chatlog.txt for the last few hours theres more then 100 people who broke the rules but they get off scott free?

Maybe a more desriptive User Agreement is needed so no one can play favorites.
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Hyper Staff

Joined: Oct 21, 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:37 am Reply with quote

you know for the last 3 time i saw you in the lobby all you could do was complain about how you were banned. You didn't have a good word for a single mod at UBI and i watched you have a go at Tully for banning you from UBI so don't try and twist the rules to suit you now. it's simple don't complain and say bad thing about other in the lobby it's just not allowed as the rules state.

I think tully and ivan are alot of fun to fly with but dont think they are very good mods which is my opinion

telling the world of hyperlobby users that this is you opinion of them over and over is a personal grievence. all the pilots in HL they don't want to hear it cause it's a personal grievence

i won't be talking any further in this thread
thank you and have a good day

Hyper this one can goto the complete garbage forum anytime now thanks

Last edited by Spyderman on Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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Joined: Oct 15, 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:49 am Reply with quote

twist the truth why dont you?

What about me saying euro snoopy and hunter82 are fantastic mods? I have never seen you on HL nor know who you are perhaps your the one who banned me because you dislike me or dont fly well against me. I guess you should be banned then too since in your definition is a Personal grievance towards me. Do you understand why thats such a vast terminology basically everyone on HL should be permantly banned then.

Rolling Eyes

A personal grievance is, essentially to hate/dislike someone. I dont hate or dislike either ivan or tully.

Well anyways take care this was ment for jiri. and as he would say use the ignore button if you dislike me.

I just didnt know what pm jiri reads anymore Jiri-Fojtasek or JG27*Hyper.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:46 am Reply with quote

Seems situation is solved Thanks.
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Joined: Oct 15, 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:18 am Reply with quote

Just to be a bit more clear I wrote this, taking some user agreements from ubi msn aol.

I think this would be much more appropriate and descriptive. personal grievance is just to vast and can be banned for even joking with a friend. I think something like this is better.

HypeLobby Pro Client License Agreement: JG27*Hyper - Jiri Fojtasek - http://www.hyperfighter.sk
This software is FREE; it is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any NON-COMERCIAL purpose.

Keep it legal !

Jiri Fojtasek prohibits the use of his software and services for illegal activities. Hyperlobby is not responsible for anything you say on HyperLobby's Gaming Client, or for any consequences that arise from what you say. If you break the law, you alone will be responsible for the consequences.

You cannot use Hyperlobby to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or other unlawful material, images, text, or information.

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Nicknames that reference controversial religious topics, notorious people or organizations, or sensitive current or historical events may also be considered inappropriate if they are deemed to be disruptive in chat rooms.

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I hope that you enter the HL chat rooms only as a fan of online gaming, not for the purpose of bothering or harassing others especially for political discusions, country bashing oe posting of any political hate sites or images, this will result in an immediate ban. Moderators and administrators will periodically be In all HL rooms. Identity of these people is, and will remain HIDDEN. Also any personal grudges are not allowed in HL.
Before you start any harassing or other anti social behaviour, please be sure that all related actions will be penalized by PERMANENT BANNING.

HyperLobby (C)2000-2005 Jiri Fojtasek - http://hyperfighter.sk
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:40 pm Reply with quote

yea yea lead i get banned all the time its all good lol
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:37 pm Reply with quote

Leadspitter wrote:
Just to be a bit more clear I wrote this, taking some user agreements from ubi msn aol.

I think this would be much more appropriate and descriptive. personal grievance is just to vast and can be banned for even joking with a friend. I think something like this is better.

HypeLobby Pro Client License Agreement: JG27*Hyper - Jiri Fojtasek - http://www.hyperfighter.sk
This software is FREE; it is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any NON-COMERCIAL purpose.

Keep it legal !

Jiri Fojtasek prohibits the use of his software and services for illegal activities. Hyperlobby is not responsible for anything you say on HyperLobby's Gaming Client, or for any consequences that arise from what you say. If you break the law, you alone will be responsible for the consequences.

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We encourage our players to treat each other with respect. Do not use any of the Hyperlobby chat service, or message features to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse others or hack their accounts.

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Hyperlobby reserves the right to revoke the account of anyone who advocates or encourages expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. Jiri Fojtasek does not tolerate racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious slurs.

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Please choose different squad names, no one can own a squadron name but be respectful if you enjoy a certain squadron ID make it different then a squad name that has already been takken. For Example JG27* choose ::JG-27::- or I/JG27 etc. We can see when user accounts are created and if a large squad has been here along time. So please choose a different squadron or name to avoid confusion.

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Uphold the Code of Conduct

In helping to make Hyperlobby Client a great place to meet, play games, and chat, you must do your part to uphold this Code of Conduct.

I hope that you enter the HL chat rooms only as a fan of online gaming, not for the purpose of bothering or harassing others especially for political discusions, country bashing oe posting of any political hate sites or images, this will result in an immediate ban. Moderators and administrators will periodically be In all HL rooms. Identity of these people is, and will remain HIDDEN. Also any personal grudges are not allowed in HL.
Before you start any harassing or other anti social behaviour, please be sure that all related actions will be penalized by PERMANENT BANNING.

HyperLobby (C)2000-2005 Jiri Fojtasek - http://hyperfighter.sk
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This is better. Thanks !

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Joined: Oct 15, 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:49 am Reply with quote

Your Welcome jiri, I noticed I missed one line

MSN Games does not allow the posting of destructive software, use of computer programs that contain destructive features, or access to any content such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or bots for the use of scrolling, showing multiple screens, and other activities that can be disruptive to online communication.

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Joined: Oct 10, 2005
Posts: 14

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:13 am Reply with quote

well looks like i got banned again "for good" lol LS you kiss ass
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