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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:24 pm Reply with quote

@ Wildhoney, Great work !!!!

Just tested your smart IL-2 dedicated server tools in my LAN, it worked like a charm.

Please talk to Jiri, so your code could be incorporated into HL soon.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:07 pm Reply with quote

Super work, I havent tested it yet but will do.
From what I hear this is the most promising workaround for the UBI bollox so far.
N 1 Wildhoney.

Can somone bump Jiri, maybe he can benefit from this and as previousely mentioned build this in to HL.
That would be FANTASTIC.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:12 pm Reply with quote

schofei wrote:
Just tested your smart IL-2 dedicated server tools in my LAN, it worked like a charm.

Perfect Smile


Please talk to Jiri, so your code could be incorporated into HL soon.

Right now, waiting for him to answer my private message Smile

By the way, it would be interesting to try running server under Linux (through wine emulation, of course). Unfortunately I do not have Linux box here Sad
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 6:50 pm Reply with quote

Wildhoney wrote:
schofei wrote:
Just tested your smart IL-2 dedicated server tools in my LAN, it worked like a charm.

Perfect Smile


Please talk to Jiri, so your code could be incorporated into HL soon.

Right now, waiting for him to answer my private message Smile

By the way, it would be interesting to try running server under Linux (through wine emulation, of course). Unfortunately I do not have Linux box here Sad

Hello Wildhoney

Great stuff, but it already cant be used without GS Sad This will be really good adition to launch dedi server on a lan but not over HL. I will not incorporate 3rd party game service (emulated but still UBI) ... Sad

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 7:03 pm Reply with quote

Any chance to include it like this?

Get in HL, take the fist slot of one DF room on the main page. Then the dialog opens where I can setup my game. Server description, settings and password. Now here add a selector (2 radio buttons). One for FB and one for Server. The one I chose, the one is beeing started. To make that possible, HL hast 2 ask for TWO files. il2fb.exe and launch.bat (the one of: http://wildhoney.nightmail.ru/il2fb/ ). Ubi isn't incorporated in that stuff. It's just needed because the emulator needs some files of it methinks. Ubi isn't active when the dedi is started via the launcher.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 8:07 pm Reply with quote

Willey wrote:
Any chance to include it like this?

Get in HL, take the fist slot of one DF room on the main page. Then the dialog opens where I can setup my game. Server description, settings and password. Now here add a selector (2 radio buttons). One for FB and one for Server. The one I chose, the one is beeing started. To make that possible, HL hast 2 ask for TWO files. il2fb.exe and launch.bat (the one of: http://wildhoney.nightmail.ru/il2fb/ ). Ubi isn't incorporated in that stuff. It's just needed because the emulator needs some files of it methinks. Ubi isn't active when the dedi is started via the launcher.

Games cant join direct in to this game server (launched by emulated UBI GS) . So its mean for me include UBI GS emulation on to HL whish will be step back Confused Have look in to UBI forum for problems regarding UBI GS (not work over firewalls, etc). UBI GS is a propertiary technology whis will never be added in to HL. More friendly is Gamespy and JCN command line launcer interface ... When il2 dedi will meet HL requirtements without including an unfunctional interface i will add support for it Wink

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:25 am Reply with quote

JG27*Hyper wrote:

Games cant join direct in to this game server (launched by emulated UBI GS) .

Actually, they can. That's the point. HL launches IL-2 with passing it command line options such as "", right? Think of GS emulation as of just different way to pass that command-line parameters. If you would like to, I may create a wrapper (say, il2launch.exe) that will take that "" parameter from HL and start il2fb.exe in UBI's way.

Have look in to UBI forum for problems regarding UBI GS (not work over firewalls, etc).

Firewall problem has nothing to do with my emulation. My launcher does not use the network Smile And the game launched with it _is_ able to connect over firewall (I tried).

More serious problem is making HL to support the server itself. I'll have to do some research here, but I definitely will have to ask you some questions about internal HL operation.

When il2 dedi will meet HL requirtements without including an unfunctional interface i will add support for it Wink

I think it's better to try something than to wait for Ubi to fix their ugly software... doubtful that they will ever fix it Sad
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 8:57 pm Reply with quote

Wildhoney wrote:
JG27*Hyper wrote:

Games cant join direct in to this game server (launched by emulated UBI GS) .

Actually, they can. That's the point. HL launches IL-2 with passing it command line options such as "", right? Think of GS emulation as of just different way to pass that command-line parameters. If you would like to, I may create a wrapper (say, il2launch.exe) that will take that "" parameter from HL and start il2fb.exe in UBI's way.

"UBI's way" is the problem as i mentioned in my first response. I will never support USGS service and ill not made a emulation for it .

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:29 pm Reply with quote

JG27*Hyper wrote:

"UBI's way" is the problem as i mentioned in my first response. I will never support USGS service and ill not made a emulation for it .

Well, you're the boss Smile So - may I try to make that emulation myself then, in such a way that it won't require any modification in HL? I'm sure that it is possible.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:23 am Reply with quote

JG27*Hyper wrote:
Wildhoney wrote:
JG27*Hyper wrote:

Games cant join direct in to this game server (launched by emulated UBI GS) .

Actually, they can. That's the point. HL launches IL-2 with passing it command line options such as "", right? Think of GS emulation as of just different way to pass that command-line parameters. If you would like to, I may create a wrapper (say, il2launch.exe) that will take that "" parameter from HL and start il2fb.exe in UBI's way.

"UBI's way" is the problem as i mentioned in my first response. I will never support USGS service and ill not made a emulation for it .

Here is a suggested solution which has no impact to Hyperlobby, no changes to the HL-Code required, only FBLauncher.exe needs to be modified so it could read the launching parameters from HL.

Required changes to FBLauncher.exe are:
+ no GUI
+ reading and analysing the parameters HL is passing when launching the IL-2 Client program.
+ By some naming convention FBLauncher.exe could determine whether it is a normal host or a dedicated server and in turn could launch the IL-2 Client in the appropriate way.

On the server CPU HL points to "emu.exe" so the emu is started when registering the server at HL. Slightly modified "launch.bat" is started manually afterwards and launches the server.

On the client CPU HL points to a modified FBLauncher.exe which in turn launches the IL-2 Client in the appropriate way.

In more detail:

On the server CPU:

1. Copy the files "emu.exe" and "launch.bat" from ubiemu.zip into the "IL2 FB Dedicated Server" folder.
2. Remove the "start emu.exe" command from "launch.bat", as emu.exe will be called from Hyperlobby.
3. Rename "emu.exe" to "il2fb.exe" (as HL prohibits the use of any other name).
4. Let HL point to "il2fb.exe" (the renamed "emu.exe") within the "IL2 FB Dedicated Server" folder by shift-ctrl-clicking the "Connect" button in HL. Type the path to "il2fb.exe" e.g. "C:\Program files\Ubi Soft\IL2 FB Dedicated Server\il2fb.exe" and click "Save".

5. In Hyperlobby do the usual steps to setup and start a Dogfight host. When starting the Dogfight Host HL now launches "il2fb.exe" (remember, the renamed "emu.exe").
6. Double-Click "launch.bat to actually start the Dedicated Server.

Server is up now and running and registered in HL. To start the server the next time only steps 5-6 are necessary.

On the Client CPU:
Right now the FBLauncher.exe is not designed to handle the HL parameters, so you need to fill out the required fields manually. However, you can get the IP of the Dedicated Server when trying to join the Server via HL pointing to IL-2 Client. When you will get an error message hit the Windows button and open the conf.ini file in the "IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles" folder. The entry remoteHost= will show the IP-address of the Dedicated Server. In order to connect to the Dedicated Server, return to IL-2 and quit the game. Then start FBLauncher.exe and type in the IP-address and your callsign and click "Launch" to join the server. Not elegantly, but works.

With a modified FBLauncher.exe the scenario could be:
1. Rename "FBLauncher.exe" to "il2fb.exe" (as HL prohibits the use of any other name).
2. Let HL point to "il2fb.exe" (the renamed "FBLauncher.exe") by shift-ctrl-clicking the "Connect" button in HL. Type the path to "il2fb.exe" e.g. "C:\Program files\FBLauncher\il2fb.exe" and click "Save".

3. In Hyperlobby do the usual steps to join a Dogfight host. When joining the Dogfight Host HL now launches "il2fb.exe" (remember, the renamed and modified "FBLauncher.exe"), which in turn launches the IL-2 FB Client program.

To join the server the next time only step 3 is necessary.

If Hyperlobby wouldn't be as restrictive regarding the il2fb.exe file name, all the above renaming could be avoided.

As you can see, there is NO need to make a new USGS emulation for HL, as this is already done by Wildhoney, actually no changes in HL are necessary, if FBLauncher.exe would use the parameters the HL-Client is passing to the installed IL-2 FB client program. And by using some naming convention FBLauncher.exe would have the required information to launch the IL-2 Client in the appropriate way.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 4:13 am Reply with quote

schofei wrote:
Here is a suggested solution which has no impact to Hyperlobby, no changes to the HL-Code required, only FBLauncher.exe needs to be modified so it could read the launching parameters from HL.

You definitely read my mind Smile

I see two main problems here:

1) how to make the server send a heartbeat and its stats to HL;
2) how to differentiate whether il2fb.exe is to be launched in "Ubi emulation" or in "normal" mode.

Certainly I'll have to carry out some magic rituals.. At least I know what I will be doing on the next weekend, heh Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:34 am Reply with quote

Wildhoney wrote:
schofei wrote:
Here is a suggested solution which has no impact to Hyperlobby, no changes to the HL-Code required, only FBLauncher.exe needs to be modified so it could read the launching parameters from HL.

You definitely read my mind Smile

I see two main problems here:

1) how to make the server send a heartbeat and its stats to HL;
2) how to differentiate whether il2fb.exe is to be launched in "Ubi emulation" or in "normal" mode.

Certainly I'll have to carry out some magic rituals.. At least I know what I will be doing on the next weekend, heh Smile

Ad 2) I thought using some naming convention could be used to determine the type of host/server from the HL parameters, but maybe the remote hosts/servers name is not passed.

Another idea, maybe simpler:
FBLauncher.exe gets the remoteHost IP from Hyperlobby, using the IP FBLauncher.exe sends a request to your emu.exe via a specified port, if emu.exe responds then FBLauncher.exe knows "Ubi emulation", if no response then "normal hosting mode". This would require an additional port besides the usual 21000.

I am sure you will find a suitable solution.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 6:14 am Reply with quote

schofei wrote:
Another idea, maybe simpler:
FBLauncher.exe gets the remoteHost IP from Hyperlobby, using the IP FBLauncher.exe sends a request to your emu.exe via a specified port, if emu.exe responds then FBLauncher.exe knows "Ubi emulation", if no response then "normal hosting mode". This would require an additional port besides the usual 21000.

Cool! That's a really good idea. Great, great thanks Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:32 am Reply with quote

Wildhoney wrote:
schofei wrote:
Another idea, maybe simpler:
FBLauncher.exe gets the remoteHost IP from Hyperlobby, using the IP FBLauncher.exe sends a request to your emu.exe via a specified port, if emu.exe responds then FBLauncher.exe knows "Ubi emulation", if no response then "normal hosting mode". This would require an additional port besides the usual 21000.

Cool! That's a really good idea. Great, great thanks Smile

Happy I can help.

Another thing regarding the difficulty settings...

When a user sets up a Dogfight host HL updates the "settings.ini" file (section labeled [difficulty], value "net=") in the current user folder e.g.
C:\Program Files\Ubi Soft\IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles\Users\<currentuser>\settings.ini
to save the choosen settings. IL-2 FB uses the value "net=" when it is launched by HL.

The Dedicated Server however reads the difficulty setting from its "confs.ini" file (section labeled [net], value "difficulty=").

In order to preserve the HL difficulty settings you need to do the following:

1. have IL-2 FB installed and run il2fb.exe, so a Users folder is setup
2. copy the "Users" folder
C:\Program Files\Ubi Soft\IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles\Users\
and it's enclosed folder/files to
the "IL2 FB Dedicated Server" folder.

(step 1 + 2 needs to be done only once)

When HL then has been setup to point to the renamed emu.exe (to il2fb.exe) it will update the settings.ini file
"IL2 FB Dedicated Server\Users\<currentuser>\settings.ini"
each time before it launches the renamed emu.exe (to il2fb.exe).

3. Now you could read the difficulty settings from "IL2 FB Dedicated Server\Users\<currentuser>\settings.ini" and modify the "difficulty=" value in "confs.ini" file each time before launching the dedicated server.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:50 pm Reply with quote

Wildhoney wrote:
schofei wrote:
Another idea, maybe simpler:
FBLauncher.exe gets the remoteHost IP from Hyperlobby, using the IP FBLauncher.exe sends a request to your emu.exe via a specified port, if emu.exe responds then FBLauncher.exe knows "Ubi emulation", if no response then "normal hosting mode". This would require an additional port besides the usual 21000.

Cool! That's a really good idea. Great, great thanks Smile

Yup this is the way to have a solution Smile

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