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Page 4 of 13 (64 total stories) [ << | < | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | > | >> ]  

 New version 3.9.111 More about Printer Friendly

Hello All

Next version of HL is done. Lots of changes and one new game ...

- Added support for "Falcon 4.0 Allied Force" simulator. You need patch version V1.08 or later for HyperLobby Support. In Hyperlobby, server can preset theater, game type, number of max. players and all settings known from the Rules Of Engagement screen. These options are then fixed in Falcon so that you can be sure that these advertised settings are true when you join a server.
- Fixed race condition preventing setup game server for users with fast internet connection.
- Fixed bug aborting game search task when a folder with no users permision is found (on NTFS volumes).
- Fixed chat input textbox cursor.
- Fixed problems with refreshing "Games In Progress" slots.
- Fixed problem When user save max players server options with incorrect value.
- Game search can be forced by clicking the Right mouse button at the "Connect" button.
- Added support for mouse wheel. This feature can be turned off in hlpro.ini file. This feature is not avalaible for windows 9x/ME users.
- When is chat scrolled up, is automaticaly stopped. Scrol down enable chat again.
- "Better" namimg of tooltips, menus and window titles, improved connection messages and error reporting.
- Changed development enviroment from VB5 to VB6. Users using Windows 9x/ME must download and install "Visual Basic runtime 6.0".
- Fixed few other minor bugs.

Important note for "Falcon 4.0 Allied Force" players:
- The game need setup UDP port forwarding for users using routers (with NAT connection). This is explained in the game manual section 27.


Posted by Jiri-Fojtasek on Sunday, November 26, 2006 @ 17:07:04 CET (5353 reads)

 New version 3.8.101 More about Printer Friendly

Hello All

Next version of the HyperLobby client is done. This version fixing few bugs and adding support for new game:

- Support for Dangerous Waters submarine simulation game
- IL2 Fixed il2.ini localHost settings problem:
- IL2 Added ability to host and join game server when client and the server are behind the same router (router in NAT mode). The feature is not automatic, but can be configured in hlpro.ini file (have look at the comments):

- version 3.8.100 contains bug that made imposible to start HL with a custom skin. Release 3.8.101 fixing this bug. Iam sorry for confusion.


Posted by Jiri-Fojtasek on Monday, April 10, 2006 @ 21:27:46 CEST (8208 reads)

 New version 3.8.95 More about Printer Friendly

Hello All,

I have completed the next version of HyperLobby. It is my pleasure to announce my new sponsor…NaturalPoint!

NaturalPoint is the creator of TrackIR 3 PRO with Vector Expansion 3D view control system. It gives you the ability to change your in-game view by making small movements with your head. It eliminates the need for a POV hat-switch and the use of padlock! It is a "must have" device for flight simulator fans.

They sent me a unit for testing and I am very impressed with the device! The high precision and low computer resource usage is amazing. It’s a winner in all cases when compared to any other related solutions I have tried before. No webcam can compete with the TrackIR.

After that experience, I decided that it would be a good idea to advertise the device to all HyperLobby users. Additonally, all users that purchase a TrackIR by clicking on the $15 Off link provided in HyperLobby will directly support future development of HyperLobby!

If you don’t know what a TrackIR is or you are not sure about the quality of the product (like I did before I tried it), you should read reviews listed at the NaturalPoint website:

or watch some of the videos listed here:

If you already have the TrackIR, but you would like to support HyperLobby with a small contribution please feel free to contact me. :-)

Now about the changelog ...

New features:
-"Dogfights in progress" server list get some sorting options. Just click at the label "Dogfights in progress" and select sorting options you want :)
-Game logo place is now used for TrackIR advertisment banner. The game name is showed in the HL window dropbox

-No bugs were found, but I promise that I will include some in to the next release :)


Posted by Jiri-Fojtasek on Monday, April 11, 2005 @ 21:08:29 CEST (5803 reads)

 Some great news ! More about Printer Friendly

Hello All !

I have some great news for everyone using the HyperLobby online system and its website. First of all i finnally upgraded the php-nuke to the latest available version. Now i using another hosting system ( http://hyperfighter.sk ) givig for me more phantasy as before, and especially i have done great contract with a company than making products needed especially for all us flightsim enthusiasts ! What a product ? stay tuned ! :)

I have made big amnesty for all banned users. I hope that all from they will not finish they online career back in the jail .... :(

Regarding the website, new version of my favorite CMS allowed me to use more website themes as before. I have choiced new default theme, but when you are registered user you can choice your own favorite, include the old one:

If you not like any from that list, lets contact me with your customized themes :)

I have changet my identity at HL website (not the lobby) from JG27*Hyper to Jiri-Fojtasek. My email remain hidden, but i want change it soon as posible (the antispam solutions are now 110% effective)...

Iam happy with all that changes, and its my general reason why i doing what i doing for this, just little project :)


Posted by Jiri-Fojtasek on Thursday, March 17, 2005 @ 21:05:54 CET (5265 reads)

 HyperLobby server maintenace More about Printer Friendly

Hello All

Today, 17th march 2005 betwen 19:00 - 00:00 GMT+1 (CET) will be the HyperLobby server down for database maintenace ... So dont worry that it not working, and go watch TV :)


Posted by Jiri-Fojtasek on Thursday, March 17, 2005 @ 20:20:17 CET (4059 reads)

Page 4 of 13 (64 total stories) [ << | < | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | > | >> ]  

IL-2 Cliffs of Dover0
Dangerous Waters0
Pacific Fighters0
Wings Over Vietnam0
Lock On0
IL-2 Sturmovik 19468
Strike Fighters: P10
Fighter Squadron0
Flanker 2.50
Falcon 4.0 A.F.0
Medal Of Honor...0
Operation Flashpoint0
IL-2 Sturmovik0
IL-2 Sturmovik DEMO0
European Air War0
CFS 20
Free Chat0
Fleet Comander0
Fighters Anthology0
WWII Fighters0

Total: 8 players