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Hello All
Next version of HL is out. So lets read whats new :)
New Features:
- Room list have new layout (two columns)
- Server for IL2FB can set port number (multiple servers behind single IP address)
- IL2FB client rate default to 3000 (28.8 Kbit)
- IL2FB server can setup 64 players session (dedicated server should support it)
- Fixed few autoreconnect issues
- Fixed few minor bugs
Port number feature need to be tested. I really dont know if this working correctly. Also is high recomendet update to this version because of compatibility issues. Previous version will be kicked within few days ...
Posted by JG27*Hyper on Friday, September 24, 2004 @ 21:20:54 CEST (3725 reads)
New Features:
- Static ignore list. List of ignored users is saved to the file, so
when i got a report for banning i will ban both sides ;)
- Autoreconnect for game sessions in progress, so no more manual
reconnect for dedicated machines when is the main HL server restarted,
or when connection to the server fail.
- Server list scrollbar.
- Removed Jane's WW2 Fighters antichet tester
- Added dynamic competition rooms configuration.
- Fixed runtime 340 error.
- some other ...
- Because the competition rooms was chaotic i have removed all the
extra rooms. But dont worry. This new version featuring dynamic room
configuration, so all the rooms come back in short time, without new HL
version requirements !
To add a
competition room in to HL i need an application from the competition
mantainer, that must be posted in to the "Online competitons" forum ...
Direct forum link is here:
Posted by JG27*Hyper on Thursday, July 01, 2004 @ 21:16:46 CEST (2709 reads)
Hello All
After few months is here next official release of the Hyperlobby. It
have some new features and
bugfixes. So come look at it:
New Features:
- Support for the Lock On Modern Aircombat game
- Pager accept up to 490 characters (400 was before)
- Game launch slot resizing to corespond with host "max players"
settings (all FB competition rooms now have the same design. 32,16,16)
- Some old games is disabled for the game selector (can be enabled by
- List of games in the game selector is reversed and can be reordered
(tricky, via hlpro.ini)
- Completly removed support for Longbow 2 game (it was already not work)
- Added new "Free Chat" room
- Chat message from the game host show current/max players count
- Removed competition rooms from IL2 Sturmovik
- Added new competition room "Fighter Sweeps" http://alloutwar.com/IL2FS/
- Added new competition room "GQG Center" http://www.gqg-center.com/
- Pager message was truncated to 200 characters when it has size betwen
200 - 250 characters
- When host set game informations and change the host position in to
another slot, set information window not popup
- Some other that i cant remember :)
Have fun
Jiri Fojtasek
Posted by JG27*Hyper on Monday, January 12, 2004 @ 20:54:32 CET (2385 reads)
 |  Lock On Modern Aircombat - Now supported by HyperLobby ![cssheader=[tonheaderclass] cssbody=[tonbodyclass] header=[Printer Friendly]body=[] Printer Friendly](modules/News/css/images/transparent.gif) |
Hello All
I have done first testing version of the HyperLobby that supporting this new game. This version is pre release, it mean something should be changet until final release :)
Link for download and more details you can found in the Lock On Forum ...
Posted by JG27*Hyper on Sunday, November 30, 2003 @ 17:18:30 CET (2263 reads)
 |  IL2/FB Dedicated Server: FINALLY !!! ![cssheader=[tonheaderclass] cssbody=[tonbodyclass] header=[Printer Friendly]body=[] Printer Friendly](modules/News/css/images/transparent.gif) |
Hello All
I have found that someone begin understant what the flight simulation comunity need and want ...
Well, we have years awaited dedicated server for the game that just leading World War 2 flight simulation: Forgotten Battles from the Maddox Games company ...
Iam glad to say that this dedicated server is partially compatible with the current version of the HyperLobby Online System ...
The incompatibility with this software is based from the different name of the executable. It should be fixed by renaming the "il2server.exe" to "il2fb.exe". Next diference is passing difficulty settings in to the server. This will be solved by the next release of HL. Is posible that i made a standalone thin client for the HL, designed only to use with the server software :)
So i think its good news :)
Posted by JG27*Hyper on Friday, October 31, 2003 @ 20:38:35 CET (2416 reads)
IL-2 Cliffs of Dover | 0
| Dangerous Waters | 0
| Pacific Fighters | 0
| Wings Over Vietnam | 0
| Lock On | 0
| IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 | 8
| Strike Fighters: P1 | 0
| Fighter Squadron | 0
| Flanker 2.5 | 0
| Falcon 4.0 A.F. | 0
| Medal Of Honor... | 0
| JAS | 0
| Operation Flashpoint | 0
| IL-2 Sturmovik | 0
| IL-2 Sturmovik DEMO | 0
| European Air War | 0
| CFS 2 | 0
| CFS | 0
| Free Chat | 0
| Fleet Comander | 0
| I.A.F. | 0
| Fighters Anthology | 0
| F-15 | 0
| F/A-18 | 0
| USAF | 0
| WWII Fighters | 0
Total: 8 players |
| |