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Joined: Jul 22, 2008
Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:37 am Reply with quote

Hi Jiri

You said:

"Read the manual how to create new account in HL."

Unless I'm going blind, as well as stupid, there doesn't appear, as far as I can see, to be a section in the Manual that deals with creating new accounts! Am I missing something here?

There is a short section on changing passwords but that appears to require you to CONNECT to HL BEFORE you can make the change and secondly, it appears to require you to know the old paqssword in order to change it.

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not going insane! This discussion is starting to become circular in nature.
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Joined: Apr 29, 2010
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Location: Sacramento, CA USA (GMT -7)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:56 am Reply with quote

From the HL User Manual:


Upon your first connection you must create a user account. Create you own account:

   1. Type your own callsign into the "CALLSIGN:" textbox **,***
   2. Type your password into the "PASSWORD:" textbox **,***
   3. Check the checkbox "REMEMBER" if you want to use the "automatic password remember" function.
   4. Press the "CONNECT" button.
   5. You may get game the location dialog (installation for some games cannot be detected automatically), which will be explained in the next part of the guide.
   6. Have look at the chat window.
   7. The server will ask you to confirm your password from the "PASSWORD:" textbox (enter it at the chat line).
   8. The server will then ask you to type your email (enter it at the chat, and make sure it is correct).
   9. ... enjoy your new account !!!

There is a checkbox beside the "CALLSIGN:" textbox. If you check it, HL will connect automatically every time you run the HL application. The remember password checkbox is beside the "PASSWORD:" textbox.

* When you get the chat message "Wrong password or invalid username", you are trying register using an already registered user account, which is not allowed.
** Do not use other user accounts gived to you by your friends or anyone else, otherwise you will get really bad problems.
*** Passwords and callsigns are not case sensitive
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Joined: Jul 22, 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:52 am Reply with quote


Thanks for that. Unfortunately, it didn't fix the problem.

Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I have been using hyperlobby for about two year I guess, including the latest version of client. However, a couple of weeks ago my system became corrupted and I had to reinstall my operating system and everything else; including HL client. However, presumably, because I'm already registered with HL, I can't join games because although I remember my login pass word for HL forums, I can't remember my client password to join servers, so when I attempt to join, I'm told that I'm using the "wrong username or password".

When I followed your instructions (type in a new password, check "remember" and then clicked on connect; I am again told that I am using the "wrong username or password". I'm not asked to confirm my password as you suggest!

So, it seems to me that I need to either find out what my old password is, or, failing that, establish a new account. I don't know how to do that and the manual doesn't appear to tell me.
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Location: Sacramento, CA USA (GMT -7)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:24 pm Reply with quote

terrorfleiger wrote:

Thanks for that. Unfortunately, it didn't fix the problem.

Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I have been using hyperlobby for about two year I guess, including the latest version of client. However, a couple of weeks ago my system became corrupted and I had to reinstall my operating system and everything else; including HL client. However, presumably, because I'm already registered with HL, I can't join games because although I remember my login pass word for HL forums, I can't remember my client password to join servers, so when I attempt to join, I'm told that I'm using the "wrong username or password".

When I followed your instructions (type in a new password, check "remember" and then clicked on connect; I am again told that I am using the "wrong username or password". I'm not asked to confirm my password as you suggest!

So, it seems to me that I need to either find out what my old password is, or, failing that, establish a new account. I don't know how to do that and the manual doesn't appear to tell me.

Okay, thanks for clarifying.

If you know the email address you used to create the account, and answer a question or two (In private of course) one of the staff can assist you with this matter.
If not, simply create a new account like you did previously by unchecking both username and password REMEMBER boxes, enter the new account name and proceed as if you were a first time visitor.

Hopefully this helps!

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:16 pm Reply with quote

Hi Strerga

I've sent a PM to you containing my email address. Happy to answer any questions. If I should be directing the message to someone else please advise.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:12 pm Reply with quote

MissStrega and Jiri, thanks for all your help. I'm back flying again.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:59 pm Reply with quote

I downloaded IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 a few days ago over steam. I have windows 7. When selecting the correct game, I've heard a lot about selecting forgotten battles from the right hand side but I don't see that option. I do see the option to select IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 (which I'm assuming is the closest thing to what I'm supposed to select). So I select that and under Game Path, manually direct the file to where its installed straight to the il2fb file. That doesn't work and the search doesn't find it either. I've tried renaming it with the .exe and back but nothing is working. Help would be appreciated!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:33 pm Reply with quote

MajesticMoose wrote:
I downloaded IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 a few days ago over steam. I have windows 7. When selecting the correct game, I've heard a lot about selecting forgotten battles from the right hand side but I don't see that option. I do see the option to select IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 (which I'm assuming is the closest thing to what I'm supposed to select). So I select that and under Game Path, manually direct the file to where its installed straight to the il2fb file. That doesn't work and the search doesn't find it either. I've tried renaming it with the .exe and back but nothing is working. Help would be appreciated!

Try run HL as administrator or try disable UAC. Also posting screenshots will be helpfull to solve your problem (like in few prevoius posts in this thread)

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:46 pm Reply with quote

Sorry about taking a long time to respond. Running it as administrator worked. Thanks so much!
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Joined: Nov 02, 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:30 pm Reply with quote


I just updated my computer and OS and I'm having this problem of HL not finding the game .exe. I have tried to use the 'search' function in HL, and also pasting the exact path into the path-field. I have tried to move the IL-2 folder in different locations within the computer as I was told IL-2 must not reside inside any Program Files folder - still no joy!

One thing is suspicious to me. When I ask HL to search for the game, it never tries to look inside C:/Games where the game folder is now, or C:/IL-2 where I also tried to put it. Do I have to install the game for HL to recognize it? I mean, just copying the game folder from external disk isn't enough??

System specs:

Running MacBook Pro 2011 with bootcamp
Processor: i7 QuadCore 2.2 GHz
RAM 8 Gb
Video: AMD Radeon HD 6750M
OS: Windows 7 Professional

I am logged into the system as administrator. HL is installed at C:/Hyperlobby. I have triple checked that I have the full permissions. I have googled the web and found possible solutions but just running as admin hasn't done the trick for me.

Any further ideas to try out are mostly appreciated!!

<S> and thanks in advance!

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Hyper Staff

Joined: May 11, 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:12 pm Reply with quote

you "can" go into BIOS and change or select no password or even easier if you are afraid to go into BIOS u can open the case and take battery out for a few minutes. then put battery back in and boot pc.there will be no more password needed after that.
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Joined: Nov 02, 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:20 pm Reply with quote

BH_woodstock wrote:
you "can" go into BIOS and change or select no password or even easier if you are afraid to go into BIOS u can open the case and take battery out for a few minutes. then put battery back in and boot pc.there will be no more password needed after that.

Ah, so having a password for my admin account could cause this??
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:36 pm Reply with quote

Hi again,

For the life of me, I can't figure out why my problem was solved, but anyhow my HL works now just as usual and I am able to connect. HL finds all the 3 different IL-2 game folders I have in my computer.

The only thing that I did was that I copied 2 different installations of IL-2 into my C:/Games/ folder to see if HL might recognize another game folder and then HL suddenly found them all.

I'm sorry I can't help other by telling what was the reason, anyway it works now.


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Joined: Jul 15, 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:36 pm Reply with quote

DrDom wrote:

I just updated my computer and OS and I'm having this problem of HL not finding the game .exe. I have tried to use the 'search' function in HL, and also pasting the exact path into the path-field. I have tried to move the IL-2 folder in different locations within the computer as I was told IL-2 must not reside inside any Program Files folder - still no joy!

One thing is suspicious to me. When I ask HL to search for the game, it never tries to look inside C:/Games where the game folder is now, or C:/IL-2 where I also tried to put it. Do I have to install the game for HL to recognize it? I mean, just copying the game folder from external disk isn't enough??

System specs:

Running MacBook Pro 2011 with bootcamp
Processor: i7 QuadCore 2.2 GHz
RAM 8 Gb
Video: AMD Radeon HD 6750M
OS: Windows 7 Professional

I am logged into the system as administrator. HL is installed at C:/Hyperlobby. I have triple checked that I have the full permissions. I have googled the web and found possible solutions but just running as admin hasn't done the trick for me.

Any further ideas to try out are mostly appreciated!!

<S> and thanks in advance!


Are you using mods? because sometimes when you activate/deactivate mods, the il2fb.exe file just set itself to hidden attribute, which obviously HL can't see. Go into your il2 folder, right-click il2fb.exe, and select Properties. Look at the bottom and uncheck hidden if it is checked.

[edit] Just saw that your issues has been resolved. I do suspect that your il2fb.exe did what I describe above. Next time check if il2fb.exe is hidden
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Hyper Staff

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:45 pm Reply with quote

what an old post you found hammer
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